[a - 53 lines; b - 36 lines]

1)[line 1]לבי תורתאL'VEI TORASA- the name of a place

2)[line 3]פרישPARISH- he separated from them

3)[line 4]רמאהRAMA'AH- cheater, deceiver

4)[line 4]יהא רעוא דליהוו הנהו אינשי בשמתיהYEHEI RA'AVA D'LEHEVU HANHU INSHEI B'SHAMTEI- may it be the will [of HaSh-m] that those men be excommunicated

5)[line 7]כולהו תבעו שמתייהוKULHU TAVU SHAMTAYHU- they all petitioned to end the order of excommunication

6)[line 8]גירדנאGIRDANA- a weaver

7)[line 9]אריאARYA- a lion

8)[line 9]גירדנא דלא טייזן שתא בציר משניGIRDENA D'LO TAIZAN SHATA BETZIR MI'SHANEI- a weaver that is not humble, a year is diminished from his years

9)[line 14]תניקTANIK- nurse a baby

10)[line 20]שפיכות דמיםSHEFICHUS DAMIM- murder

11)[line 23]אבל לא בינה לבינהAVAL LO BEINAH L'VEINAH- (lit. but not between herself and herself) not in private. This means that an idolatress may not deliver the child of a Jewish woman if no one else is available, because we are worried that she may kill the child.

12)[line 24]דמנחא ליה ידא אפותא וקטלא ליהD'MANCHA LEI YADA A'PUSA V'KATLA LEI- she may place her hand over the child's forehead (depressing the soft membrane) and kill him [without anyone noticing]

13)[line 26]מולדא יהודייתא בת מולדא יהודייתאMOLDA YEHUDAYASA BAS MOLDA YEHUDAYASA- a Jewish midwife, the daughter of a Jewish midwife

14)[line 27]נפישין בישתאNEFISHIN BISHASA- may many evils befall you (like the number Jewish children I have killed)

15)[line 28]דקא משפילנא מינייהו דמא כי אופיא דנהראD'KA MASHPILNA MINAIHU DAMA KI UFYA D'NAHARA- for I spill their blood like the foam of a river. (According to RABBEINU CHANANEL, she killed as many Jewish children as the number of logs floating in the river.)

16)[line 37]דשייפא ליה סמא לדד מאבראי וקטלא ליהD'SHAIFA LEI SAMA L'DAD ME'ABRAI V'KATLA LEI- that sometimes she may smear poison on her breast while outside the home of the Jewish mother and thereby kill the baby

17)[line 45]איבהEIVAH- enmity

18)[line 45]דידן דמינטרי שבתא מחללינן עלייהוDIDAN D'MINTEREI SHABASA MECHALELINAN ALAIHU- for us, that we observe Shabbos, we may desecrate [Shabbos] for its sake (to deliver a baby who will observe Shabbos)

19)[line 48]פנויהPENUYAH- an unmarried woman

20)[line 49]בעינא לאינסוביBEINA L'INSUVEI- I need to get married

21)[line 49]לא קא מזדהמנא באפי גבראLO KA MIZDAHAMNA B'APEI GAVRA- I do not want to become disgusting in the face of my husband

22)[line 50]רועי בהמה דקה לא מעלין ולא מורידיןRO'EI VEHEMAH DAKAH LO MA'ALIN V'LO MORIDIN - shepherds of small domesticated animals [should they fall into a pit] are not brought up (i.e. are not saved), but they are not lowered down [into pits to die there]

(a)The Chachamim decreed that it is prohibited to raise Behemah Dakah (small, domesticated farm animals such as sheep), in Eretz Yisrael because they enter people's fields and damage their property. The shepherds who tend the flocks of others are classified among those people who are disqualified from testifying and being judges, since they are suspected of stealing (Sanhedrin 25b).

23)[line 52]קאי ברי אאיגראKA'I BERI A'IGRA- my son is standing on the roof (and if I do not help him he may fall)

24)[line 52]לבי דוארL'VEI DAVAR- (a) the residence of the ruler (RASHI); (b) the residence of a postmaster who distributes mail to the city (RAMBAM, ROSH and RISHONIM). One may say to the person in the pit, "If I miss that appointment, I will be penalized and lose more money that I could earn by assisting you."


