[73a - 30 lines; 73b - 42 lines]


1)[line 4]הספינהSEFINAH- a boat

2)[line 4]התורן... הנס... העוגין... המנהיגיןTOREN… NES… UGIN… MANHIGIN- the Gemara immediately defines these terms

3a)[line 7]המרצופיןMARTZUFIN- large leather bags within which the ship's cargo is packed (see RASHBAM to 67b DH Sakin u'Martzufin and RASH to Kelim 25:1)

b)[line 7]האנתיקיANTIKI- merchandise [loaded upon the ship]

4)[line 8]איסקריאISKARYA- a mast (O.F. mast)

5)[line 9]"ארז מלבנון לקחו לעשות תרן עליך""... EREZ MI'LEVANON LAKACHU, LA'ASOS TOREN ALAYICH"- "[They fashioned all of your planks of cypress trees from Senir;] they took a cedar from [the forest of] Levanon to place a mast in you[r deck]" (Yechezkel 27:5). This verse is part of a prophecy concerning the downfall of Tzur (Tyre), which is compared to a high-quality ship, since it was built upon an island. From the context of the verse it is clear that a Toren is a mast.

6)[line 9]אדראIDRA- (O.F. veile) the main sail of a ship

7)[line 9]"שש ברקמה ממצרים היה מפרשך להיות לך לנס""SHESH B'RIKMAH MI'MITZRAYIM HAYAH MIFRASECH LIHEYOS LACH L'NES..."- "Fine embroidered linen from Egypt was spread over you to act as your sail..." (Yechezkel 27:7). From the context of the verse it is clear that a Nes is a sail.

8)[line 10]עוגיניןUGININ- anchors (O.F. ancres)

9)[line 11]"הֲלָהֵן תְּשַׂבֵּרְנָה עַד אֲשֶׁר יִגְדָּלוּ, הֲלָהֵן תֵּעָגֵנָה, לְבִלְתִּי הֱיוֹת לְאִישׁ...?""HA'LAHEN TESABERNAH AD ASHER YIGDALU, HA'LAHEN TE'AGENAH, L'VILTI HEYOS L'ISH...?"- "Would you then wait for them until they were grown? Would you then detain yourselves for them, without marrying [another] man...?" (Ruth 1:13). This verse is part of the argument posed by Naomi to her two Moabite daughters-in-law that they return to their homeland. She is referring to her as-of-yet unborn children who may potentially perform Yibum (see Background to 12:69) with them in the future. The word "תעגנה" "Te'agenah" — detain — shares the same root as the word for anchor, which detains a ship (this is also the root of the word "Agunah").

10)[line 12](המשוטין) [משוטות](MESHOTIN) [MESHOTOS]- oars (O.F. reimes)

11)[line 12]"אַלּוֹנִים מִבָּשָׁן עָשׂוּ מִשּׁוֹטָיִךְ...""ALONIM MI'BASHAN ASU MISHOTAYICH..."- "Of oaks from Bashan they fashioned your oars..." (Yechezkel 27:6). From the context of the verse it is clear that Meshotos are oars.

12)[line 13]"וְיָרְדוּ מֵאֳנִיּוֹתֵיהֶם כֹּל תּוֹפְשֵׂי מָשׁוֹט""V'YARDU ME'ONIYOSEIHEM KOL TOFESEI MASHOT..."- "And all those who grab hold of the oar shall descend from their ships..." (Yechezkel 27:29).

13)[line 14]האיסכלהISKALAH- a gangplank

14)[line 14]בור המיםBOR HA'MAYIM- the store of sweet drinking water kept on board the ship

15)[line 15]הביצית... הדוגיתBITZIS... DUGIS- a rowboat kept aboard larger vessels through which to access shallow shores (O.F. cochet or buce)

16)[line 16]בבלאה הוהBAVLA'AH HAVAH- hailed from Bavel

17)[line 17]בוציאתא דמיאשןBUTZI'ASA D'MEISHAN- the canoes of Meishan. Meishan is synonymous with Mesene, a triangularly shaped island located where the Euphrates River, Tigris River, and Royal Canal meet.

