[53a - 26 lines; 53b - 32 lines]

1a)[line 2]בעי רב, "מַתָּנָה, היאך?"BA'I RAV, "MATANAH HEI'ACH?"- Rav raised the question: With regard to a gift, what is the Halachah (i.e. in a case where a person gives a piece of land as a gift and does not tell the recipient, "Lech, Chazek u'Keni," and the recipient makes a Kinyan Chazakah not in the presence of the giver)?

b)[line 2]אמר שמואל, "מאי תבעי ליה לאבא?"AMAR SHMUEL, "MAI TIBA'I LEI L'ABA?"- Shmuel commented, "Why is Rav asking the question (i.e. why is this a difficulty for Rav)?"

2)[line 6]וכמה "כל שהוא"?V'CHAMAH "KOL SHE'HU"?- and how much is "a little bit" (with regard to Na'al, Gadar u'Paratz from Daf 52b, line 29)?

3)[line 7]גָּדַר גֶּדֶר והשלימו לעשרהGADAR GEDER V'HISHLIMO L'ASARAH- he built up a wall [that was less than ten Tefachim high] and he finished it off to a height of ten Tefachim

4)[line 7]ופרץ פרצהPARATZ PIRTZAH- he made a breach [in a wall]

5)[line 9]לא הוו סלקי להLO HAVU SALKEI LAH- [people] could not climb over it

6)[line 12]טובא עבדTUVA AVAD- he did a lot (and this would not be called a "Kol she'Hu")

7a)[line 13]ברווחאRAVCHA- freely, easily

b)[line 14]בדוחקאDUCHKA- with difficulty

8)[line 20]צרורTZEROR- a small stone, pebble

9)[line 20]והועילHO'IL- and he accomplished something

10a)[line 21]וסכר מיאSACHAR MAYA MINAH- he stopped a river from flooding the field

b)[line 22]ואפיק מיאAPIK MAYA MINAH- he drained off the water from the field

11)[line 23]מבריח ארי מנכסי חברו הואMAVRI'ACH ARI MI'NICHSEI CHAVEIRO HU- he is merely chasing away a lion, i.e. he (in this case, the person trying to make a Kinyan Chazakah on the field) is merely preventing a loss (by stopping the flood waters from coming in or draining off the flood waters), and preventing a loss cannot serve as a Chazakah on the field (it is an act of Hashavas Aveidah that one would do even for his friend's land, rather than an act that is done to enhance the land, such as digging to improve a field and the like - MISHNAH Bava Basra 42a).

12a)[line 24]דצמד (לה) [ליה] מיאD'TZAMAD (LAH) [LEI] MAYA- he caused the field to be amply watered (lit. he coupled water to it)

b)[line 24](וארוח לה) [דפתח ליה] מיא(V'ARVACH LAH) [D'PASACH LEI] MAYA- he opened up a water [channel] into the field

13)[line 25]ומצרMETZAR- a boundary mound


14)[line 6]תיקוTEIKU

The Pri Megadim (in his Igeres preceding his introduction to Orach Chaim, #9) quotes and discusses various explanations for the word Teiku:

1.It is sealed in its container ("Tik") (ARUCH, Erech Tik).

2.Tehei Ka'i - "Let it (the question) stand" (MUSAF HA'ARUCH).

3.Tishbi Yetaretz Kushyos v'Ibayos - "Eliyahu ha'Navi will answer difficulties and questions" (TOSFOS YOM TOV, end of Eduyos).

15)[line 8]אפסרא דארעא הואAFSERA D'AR'A HU- it is the pull-rope of the land (O.F. chevestre - halter, a rope with a noose or head stall for leading horses or cattle)

16)[line 17]פלטריןPALTERIN- a palace

17)[line 18]קמא, לִבְנֵי בעלמא הוא דאפיךKAMA, LIVNEI B'ALMA HU D'APICH- the first one was merely turning over bricks (i.e. his actions had no legal effect)

18)[line 21]וסד בהן סיוד אחד או כיור אחדSAD BAHEN SIYUD ECHAD O KIYUR ECHAD- if he plastered one patch or drew one decoration on the wall

19)[line 24]ואנהרינהו (עינין) [לעיינין] ממתניתאV'ANHERINHU L'AIYNIN MI'MASNISA- and "lit up our eyes," i.e. brought us a proof, from a Beraisa

20)[line 24]המציע מצעותHA'MATZI'A MATZA'OS- one who spreads out mats or mattresses and sleeps on them

21)[line 26]כיצד בחזקהKEITZAD B'CHAZAKAH (EVED KENA'ANI)

(a)A Jew may acquire a Nochri slave or maidservant (Eved Kena'ani or Shifchah Kena'anis) by purchasing the slave from a Jewish or Nochri master and making a Kinyan on the slave with either Kesef (paying money), Shtar (receiving a contract), Chazakah (having the slave work for him) or Chalipin - the same Kinyanim that are used in the purchase of real-estate (see Background to Bava Basra 52:25). In addition, an Eved Kena'ani can be acquired through Kinyan Meshichah, like moveable objects (see Background to Bava Metzia 44:5c). A Nochri can also be acquired as a slave by being captured (Gitin 38a). These Halachos, and the Halachos mentioned below, apply whether the slave is from the Kena'ani nation or from another nation. Nevertheless, the generic term used by the Mishnah and Gemara to refer to Nochri slaves is Eved "Kena'ani," since the Torah openly describes Kena'an as a slave (Bereishis 9:27; see Rashi to Kidushin 22b DH Sadeh). (For a further discussion of the Halachos of owning a Nochri slave, see Background to Kidushin 22:16.)

(b)Our Gemara brings a Beraisa that lists actions that are effective as a Kinyan Chazakah to acquire a Nochri slave.

22a)[line 27]נעל לו מנעלוNA'AL LO MIN'ALO- he put on the master's shoe

b)[line 27]התיר לו מנעלוHITIR LO MIN'ALO- he took off the master's shoe

23)[line 28]הפשיטוHIFSHITO- he undressed the master

24)[line 29][ו]סכוSACHO- he smeared oil on the master

25)[line 29]גרדוGARDO- (O.F. grater) to scratch or scrape the skin of the master

26)[line 29]והגביהוHIGBIHO- if the Eved lifted the master

27)[line 30]מהגבההHAGBAHAH (KINYAN HAGBAHAH)

(a)When a person buys an object, he must make a Ma'aseh Kinyan, a formal Halachically-binding act denoting his acquisition of the object, in order for the sale to be irrevocably binding.

(b)One of the forms of Kinyan that may be used for the acquisition of Metaltelin (mobile items) is Hagbahah, i.e. lifting the item. Hagbahah is a form of Kinyan in which the buyer (or recipient of a gift) lifts up the item. The act of Kinyan Hagbahah is effective wherever it is performed, even in the domain of the seller.

28)[last line]ירמיה ביראהYIRMEYAH BIRA'AH- this is the full name of the sage, as opposed to his name and his city (compare RASHI to Gitin 34A DH Yirmeyah Bira'ah and to Megilah 4a DH Bira'ah)