SELLING THEM HARMFUL ITEMS (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 9b)
תני אין מוכרין להן לא זיין ולא כלי זיין ואין משיחיזין להן את הזיין
(Beraisa): One may not sell to idolaters weapons (swords or spears) or their handles or sheaths. One may not sharpen weapons for them.
תיפתר בעיר שכולה נכרים.
This is referring to a city in which only idolaters reside (but if Jews also live there, these things are permitted, as the idolaters will use the weapons to protect the city).
ואין האשה בכלל שפיכות דמים
Question: The reason that the Mishnah gave for a woman being prohibited to be secluded with idolaters is because of illicit relations; shouldn't it be for the same reason as given for a man, namely, because idolaters are suspected of murder?
א"ר אמי תיפתר בבריאה.
Answer (R. Ami): It is discussing a healthy woman who they would not kill as they can have relations with her.
א"ר אבין ואפילו תימר יכולה אשה להטמין את עצמה ולומר נכריה אני ואין האיש יכול להטמין עצמו ולומר נכרי הוא.
Answer #2 (R. Avin): Even if she is an unhealthy woman - a woman can hide her Judaism from the captors (so they will not kill her) but a man cannot hide his Judaism.
תני נזדווג לו נכרי לישראל נותנו לימינו
Beraisa: If a Jew met an idolater on the road (and is travelling the same road as him), he should put the idolater on his right side (so that if the idolater tries to attack him, the Jew can use his right hand to defend himself).
רבי ישמעאל בי רבי יוסי אומר בסייף לימינו ובמקלו לשמאלו
(R. Yishmael bei R. Yosi): If the idolater has a sword, the Jew should position the idolater to his right (so the Jew can defend himself with his right hand). If the idolater is holding a stick in his right hand, the Jew should position the idolater to his left, so that if the idolater raises his right hand, it will be further from the Jew.
עולה עמו לעלייה ויורד עמו (לחרות)[לירידה] ישראל מלמעלה והעכו"ם מלמטה
When the idolater climbs a mountain with the Jew, or descends into a valley, the Jew should always position himself higher than the idolater.
לא ישוח לפניו שלא ירוץ את גולגולתו. ומרחיב לו את הדרך אם שאלו להיכן הולך יפליגנו כשם שהפליג יעקב אבינו לעשו שאמר לו עד אשר אבוא אל אדוני שעירה והלך לסוכות.
He should not bend down in front of the idolater so that the idolater will not crush his skull. And if he meets an idolater on the road who asks him where he is going, he should respond that the length of his journey is more than it actually is, so that the idolater will leave the Jew alone when the idolater reaches his destination. This was the way that Yaakov Avinu dealt with Esav, as he told him (Bereishis 33:14), "...until I will come to my master, to Seir" and Yaakov instead went to Succos.
א"ר הונא לא מצינו שהלך יעקב אבינו לשעיר
(Rav Huna): We do not find that Yaakov Avinu went to Seir (and he only told Esav that to get away from him).
א"ר יודן בריה דרב לעתיד לבוא א"ל ועלו מושיעים בהר ציון לשפוט את הר עשו
(R. Yudan son of Rav): Yaakov was alluding to him that it will occur in the future, as the pasuk states (Ovadia 1:21), "And saviors will ascend Mount Tzion to judge the mountain of Esav".
בת ישראל לא תיילד את הנכרית. מפני שמעמדת בן לע"א:
The Mishnah taught: A Jewish woman should not act as a midwife for a female idolater. The reason is because she is helping the birth of another child to serve idols.
אבל נכרית מיילדת בת ישראל.
The Mishnah taught: But a female idolater may act as a midwife for a Jewish woman.
ותני כן מיילדת מבחוץ אבל לא מבפנים לא תכניס ידה לפנים שלא תמיק את העובר במיעיה ולא תשקינה כוס של עיקרין.
Support (Beraisa): She should act as a midwife 'on the outside but not on the inside'. This means that she should not put her hand inside (to take out the baby) because we are concerned that she might crush the baby inside. An idolater should also not give a Jewess a potion to prevent her from conceiving (as we concerned that she might also mix in poison).
היתה חכמה
Question: If the idolater was the local expert midwife there, can she help the Jewess alone, without others supervising?
ייבה כיי דמר רבי יעקב בר אחא בשם רבי יוחנן אם היה רופא אומן מותר והכא אם היתה חכמה מותר:
Answer: It should be like the law R. Yaakov bar Acha said in the name of R. Yochanan (about a doctor) - (even though a Jew should not visit a doctor who is an idolater) if the doctor is the local expert, it is permitted (as he would not want to damage his profession). Here also, since the midwife is the local expert, it is permitted.