18)[line 18]"וְאַחֲרִיתְכֶן בְּסִירוֹת דּוּגָה""... V'ACHARISCHEN B'SIROS DUGAH"- "... and your offspring [will be taken into captivity] in Dugah pots" (Amos 4:2). This verse refers to small fishing boats. The word "Dugah" is related to the word "Dag" (fish), and they were shaped like pots.

19)[line 18]אמר רבהAMAR RABAH (AGADAH: The Stories of Rabah Bar Bar Chanah)

(a)In following Daf and a half (Bava Basra 73a-74a) we find fantastical stories of gargantuan animals and other seemingly unnatural phenomena encountered by Rabah bar Bar Chanah on his travels, first on a ship and then through the desert with an Arab merchant. The commentators differ as to whether or not these accounts are to be taken literally. Some, such as the RASHBAM, maintain that these miraculous events actually transpired, and they are recounted to inspire within us an appreciation of HaSh-m's creation. Others such as the RITVA, VILNA GA'ON, and MAHARAL are of the opinion that these stories are either visions seen by Rabah or parables offered to reveal profundities best dealt with in this manner.

(b)The book "The Juggler and the King" (Rav Aharon Feldman, 5750/1990, Feldheim Publishers) is highly recommended reading for an understanding of not only the general purpose of Agadah in general, but an expanded explanation of (some of) these parables. Following the understanding of the Vilna Ga'on, many of the keys to human life are found within our Sugya, such as what motivates man, the secret to success and happiness, and how one can achieve his life's goals. We have quoted excerpts from this book in our Insights to the Daf.

20)[line 18]אשתעו לי נחותי ימאISHTA'U LI NECHUSEI YAMA- those who go down to (i.e., travel at) sea told me

21)[line 18]האי גלא דמטבע לספינהHAI GALA D'MATBA LI'SEFINAH- that wave that [attempts to] sink a ship

22)[line 19]מיתחזי כי צוציתא דנורא חיוורתא ברישאMISCHAZI KI TZUTZISA D'NURA CHIVARTA B'REISHA- a fringe of white fire can be seen at its tip

23)[line 19]ומחינן ליה באלוותא דחקיק עליהMACHINAN LEI B'ALVASA D'CHAKIK ALEI- one can strike it with a club upon which is engraved

24)[line 20]ונייחNAYICH- it dies down

25)[line 21]בין גלא לגלא תלת מאה פרסיBEIN GALA L'GALA TELAS ME'AH PARSEI- between each wave are three hundred Parsa'os (approximately 1,094 kilometers/680 miles, 1,152 kilometers/716 miles, or 1,382 kilometers/859 miles, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions)

26)[line 21]ורומאRUMA- the height

27)[line 22]זימנא חדאZIMNA CHADA- one time

28)[line 22]הוה אזלינן באורחאHAVAH AZLINAN B'ORCHA- we were traveling on the way

29)[line 22]ודלינןDALINAN- it lifted us

30)[line 23]דחזינן בי מרבעתיה דכוכבא זוטאCHAZINAN BEI MARBA'ATEI D'CHOCHVA ZUTA- we saw the resting place of the smallest star

31)[line 23]והויא לי כמבזר ארבעין גריוי בזרא דחרדלאV'HAVYA LI K'MIVZAR ARBE'IN GERIVEI BIZRA D'CHARDELA- and it appeared to me to be as large as a field in which forty Kor (approximately 8,640, 9,948, or 17,280 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) of mustard seed can be sown

32)[line 24]ואי דלינן טפי, הוה מקלינן מהבליהIY DALINAN TEFEI, HAVAH MAKLINAN ME'HEVLEI- if it had lifted us any higher, we would have been burned from its heat

33)[line 24]ורמי לה גלא קלא לחברתהRAMI LAH GALA KALA L'CHAVERTAH- [we heard that] one wave raised its voice to its fellow. This may refer to the "Sar" — the spiritual being appointed over an entity — of the wave (RASHBAM).

34a)[line 25]שבקת מידי בעלמא דלא שטפתיהSHAVKAS MIDI B'ALMA D'LO SHETAFTEI- have you left anything in the world that you have not flooded

b)[line 25]דניתי אנא (ונאבדיה) [ונחרביה]?D'NEISI ANA (V'NA'ABDEI) [V'NACHREVEI]?- so that I can come and destroy it?