25)[line 1]המיניםHA'MINIM- the Jewish infidels or heretics

26)[line 1]והמסורותVEHA'MASOROS- and the Jews who, of their own volition, reveal the location of another's possessions to someone who wants to take them away (see Insights to Kerisus 2b) (this is the Girsa of the SHITAH MEKUBETZES according to the MAHARSHAL)

27)[line 2]והמומריםVEHA'MUMARIM- the Jewish apostates, who reject the laws of the Torah

28)[line 4]סמיSAMI MI'KAN- remove (delete) from here (Rebbi Avahu's Beraisa)

29)[line 5]במומר אוכל נבילות לתיאבוןB'MUMAR OCHEL NEVEILOS L'SEI'AVON- [Rebbi Yochanan's teaching is dealing] with a sinner who eats non-Kosher food (or transgresses any other sin) for monetary benefit, e.g. the non-Kosher food is less expensive

30)[line 6]במומר אוכל נבולות להכעיסB'MUMAR OCHEL NEVEILOS L'HACH'IS- [Rebbi Avahu's Beraisa is dealing] with a person who eats non-Kosher food (or transgresses any other sin) in order to anger his Creator

31)[line 11]פרעושPAR'OSH- a flea

32)[line 12]יתושYETUSH- a mosquito

33)[line 13]בעי למיטעם טעמא דאיסוראBA'I L'MIT'AM TA'AMA D'ISURA- he wanted to taste the flavor of a forbidden item. He ate the insects to see what they would taste like.

34)[line 15]אחותי מחתינןACHUSEI MECHASINAN- we lower them down [into a pit]

35)[line 17]היתה מעלה בבור מגררהHAISAH MA'ALAH BA'BOR MEGARERAH- if there was an incline (of earth) in the pit (on which he could stand and climb out), one may scrape it down (in order to prevent him from coming up)

36)[line 18]דנקיט ליה עילאD'NAKIT LEI ILA- that one could find a rationale or pretext for his action

37)[line 18]לא תיחות חיותא עילויLO SECHUS CHEIVASA ILAVEI- so that my animals will not fall into the pit [by way of the ledge]. (TOSFOS DH d'Lo explains that the law of the Gemara applies only when the Nochrim rule; when Yisraelim rule, we may throw the heretic into a pit. The RITVA argues and says that we never throw a heretic into a pit; we merely prevent him from leaving.)

38)[line 21]לעבורי חיותא עילויהL'ABUREI CHEIVASA ILAVEI- I need to pass my animals over it (and if the pit is uncovered, I fear that some of my animals will fall in)

39)[line 24]מורנאMURNA- [a Jew is not allowed to circumcise an idolater, even in order to remove] a worm [that is under the foreskin]

40)[line 30]דמצלי ליה סכינאD'MATZLI LEI SAKINA- that he may tilt the knife

41)[line 30]כרות שפכהKERUS SHAFCHAH- impotent; a Kerus Shafchah is a man who cannot have children because his male organ is mutilated. He is not permitted to marry into Benei Yisrael, as is stated in Devarim 23:2. He may, however, marry a convert or a freed slave (Yevamos 76a).

42)[line 31]כותיKUSI (KUSIM)

(a)The King of Ashur brought the people of Kusa to Eretz Yisrael and made them settle in the Shomron. They converted to Judaism after they found themselves under attack from lions. The Chachamim disagree as to whether their conversion was honest and valid (Geirei Emes) or not (Geirei Arayos).

(b)After the times of the Mishnah, the Kusim were found worshipping an image of a dove and the Chachamim gave them the status of Nochrim. (According to most Rishonim, this means that they decided to treat them like Nochrim l'Chumra, even if they were Geirei Emes. According to the RAMBAM (Peirush ha'Mishnayos), however, this means that they decided that their conversion was not sincere and deemed them Nochrim (Geirei Arayos) for all Halachic matters.)