[25a - 53 lines; 25b - 50 lines]

1)[line 1]שעושה אותו גללSHE'OSEH OSO GALAL- that he makes it into a dung heap

2)[line 2]הנבלותNEVELOS- carcasses

3)[line 2]הקברותKEVAROS- graves

4)[line 2]הבורסקיBURSEKI- a tannery where hides are processed

5)[line 6]המשרהMISHRAH- a soaking pond for flax

6)[line 6]הירקYEREK- vegetables

7)[line 7]הכרישיןKEREISHIN- (O.F. porels) - garden leeks (Allium porrum)

8)[line 7]הבצליםBETZALIM- onions

9)[line 7]החרדלCHARDAL- mustard plants

10)[line 8]הדבוריםDEVORIM- bees

11)[line 16]שהיא תדיראSHE'HI TEDIRA- that it is constant [in some way that the Gemara proceeds to discuss]

12)[line 17]תדירא ברוחותTEDIRA B'RUCHOS- the most constant of all of the winds

13)[line 18]מנשבותMENASHVOS- blow

14)[line 21]בן נץBEN NETZ- (lit. the son of a hawk) the name of an angel (whose appearance resembles a hawk - RASHI)

15)[line 23]"הֲמִבִּינָתְךָ יַאֲבֶר נֵץ; יִפְרוֹשׂ כְּנָפָיו לְתֵימָן?""HAMI'BINASCHA YA'AVER NETZ; YIFROS KENAFAV L'SEIMAN?"- "Does the hawk fly by your wisdom, and stretch her wings toward the south?" (Iyov 39:26)

16)[line 28]פרסPERAS- rations

17)[line 35]"הַתְשַׁלַּח בְּרָקִים וְיֵלֵכוּ; וְיֹאמְרוּ לְךָ הִנֵּנוּ?""HA'SESHALACH BERAKIM V'YELECHU; V'YOMRU LECHA HINENU?"- "Or can you send out the lightening to go forth [because of your command]; and will they say to you, 'Here we are'?" (Iyov 38:35) - Once the lightening goes forth (away from HaSh-m, keve'Yachol), it can only report to Him with the words "Here I am" if the presence of HaSh-m exists in every direction.

18)[line 44]דא''ל רב ששת לשמעיהD'AMAR LEI RAV SHESHES L'SHAM'EI- for Rav Sheshes (who was blind) would say to his attendant

19)[line 45]לכל רוחתא אוקמן, לבר ממזרחL'CHOL RUCHASA UKMAN, L'VAR MI'MIZRACH- set me up [to pray] in any direction

20)[line 46]דמורו בה מיניD'MORU BAH MINEI- because idol worshippers establish it as their custom [to pray exactly due east]

21)[line 48]מאי "אוריה"MAI "ORIYAH"- (a) the Persian word for "west" (RASHI, quoting his teachers); (b) east, similar to the Middle French word "orient" (RASHI)

22)[line 49]"יַעֲרוֹף כַּמָּטָר לִקְחִי, תִּזַּל כַּטַּל אִמְרָתִי; כִּשְׂעִירִים עֲלֵי דֶשֶׁא, וְכִרְבִיבִים עֲלֵי עֵשֶׂב""YA'AROF KA'MATAR LIKCHI, TIZAL KA'TAL IMRASI; KI'S'IRIM ALEI DESHE, V'CHIRVIVIM ALEI ESEV"- "My doctrine shall drop as the rain, My speech shall distil as the dew; as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass." (Devarim 32:2)

23)[line 50]מערפו של עולםME'ORPO SHEL OLAM- from the "back of the neck" of the world

24)[line 51]שמזלת את הזהבMAZELES ES HA'ZAHAV- it cheapens the price of gold (as a commodity)

25)[line 51]"הַזָּלִים זָהָב מִכִּיס...""HA'ZALIM ZAHAV MI'KIS..."- "They pour gold out of the moneybag, [and weigh silver on the scale; they hire a smith and he makes it into a god, they bow down and even worship]." (Yeshayah 46:6)

26)[line 52]שמסערת את כל העולם כשעירMAS'ERES ES KOL HA'OLAM KI'SE'IR- it stirs up the world like a demon

27)[last line]מעלה רביביםMA'ALAH REVIVIM- it brings up rain


28)[line 1]לאכסדרהACHSADRAH- to a structure that is covered by a roof and is enclosed on three of its sides

29)[line 1]ורוח צפונית אינה מסובבתV'RU'ACH TZEFONIS EINAH MESUVEVES- and the northerly direction does not have a border

30)[line 3]נכפפתNICHFEFES- it bends down

31)[line 4]לקובהKUBAH- a cube

32)[line 6]מקפתMAKEFES- it goes around

33)[line 7]כיפהKIPAH- the domed roof of the world

34)[line 7]"הוֹלֵךְ אֶל דָּרוֹם, וְסוֹבֵב אֶל צָפוֹן; סוֹבֵב סוֹבֵב הוֹלֵךְ הָרוּחַ וְעַל סְבִיבוֹתָיו שָׁב הָרוּחַ""HOLECH EL DAROM, V'SOVEV EL TZAFON; SOVEV SOVEV HOLECH HA'RU'ACH V'AL SEVIVOSAV SHAV HA'RU'ACH"- "It goes towards the south, and circles towards the north; the wind goes around and around, and on its rounds the wind returns." (Koheles 1:6)

35a)[line 11]מסבבתןMESAVEVASAN- it goes around them from behind; i.e. it traverses them at night when it cannot be seen

b)[line 11]מהלכתןMEHALCHASAN- it traverses them during the day

36)[line 12]"מִן הַחֶדֶר תָּבוֹא סוּפָה; וּמִמְּזָרִים קָרָה""MIN HA'CHEDER TAVO SUFAH; U'MIMEZARIM KARAH"- "The storm [and hurricane winds] come from the [southern] room [at His command]; and the cold [comes] from the stars [when He decrees]." (Iyov 37:9-10) - The Gemara interprets "Mezarim" as "the different one."