35)[line 26]פוק חזי גבורתא דמריך!PUK CHAZI GEVURTA D'MARICH!- go and see the strength of your Master!

36)[line 26]מלא חוטא [ד]חלא (ולא עברי) [לית דעבר]MELO CHUTA [D']CHALA (V'LO AVRI) [LEIS D'AVAR]- a string's breadth of sand I cannot cross

37)[line 27]"'הַאוֹתִי לֹא-תִירָאוּ?' נְאֻם-ה'; 'אִם מִפָּנַי לֹא תָחִילוּ, אֲשֶׁר-שַׂמְתִּי חוֹל גְּבוּל לַיָּם, חָק-עוֹלָם וְלֹא יַעַבְרֶנְהוּ; [וַיִּתְגָעֲשׁוּ וְלֹא יוּכָלוּ, וְהָמוּ גַלָיו וְלֹא יַעַבְרֻנְהוּ]'""'HA'OSI LO SIRA'U?' NE'UM HASH-M; 'IM MI'PANAI LO SACHILU, ASHER SAMTI CHOL GEVUL LA'YAM, CHOK OLAM V'LO YA'AVRENHU...'"- "'Will you not fear Me?' says Hash-m; 'Will you not tremble before My presence, [He] Who placed the sand as the boundary of the sea, an everlasting decree that it will not pass over it; [and though its waves throw themselves mightily they are unable, though they roar, they cannot pass over it]'" (Yirmeyahu 5:22). In this verse, the Navi contrasts Klal Yisrael, who must pass judgment and give a reckoning for their deeds and yet do not appear to fear HaSh-m, with the sea, which receives neither reward nor punishment and yet does not contravene HaSh-m's law.

38)[line 28]לדידי חזי ליL'DIDI CHAZI LI- I saw

39)[line 28]הורמין/הורמיז בר ליליתHORMIN / HORMIZ BAR LILIS- this is the name of a Shed (demon). Lilis is the female Shed who represents the physical lusts and enticements that tempt man in this world.

40)[line 29]כי קא רהיט אקופיא דשורא דמחוזאKI KA RAHIT A'KUFYA D'SHURA D'MECHOZA- when he was running along the ramparts of the city wall of Mechoza

41)[line 29]ורהיט פרשא כי רכיב חיותא מתתאיהRAHIT PARASHA KI RACHIV CHEIVESA MI'TATA'EI- a cavalryman riding upon an animal was running below him (though he was unaware of Hormin)

42)[last line]ולא יכיל ליהLO YACHIL LEI- (a) [Hormin] could not keep up with [the cavalryman] (RASHBAM according to the emendation of the BACH, MAHARSHA); (b) [the cavalryman] could not keep up with [Hormin] (RABEINU GERSHOM, RASHBAM as it appears in our text)

43)[last line]הוה מסרגאן ליה תרתי כודנייתיHAVAH MESARGA'AN LEI TARTEI KUDNAYASEI- two mules were saddled for him


44)[line 1]אתרי גישרי דרוגנגA'TREI GISHREI D'ROGNAG- upon two bridges [spanning the River] Rognag

45)[line 1]ושואר מהאי להאיSHAVAR ME'HAI L'HAI- he jumped from this [mule] to the other [mule]

46)[line 2]ונקיט תרי (מזגי) [כסי] דחמרא בידיהNAKIT TREI (MIZGEI) [KASEI] D'CHAMRA B'YADEI- he was holding two cups of wine in his hand

47)[line 3]ומוריקMORIK- he poured

48)[line 3]ולא נטפא ניטופתא לארעאLO NATFA NITUFASA L'AR'A- not one drop fell to the ground

49)[line 4]ואותו היום "יַעֲלוּ שָׁמַיִם יֵרְדוּ תְהוֹמוֹת" הוהOSO HA'YOM "YA'ALU SHAMAYIM YERDU SEHOMOS" HAVAH- that day [was a fulfillment of] "They will rise to the heavens, descend to the depths" (Tehilim 107:26). This verse describes a violent storm at sea, during which ships are raised high upon violent waves only to then crash back down.

