BAVA BASRA 19 (8 Tamuz 5784) - Today's Dafyomi study is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Moshe Gottlieb, Moshe Ze'ev ben Chaim Shlomo Yosef ha'Levi z'l, who healed the sick of Jerusalem and Israel with Chesed. Dedicated by his loving family on the day of his Yahrzeit.

[19a - 54 lines; 19b - 39 lines]

1a)[line 4]המחמצןHA'MECHAMTZAN- a pool of water containing dog excrement, used for soaking clothes that need to be washed. The excrement creates an alkaline solution that acts as a soap to loosen dirt and stains.

b)[line 4]הנדייןHA'NADYAN- a pool of water that is used for scrubbing and washing clothes after they have soaked in the Mechamtzan

2)[line 6]ואיכא דרמי להו מירמיIKA D'RAMU LEHU MIRMEI- there are those who ask it as a contradiction

3)[line 11]מתני לה בהדיאMASNI LAH B'HEDYA- teaches it explicitly

4)[line 15]אם כן, ליערבינהו וליתנינהוIM KEN, LI'ARVINHU V'LISNINHU- if so, the phrases should be combined and taught [in the Mishnah as one phrase]

5a)[line 18](דמתונא) [דמתונתא](D'MESUNA) [D'MESUNASA]- of dampness

b)[line 18]דהבלאD'HEVLA- of heat

6)[line 25]ליבעי רווחא טפיLIBA'I RAVCHA TEFEI- he should need a larger distance [than three Tefachim]

7)[line 27]במה טומניןBAMEH TOMNIN (HATMANAH)

In order to keep food warm for the Shabbos day meal, it is heated on Friday and the pots are completely wrapped in insulating material (the process called Hatmanah) before sunset. If the material used adds heat to the food, the Hatmanah is prohibited.

8a)[line 28]בגפתGEFES- olive-waste (after the oil has been pressed out)

b)[line 28]בזבלZEVEL- dung

c)[line 28]במלחMELACH- salt

d)[line 29]בסידSID- lime, plaster

e)[line 29]בחולCHOL- sand

9a)[line 34]בגיזי צמרGIZEI TZEMER- shearings of wool

b)[line 35]ולשונות של ארגמןLESHONOS SHEL ARGAMAN- strips of wool, dyed purple

10)[line 36]ובציפי צמרTZIFEI TZEMER- fleeces of wool that have been beaten (combed)

11)[line 37]ובמוכיןMUCHIN- and the soft substances such as combings of wool, rags, lint, etc.

12)[line 38]"יַגִּיד עָלָיו רֵיעוֹ""YAGID ALAV REI'O"- "The noise of the storm tells of it..." (Iyov 36:33) - Abaye takes this verse out of context, using it to mean, "His companion will testify about it," as he proceeds to explain.

13)[line 40]ליתנינהו לכולהו בחדאLISNINHU L'CHULHU B'CHADA- the entire list should be taught in one of the Mishnayos

14)[line 41]וליתני חדא מנייהו באידךV'LISNI CHADA MINAIHU B'IDACH- and (only) one of them should be taught in the other Mishnah

15)[line 43]דמשתכי לה לקדרהD'MISHTECHEI LAH LI'KEDEIRAH- (a) they (the stones) will break the pot that is being insulated; (b) they will cause the pot to rust

16a)[line 45]דמחמימי חייםME'CHAMEMEI CHAYIM- it heats up [a hot pot that is insulated]

b)[line 45]ומקרירי קרירMI'KARIREI KARIR- it cools off [a wall]

17)[line 46]התם, (במתונא) [במתונתא]HASAM, (B'MATUNA) [B'MATUNASA]- There, it is referring to damages that are a result of dampness. (He taught a Halachah regarding wet sand in the Beraisa that is parallel to our Mishnah.)

18)[line 49]משום דקביעאMISHUM DI'KEVI'A- since it is in a fixed place

19)[line 51]דקוו וקיימיKAVU V'KAIMEI- it is standing water (that can do more damage through seepage)

20)[line 52]בממפולת ידB'MAPOLES YAD- with "the throw of a hand," i.e. digging with a spade and planting, without plowing first

21)[line 53]בחורש לאילנותCHORESH L'ILANOS- plowing around tree roots


22)[line 1]לצדדין קא משתרשיLI'TZEDADIN KA MISHTARSHEI- [the roots] propagate sideways (and tunnel through the soil until they damage the foundations of a wall)

23)[line 1]המבריךHA'MAVRICH- (O.F. proveinier) one who puts a shoot from a vine into the ground with its end sticking out of the ground to produce a new plant (once it has rooted, the connecting shoot is severed)

24)[line 5]שמחלידין את הקרקעSHE'MACHLIDIN ES HA'KARKA- the roots (a) tunnel into the ground (RASHI); (b) extract the nourishment from the ground (ARUCH, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)

25)[line 6]ומעלין עפר תיחוחU'MA'ALIN AFAR TICHO'ACH- and cause it to become loose, fine dirt

26a)[line 9]"[הִנְנִי מֵבִיא אֵלֶיךָ רָעָה, וּבִעַרְתִּי אַחֲרֶיךָ;] וְהִכְרַתִּי לְאַחְאָב מַשְׁתִּין בְּקִיר, וְעָצוּר וְעָזוּב בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל""[HINENI MEVI EILECHA RA'AH, U'VI'ARTI ACHARECHA,] V'HICHRATI L'ACH'AV MASHTIN B'KIR, V'ATZUR V'AZUV B'YISRAEL" - "[Behold I will bring upon you evil, and I will search after and destroy you;] and I will eliminate [from you] Ach'av down to the last dog (lit. he who urinates on the wall), your wealth (that is stored in the house), and your cattle (that are left in the field) from among Israel" (Melachim I 21:21) (ACH'AV AND HIS HOUSE ARE DOOMED)

(a)After Ach'av and Izevel carried out their plot to have Navos killed and his vineyard confiscated, HaSh-m instructed Eliyahu ha'Navi to go down to Navos' vineyard to confront Ach'av, who had gone there to inherit it. He was to inform him that if he thought that he would get away with murdering Navos and inheriting his vineyard, he was sadly mistaken. On the very spot where the dogs lapped up the blood of Navos, the dogs were destined to lap up his blood, and dogs would similarly devour his wife Izevel in the valley of Yizre'el.

