[64a - 18 lines; 64b - 27 lines]

1)[line 19]רבא תוספאהRAVA TOSFA'AH- Rava, the Reciter of Tosefta'os; alt. Rava, the one who fully pronounces the words of the verses (see Rashi to Avodah Zarah 9a, in the middle and at the end of the page)

2a)[line 21]שהבור בחפירהHA'BOR B'CHAFIRAH- the Bor is a pit that is dug into the ground

b)[line 21]והדות בבניןHA'DUS B'VINYAN- the Dus is a pit in the ground that is lined with stones that rise above the surface of the ground. A Dus also has a cover on top. (BI'UR HALACHAH Orach Chayim 587:1 in his explanation of the opinions of Rashi and Rambam)


3)[line 1]מוכר, בעין יפה מוכר / בעין רעה מוכרMOCHER, B'AYIN YAFAH MOCHER / B'AYIN RA'AH MOCHER

Rebbi Akiva and the Chachamim argue about what the mindset of a seller is when he sells property without specifying if he is keeping anything for himself. "Mocher, b'Ayin Yafah Mocher" means that a seller sells with good will and does not keep any part of what he sells for himself, e.g. when a person sells a field and does not sell the well in it, the seller must purchase a path through the field from the buyer in order to be able to get to his well, since he sold the field with "good will," not leaving a path for himself. If the seller sells "b'Ayin Ra'ah," it means that he keeps a certain part of what he is selling for himself.

4)[line 10]הגתGAS- a winepress (which is dug into the ground)

5)[line 10]השובךSHOVACH- a dovecote

6a)[line 10]חרביןCHAREVIN- desolate, uninhabited

b)[line 10]ישוביןYISHUVIN- inhabited

7)[line 15]דקשי ליה דוושאKASHI LEI DAVSHA- the trampling [of people walking through it] is bad for it (the field)