50)[line 5]דשמעו בי מלכותאSHAM'U BEI MALCHUSA- the palace heard [of his antics]

51)[line 6]וקטלוהוKATLUHU- they killed him

52)[line 6]אורזילא בר יומיהURZILA BAR YOMEI- a day-old Re'em. A Re'em is a species of wild goat or antelope; there are some indications that it is an Oryx. It is referred to in this Gemara and others sources as an extremely large animal.

53)[line 7]דהוה כהר תבורHAVAH K'HAR TAVOR- it was as [large as] Mount Tabor, a mountain in the lower Galilee, on the border of the Jezreel Valley

54)[line 7]והר תבור כמה הוי?V'HAR TAVOR KAMAH HAVEI?- (the Gemara asks) and how large is Mount Tabor?

55)[line 8]ארבע[ין] פרסיARBA['IN] PARSEI- for[ty square] Parsa'os (approximately 146 kilometers/91 miles, 154 kilometers/95 miles, or 184 kilometers/115 miles, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions)

56)[line 8](ומשאכא) [ומשכי] דצואריה(MESHACHA) [MASHCHEI] D'TZAVAREI- the length of its neck

57)[line 9]ובי מרבעתא דרישיהBEI MARBA'ATA D'REISHEI- the resting place of its head

58)[line 9]ופלגאPALGA- a half

59a)[line 9]רמא כופתאRAMA KUFTA- it emptied itself of waste

b)[line 10]וסכר ליה לירדנאV'SACHAR LEI L'YARDENA- and [the waste was so copious that it temporarily] dammed the Jordan River

60)[line 11]אקרוקתאAKRUKTA- a female frog (this word is an example of onomatopoeia)

61)[line 11]אקרא דהגרוניאAKRA D'HEGRONIYA- [the size of] the region of Hegroniya

62)[line 13]שתין בתיSHITIN BATEI- sixty houses

63)[line 13]אתא תנינאASA TANINA- a female serpent came

64)[line 13]בלעהBAL'AH- swallowed it

65)[line 13]פושקנצאPUSHKANTZA- a female raven

66)[line 13]וסליקSALIK- it flew up

67)[line 13]יתיב באילנאYASIV B'ILANA- it sat upon [the end of a branch of] a tree

68)[line 14]תא חזי כמה נפיש חיליה דאילנא!TA CHAZI KAMAH NAFISH CHEILEI D'ILANA!- come and see (i.e., extrapolate from the details of this story] how great the strength of this tree [must have been]!

69)[line 14]אי לא הואי התם לא הימניIY LO HAVA'I HASAM, LO HEIMNI- had I not been there, I would not have believed it

70)[line 16]כווראKAVRA- a fish

71)[line 16]דיתבא ליה אכלה טינא באוסיי'YASVAH LEI ACHLAH TINA B'USYEI- a "mud-eater" (i.e., a small parasite) was sitting in its nostril [such that it obstructed its breathing]

72)[line 16]ואדחוהו מיא ושדיוהו לגודאADCHUHU MAYA V'SHADYUHU L'GUDA- the water repelled it[s dead body] and expelled it onto the shore

73a)[line 17]וחרוב מיניה שתין מחוזיCHARUV MINEI SHITIN MECHOZEI- sixty cities were destroyed by it[s dead body falling upon them]

b)[line 17]ואכול מיניה שתין מחוזיV'ACHOL MINEI SHITIN MECHOZEI- [a different] sixty cities ate from it[s flesh when it was still fresh]

c)[line 17]ומלחו מיניה שתין מחוזיU'MALCHU MINEI SHITIN MECHOZEI- [yet another] sixty cities salt-cured from it[s flesh in order to preserve it]

74)[line 18]ומלאו מחד גלגלא דעיניה תלת מאה גרבי משחאMAL'U ME'CHAD GALGELA D'EINEI TELAS ME'AH GARVEI MISHCHA- from one of its eyeballs, they filled three hundred kegs of oil

75)[line 18]וכי הדרן [ואתאן] לבתר תריסר ירחי שתאKI HADRAN [VA'ASA'AN] L'VASAR TEREISAR YARCHEI SHATA- when we returned [and came] twelve months later

76)[line 19]דהוה קא מנסרי [כשורי] מגרמי (מטללתא)HAVAH KA MENASREI [KESHUREI] MI'GARMEI (METALELTA)- they were sawing (roofs) [beams] from its bones