(b)When they met, Ach'av asked Eliyahu whether "he had found him." According to some commentaries, Ach'av meant to ask whether he had found him guilty, implying that it was his wife Izevel who had initiated the plot, and that he was innocent. Eliyahu replied that Ach'av knew full well that whatever Izevel did was with his full consent, and that he was therefore an accomplice in the evil deed.

(c)The Navi told Ach'av that his house would be destroyed, just like those of the evil Yerav'am and Ba'asha, because, encouraged by his wicked wife, he sinned and caused Yisrael to sin to a larger extent than all the kings that had preceded him. (The previous kings of Yisrael sinned out of the fear that if they returned to Yerushalayim on Yom Tov, the people, who would see the kings of Yehudah sitting and the kings of Yisrael standing, would revert to Malchus Yehudah. Ach'av, though, sinned out of conviction, in the manner that the Emori worshipped their idols.)

(d)When Ach'av heard the words of the Navi, he rent his garments and placed sack-cloth on his flesh. He fasted, lay down on sack-cloth, and walked barefooted. HaSh-m told Eliyahu that because Ach'av humbled himself before G-d, He would not wipe out his family during his lifetime, only during the lifetime of his son.

b)[line 10]ועצורV'ATZUR- (a) members of his household who are locked up (RADAK); (b) property that is locked in treasuries and vaults (METZUDAS DAVID)

c)[line 10]ועזובV'AZUV- (a) members of his household who are left alive (RADAK); (b) property that is left out in the fields, such as cattle and sheep (METZUDAS DAVID)

27)[line 12]בשופכיןSHOFCHIN- (a) [he pours out] a vessel full of foul-smelling water (RASHI); (b) kitchen waste water (ARUCH)

28)[line 16]בכותל לביניםKOSEL LEVEINIM- a brick wall (the bricks of the time disintegrated upon contact with urine)

29)[line 18]צונמאTZUNMA- [the wall was built on top of] rock or very hard soil (RASHI)

30a)[line 21]מידי דדרכיה לאישתוני בקירMIDI D'DARCHEI L'ISHTUNEI B'KIR- something that normally urinates against a wall

b)[line 21]לא שביקנא ליהLO SHEVIKNA LEI- … of his, I will not leave

31)[line 23]רקיקRAKIK- a thin wafer

32)[line 24]עבהAVAH- a thick one

33a)[line 25](כיון דאיחזי) [כיון דחזי] ליה(KEIVAN D'ICHAZI) [D'CHEIVAN D'CHAZI] LEI- since he can see it

b)[line 26]לא מבטיל ליהLO MEVATEL LEI- he does not abandon it such that it is considered part of the wall

34)[line 26]דממאיסD'MIM'IS- that it decomposes, becomes unappetizing

35)[line 29]אינו חוצץ בפני הטומאהEINO CHOTZETZ BIFNEI HA'TUM'AH (TUM'AS OHEL)

(a)For a discussion of the extent of Tum'ah that is generated by an object that causes Tum'as Ohel, see Background to Bava Kama 105:13.

(b)When an object that can be Metamei b'Ohel is located in an Ohel, the Ohel itself makes everything in it Tamei, and protects anything that is above it from becoming Tamei. That is, an Ohel is Mevi Tum'ah (spreads Tum'ah inside of it) and is Chotzetz from Tum'ah (intervenes between the Tum'ah and the space above the Ohel, preventing Tum'ah from spreading above it).

(c)However, not all objects that cover Tum'ah are Mevi and Chotzetz. There are objects that are Mevi and not Chotzetz, other objects that are Chotzetz and not Mevi, and even others that are neither Mevi nor Chotzetz (Ohalos 8:5). (For example, an object that is flying through the air, such as a bird or a Talis that is carried or caught up by the wind, is not an Ohel and is not Mevi or Chotzetz, even if it is one Tefach wide.)

(d)In our Sugya, the Gemara teaches that any object that can become Tamei cannot block Tum'as Ohel from passing through it. In our case, the Gemara states that any food item should be considered incapable of blocking Tum'ah from spreading horizontally through a window (because food is usually susceptible to become Tamei).

36)[line 31]גרוגרותGEROGEROS- dried figs

37)[line 34]בסריאSARYA- it was spoiled, rotten

38)[line 35]חזי לטינאCHAZI L'TINA- [is it not] fit for use to make mortar?

39)[line 35]דאית ביה קוציIS BEI KOTZEI- it has thorns in it

40)[line 35]חזי להסקהCHAZI L'HASAKAH- [is it not] fit for use as fuel for kindling?

41)[line 36](במתונא) [במתונתא](MESUNA) [MESUNASA]- it is damp

42)[line 38]בשהתריפוHITRIFU- they became wormy

43)[last line]אי דפומא לברIY D'FUMA L'VAR- if its mouth is pointing outward (towards the room that does not have Tum'as Mes in it)