[37a - 15 lines; 37b - 21 lines]

1)[line 3]היכא דלא אפיקוHEICHA D'LO AFIKU- in a case where they (the other twenty trees) did not produce [fruits] (and each year a different set of ten trees were the only producers of fruit. Rabeinu Chananel explains that this is possible with trees known as Benos Shu'ach, a wild fig that ripens once every three years, and the three sets of ten trees each are staggered in their fruit production)

2)[line 5]והוא דבאזי באזוזיV'HU D'VAZEI BAZUZEI- in a case where they (the ten trees from which he ate the fruit each year) were spread out (lit. split) among the entire area of the field

3)[line 14]מוכר, בעין יפה מוכרMOCHER, B'AYIN YAFAH MOCHER- a seller sells with good will, and does not keep any part of what he sells for himself, e.g. when a person sells a field and does not sell the well in it, the seller must purchase a path through the field from the buyer in order to be able to get to his well

4a)[line 14]בורBOR- a pit that is dug in impermeable ground and that is not lined with stones

b)[last line]ודותDUS- a pit in the ground that is lined with stones that rise above the surface of the ground. A Dus also has a cover on top. (BI'UR HALACHAH Orach Chayim 587:1 in his explanation of the opinions of Rashi and Rambam)

5)[last line]דלא מכחשו בארעאLO MAKCHESHU B'AR'A- they do not weaken or otherwise impair the land around them (as do trees and roots)


6)[line 13]אכלן רצופיןACHLAN RETZUFIN- a person who tried to make a Chezkas Shalosh Shanim by eating all of the produce of a field where the trees were planted too close together, i.e. with more than ten saplings (or three trees) in the area of a Beis Se'ah. The trees need more room to grow, and as such, the true owner of this field would uproot the unnecessary trees

7)[line 15]האי מישרא דאספסתאHAI MEISHRA D'ASPASTA- a patch of Aspasta, any plant especially adapted for use as animal fodder, where the plants are very close together

8)[line 17]כרם שהוא נטוע על פחות מארבע אמותKEREM SHE'HU NATU'A AL PACHOS ME'ARBA AMOS- a vineyard that is planted without the proper [four-Amah] spacing between the rows of vines (also see Background to Bava Basra 36:4, Kil'ei ha'Kerem)

9)[last line]משפוליה עד תהומאMI'SHIPULEI AD TEHOMA- [the ground] underneath the tree and below (lit. to the depths of the earth)