77)[line 19]ויתבי למבנינהוYASVEI L'MIVNINHU- they were setting them in place to rebuild

78)[line 21]דיתבא ליה חלתא אגביהYASVA LEI CHALTA A'GABEI- sand had accumulated upon its back

79)[line 21]וקדח אגמא עילויהKADACH AGMA ILAVEI- grass had sprouted upon it

80)[line 21]סברינן יבשתא היאSAVRINA YABESHTA HI- we thought that it was dry land (i.e., an island)

81)[line 22]וסלקינןSALKINAN- we alit [upon it]

82)[line 22]ואפינן ובשלינן אגביהAFINAN U'VASHLINAN A'GABEI- we baked and cooked on its back

83)[line 22]וכד חם גביה, אתהפיךKAD CHAM GABEI, IS'HAPICH- when its back became hot, it turned over

84)[line 22]ואי לאו דהוה מקרבא ספינתא, הוה טבעינןIY LAV D'HAVA MEKARVA SEFINTA, HAVAH TAV'INAN- if the boat had not been near [to us], we would have drowned

85)[line 24]וסגאי ספינתא בין שיצא לשיצא דכואראSAGAI SEFINTA BEIN SHITZA L'SHITZA D'CHAVRA- the boat sailed between the [front] fin and the [back] fin of a fish

86a)[line 24]איהו בזקיפאIHU BI'ZEKIFAH- it was [swimming] against the current

b)[line 24]ואנן בשיפולאANAN B'SHIPOLA- we were [sailing] with the wind

87)[line 25]לא מסגיא ספינתא טובאLO MESAGYA SEFINTA TUVA- the boat was not sailing fast

88a)[line 26]כמיחם קומקומא דמיאK'MEICHAM KUMKUMA D'MAYA- [in the time that] a kettle of water heats up

b)[line 26]מסגיא שתין פרסיMESAGYA SHITIN PARSEI- [the boat] sailed sixty Parsa'os (approximately 219 kilometers/136 miles, 230 kilometers/143 miles, or 276 kilometers/172 miles, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions)

89)[line 26]ושאדי פרשא גירא, וקדמה ליהSHADI PARASHA GIRA, V'KADMAH LEI- and a mounted archer shot an arrow, and [the boat] preceded it (i.e., it traveled faster than the arrow)

90)[line 27]ההוא גילדנא דימא הואיHAHU GILDENA D'YAMA HAVA'I- that [fish] was a Gildena of the sea (the name of a certain small fish)

91)[line 28]ציפראTZIPRA- a bird

92)[line 28]דקאים עד קרצוליה במיאKA'IM AD KARTZULEI B'MAYA- it was standing ankle-deep in water

93)[line 29]ברקיעREKI'A- the sky

94)[line 29]ליכא מיאLEIKA MAYA- the water [here must] not be [very deep]

95)[line 29]ובעינן לחות לאקורי נפשיןBA'INAN LA'CHUS L'AKUREI NAFSHIN- we wished to go down [into the water] to cool ourselves off

96)[line 30]ונפקNAFAK- rang out

97)[line 30]בת קלאBAS KALA - a heavenly voice (BAS KOL)

One form of revelation below that of true prophecy is called a Bas Kol (lit. echo). This refers to a heavenly voice that can be heard only by individuals on a high spiritual level. In numerous places throughout the Talmud, we find instances in which those on earth gained information from Heaven relayed through a Bas Kol.

98)[line 30]לא תיחותו הכאLO SEICHUSU HACHA!- do not go down [into the water] here!

99a)[line 30]דנפלת ליה (חציצא) [חצינא] לבר נגרא הא שב שניNAFLAS LEI (CHATZITZA) [CHATZINA] L'VAR NAGRA HA SHEV SHENEI- a carpenter dropped an adze [here] seven years ago

b)[line 31]ולא קא מטיא אארעאV'LO KA MATYA A'AR'A- and it has not [yet] reached the [sea] floor

100a)[line 31]דנפישי מיאNEFISHEI MAYA- the water is deep

b)[line 31]דרדפי מיאREDIFEI MAYA- the water flows swiftly

101)[line 32]זיז שדיZIZ SADAI- the name of a bird

102)[line 32]"[יָדַעְתִּי כָּל עוֹף הָרִים,] וְזִיז שָׂדַי עִמָּדִי""[YADA'TI KOL OF HARIM], V'ZIZ SADAI IMADI"- "[I know every bird of the mountains,] and those that move upon My fields are with Me" (Tehilim 50:11). Rav Ashi interprets the end of this verse to read, "and the Ziz Sadai is with Me," referring to a bird whose head reaches the heavens.

