[46a - 24 lines; 46b - 23 lines]

1)[line 3]אאגריהA'AGREI- with regard to his wages

2)[line 14]דחביביCHAVIVI- (lit. my beloved one) Rebbi Chiya, Rav's uncle. Rav's father Aibo was Rebbi Chiya's brother from the same father. However, they did not share the same mother. Aibo married Rebbi Chiya's sister from his mother, and as such, Rav was the son of Rebbi Chiya's brother and sister (Sanhedrin 5a)

3)[line 19]תא, אחוי לך רמאי דפומבדיתא, מאי עבדיTA, ACHAVI LACH RAMA'EI D'FUMBEDISA, MAI AVDEI- Come, and I will show you the cheaters of Pumbedisa (who are the craftsmen in the story that follows) and what they do

4)[line 20]הב לי סרבלאיHAV LI SARBELA'I- Give me my cloak

5)[line 23]איבראIVRA- In truth!


6)[line 1]ואי חכים, משוי ליה "ראה"V'IY CHAKIM, MESHAVI LEI RA'AH- and if he (the owner) is wise, he can turn it into a case of "Ra'ah," [by tricking the craftsman into showing him the cloak in front of witnesses]

7)[line 2]אמאי תפיסת ליה?AMAI TEFISAS LEI?- Why are you holding on to it?

8)[line 2]לאו משום דאית לך גבאיLAV MISHUM D'IS LACH GABAI- Was it not because you have [loan money] with me [that I owe you]?

9)[line 3]השתא (אפקינהו ושימינהו) [אפקיה ולישיימיה]; שקול אַתְּ דידך, ואשקול אנא דידיHASHTA (AFKINHU V'SHAIMINHU) [APKEI VLI'SHAYMEI]; SHEKOL AT DIDACH, V'ESHKOL ANA DIDI- Now (let us) take it out and have it estimated; you can then take what belongs to you (the equivalent of your loan) and I will take what belongs to me (whatever remains of the value of the cloak)

10)[line 6]כבר שמוה קמאי דקמךKEVAR SHAMUHA KAMA'EI D'KAMACH- others have already estimated its value long before you came along (and it is not worth more that the value of the loan that you owe me)

11)[line 8]באריסי בתי אבותARISEI BATEI AVOS- sharecroppers who have worked the lands of this family for generations

12)[line 9]אריס שהוריד אריסין תחתיוARIS SHE'HORID ARISIN TACHTAV- a sharecropper who hired sharecroppers beneath him

13)[line 12]אריס שחלק לאריסיןARIS SHE'CHALAK L'ARISIN- a sharecropper who shared out to other sharecroppers the various jobs necessary for this field, and he worked along with them

14)[line 13]הרמניא בעלמא שויוהHARMANYA B'ALMA SHAVYUHA- they (the owners) have made him a mere overseer

15)[line 19](עמלק סימן)(AMaLeK SIMAN)- this is a mnemonic device for remembering the following four subjects of the Gemara, which will discuss who may be a witness on behalf of a debtor:

1.A (Ayin) refers to Arev Me'id la'Loveh (line 19)

2.M (Mem) refers to Malveh Me'id la'Loveh (line 21)

3.L (Lamed) refers to Loke'ach Rishon Me'id la'Loke'ach Sheni (line 22)

4.K (Kuf) refers to Kablan, Amri Lah Me'id (line 1, Daf 47a)

16)[line 19]ערבAREV - a guarantor of a loan

(a)An Arev is a guarantor for a loan who accepts upon himself to pay back the loan instead of the borrower, under certain circumstances.

(b)There are different levels of guarantors. A normal guarantor only has to pay back the loan if the borrower cannot pay. In the case of an Arev Kablan, the lender may approach the Arev Kablan to pay even if the lender has not yet asked the borrower to pay. The Halachah of our Gemara applies only to a normal Arev. The Gemara discusses an Arev Kablan on Daf 47a.