37a)[line 17]בניחותאB'NICHUSA- softly

b)[line 18]בשפיכותאB'SHEFICHUSA- fiercely

38)[line 19]"מִצָּפוֹן זָהָב יֶאֱתֶה...""MI'TZAFON ZAHAV YE'ESEH..."- "[For the brightness of the skies which is like] pure gold, come from the north; [and upon HaSh-m, the Awesome One, there is even much greater glory than all this]." (Iyov 37:22)

39)[line 22]לא הוגשמה רוח דרומיתLO HUGSHEMAH RU'ACH DEROMIS- the south wind has not been laden with rain

40)[line 23]"וַיִּגְזוֹר עַל יָמִין וְרָעֵב, וַיֹּאכַל עַל שְׂמֹאל וְלֹא שָׂבֵעוּ...""VA'YIGZOR AL YAMIN V'RA'EV, VA'YOCHAL AL SEMOL V'LO SAVE'U..."- "And he shall snatch at the right, and be hungry; and he shall eat at the left, and they shall not be satisfied..." (Yeshayah 9:19)

41)[line 26]מאוצר טובOTZAR TOV- from the Storehouse of Goodness

42a)[line 29]ידריםYADRIM- shall turn his face [slightly] southward

b)[line 29]יצפיןYATZPIN- shall turn his face [slightly] northward

43)[line 29]שלחן בצפון ומנורה בדרוםSHULCHAN BA'TZAFON U'MENORAH BA'DAROM- the Golden Table (a symbol of bountiful sustenance) of the Mishkan and the Beis ha'Mikdash was placed in the north, and the Golden Menorah (a symbol of Torah learning) was placed in the south

44)[line 32]דמצדד אצדודיMETZADED ATZDUDEI- he turns himself slightly sideways

45)[line 34]"[וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֵלָי], מִצָּפוֹן תִּפָּתַח הָרָעָה עַל כָּל יוֹשְׁבֵי הָאָרֶץ""[VA'YOMER HASH-M EILAI], 'MI'TZAFON TIPASACH HA'RA'AH AL KOL YOSHVEI HA'ARETZ'" - "And Hash-m said to me, 'The evil will begin from the north upon all the inhabitants of the land.'" (Yirmeyahu 1:14-15) (THE ADVENT OF NEVUCHADNETZAR)

(a)In Yirmeyahu's first prophecy, he was shown a vision of an almond stick and of a boiling cauldron facing north. The former hinted at the destruction of the Beis ha'Mikdash, which would come to fruition during the twenty-one days (the time it takes for almonds to fully grow) between the seventeenth of Tamuz and Tish'ah b'Av. (The Churban came about forty years later, however.)

(b)The second vision, as HaSh-m explains to Yirmeyahu in this verse, portrays the rise of Nevuchadnetzar, King of Bavel. (The route from Bavel arrives at Eretz Yisrael from the north.) It warns that Nevuchadnetzar, together with his allies and the nations that he had already overrun, would devastate the entire region. This prophecy also shows that the ultimate prize of all of Yisrael's enemies was Yerushalayim.

(c)This was due, the Navi continues, to the evil that Yisrael was guilty of, particularly for having forsaken HaSh-m in favor of other gods, the work of their own hands.

(d)HaSh-m warned Yirmeyahu that he would not have an easy time convincing the people to accept his prophecies and do Teshuvah. The people would mock him and threaten him, and even try to kill him. However, HaSh-m assured him, as long as he would not be afraid of the people but rather place his trust in Him, HaSh-m would stand behind him, and Yirmeyahu would survive all attempts of kings and princes to do him harm.

46)[line 36]הרחק חרדלך מן דבורייHARCHEK CHARDALCHA MIN DEVORAI- keep your mustard plants away from my bees

47)[line 37]לגלוגי חרדלייLIGLUGEI CHARDELAI- (a) flowers of my mustard plants (RASHI); (b) seeds of my mustard plants (ARUCH); (c) branches of my mustard plants (RI, cited in TOSFOS DH Liglugei DAF 18a)

48)[line 44]שמחלידין את הקרקעMACHLIDIN ES HA'KARKA- they tunnel through the ground (RASHI)

49)[line 44]ומלקיןU'MALKIN- and destroy

50)[line 48]פאפי יונאהPAPI YEVANA'AH- Papi from Greece

51)[line 48]אפדנאAPADNA- a mansion

52)[line 48]עצוריATZUREI- those who press [sesame seeds for oil]

53)[line 48]בשיבבותיהB'SHIVEVUSEI- in his neighborhood

54)[line 49]דייקי שומשמיDAIKEI SHUMSHEMEI- they pounded the sesame seeds

55)[line 49]ניידא אפדניהNAIDA APADNEI- his mansion shook