103)[line 33]במדבראMIDBARA- the desert

104)[line 33]אווזיAVAZEI- geese

105)[line 33]דשמטי גדפייהו משמנייהוSHAMTEI GADFAIHU MI'SHAMNAIHU- they were so fat that their feathers were falling out

106)[line 34]וקא נגדי נחלי דמשחא מתותייהוKA NAGDEI NACHALEI D'MISHCHA MI'TUSAIHU- streams of oil flowed from beneath them

107)[line 34]אמינא להוAMINA LEHU- I said to them

108)[line 34]אית (לן) [לי] בגוייכו חלקא לעלמא דאתיIS (LAN) [LI] B'GAVAICHU CHELKA L'ALMA D'ASI?- do I have a share in you in the World to Come?

109)[line 35]חדא דלי [לי] גדפאCHADA DALI [LI] GADFA- one [goose] raised its wing [to me] (as a sign of what I would merit in the next world)

110)[line 35]אטמאATMA- its thigh

111)[line 36]עתידין ישראל ליתן עליהן את הדיןASIDIN YISRAEL LITEN ALEIHEN ES HA'DIN- in the future, Klal Yisrael will be held accountable for [that which they prolonged] their [suffering, since they will be slaughtered only when the Jewish People deserve the Ultimate Redemption]

112)[line 36](סימן כעפרא דתכילתא (טרקתיה) עקרבא [לקרח] לסלתיה)(SIMAN K'AFRA D'SECHILTA (TERAKTEI) AKREVA [L'KORACH] L'SILTEI)- This is a mnemonic device for remembering the five stories that follow, all of which describe the experiences of Rabah bar Bar Chanah when traveling with a certain Arab merchant. The word "Teraktei" does not appear in the manuscripts, whereas while the word "l'Korach" does. The Siman refers to the following accounts:

1."K'AFRA" - "d'Havah Shakil Afra" (line 38)

2."D'SECHILTA" - "Chada Karna d'Sechilta d'Chada Minaihu" (74a, line 4)

3."AKREVA" - "d'Hadra Lei Akreva" (74a, line 13)

4."L'KORACH" - "Belu'ei d'Korach" (74a, line 20)

5."L'SILTEI" - "Shekalta l'Silta'ei" (74a, line 29)

113)[line 38]ואיתלוי בהדן ההוא טייעאISLAVI BA'HADAN HA'HU TAIYA- a certain Arab merchant accompanied us

114)[line 38]דהוה שקיל עפראHAVAH SHAKIL AFRA- he was able to take earth

115)[line 38]ומורח ליהMORACH LEI- smell it

116)[line 39]הא אורחא לדוכתא פלןHA URCHA L'DUCHTA PELAN- this is the way to that place [from where the dirt originated]

117)[line 39]כמה מרחקינן ממיא?KAMAH MERACHKINAN MI'MAYA?- how far are we from water?

118)[line 40]הבו לי עפראHAVU LI AFRA- give me earth

119)[line 40]תמניTAMNEI- eight

120)[line 41]תנינן ויהבינן ליהTANINAN V'YAHAVINAN LEI- we again gave him [a different sample of earth]

121)[line 41]תלתאTELASA- three

122a)[line 41]אפכית ליהAFCHIS LEI- I switched [the samples of earth] for him [without his knowledge in order to test him]

b)[line 41]ולא יכילית ליהV'LO YECHILIS LEI- and I was unable [to trick] him

123)[last line]תא, אחוי לך מתי מדברTA, ACHAVI LACH MESEI MIDBAR- come, I will show you those who died in the desert [as a result of the sin of the golden calf during Klal Yisrael's forty-year sojourn there]

124)[last line]ודמו כמאן דמיבסמיDAMU K'MAN D'MIVSEMEI- they appeared as one who had partaken of wine [in that their faces shone]