[87a - 34 lines; 87b - 28 lines]

1)[line 1]ולגורן יפה סלעVELA'GOREN YAFEH SELA- and at [the time of] the harvesting, [the worker's daily wage] is worth a Sela

2)[line 1]אסור להנות הימנוASUR LEHANOS HEIMENU - it is prohibited to get any benefit from him (the worker) (RIBIS: AGAR NATAR LEI)

(a)It is forbidden to lend money with interest (Shemos 22:24, Vayikra 25:36, Devarim 23:20). Even if interest is charged conditionally, and it is eventually not collected, the transaction is prohibited mid'Oraisa according to some Tana'im.

(b)The Torah forbids lending with interest only if the rate or amount of interest was fixed at the time that the loan was made. This is called Ribis Ketzutzah. If interest was paid but the amount paid was not fixed at the time of the loan, or if a higher price was paid in a sale in order that the seller should allow the buyer more time to complete his payment for the purchase, it is called Avak Ribis or Ribis d'Rabanan. In addition to these, certain payments that are not actually Ribis mid'Oraisa or mid'Rabanan were prohibited because they have similarities to Ribis. Chazal refer to this as "Ha'aramas Ribis."

(c)It is also forbidden to take money in order to allow the borrower more time to complete the payment of the loan. (Such payment is known as "Agar Natar.") Any reward for waiting [to receive one's money] is prohibited. This is the general principle that sums up the prohibitions of Ribis d'Oraisa and Ribis d'Rabanan.

3)[line 1]אם שכרו מהיוםIM SACHRO MEHA'YOM- if he hired him [to start working] from today

4)[line 4]קמא קמא מיפסק פסק, ואסור להנות הימנוKAMA KAMA MIFSAK PASAK V'ASUR LEHANOS HEIMENU- each and every day's Sechirus-agreement ends [and the next day's Sechirus constitutes a new, separate agreement], and it should be prohibited to benefit from him (because when he works during the harvesting season, he effectively is paying back a Sela in return for the original payment of a Dinar that he received)

5)[line 7]ותסברא?!V'TISBERA?!- Do you really think so?!

6)[line 7]זלזולי בשכירות מי אסיר?ZILZULEI BI'SECHIRUS MI ASIR?- Is it prohibited for a worker to charge less for hired labor?

7a)[line 8]דלא קא עביד בהדיה מהשתאD'LO KA AVID BAHADEI ME'HASHTA- he (the worker) is not working for him (the employer) from now (rather, he starts working for him much later, at the time of the harvesting)

b)[line 9]מיחזי כי אגר נטר ליMECHEZEI KI AGAR NATAR LI- it appears to be like [the worker is paying the employer] a reward for waiting (see above, entry #2)

8)[line 14]יַפֵּה לך קרקע כל שהואYAPEH LECHA KARKA KOL SHE'HU- beautify a small piece of land [by clearing everything off of it]

9)[line 18]סרסורSARSUR- a middleman

10)[line 19]וחייב להטיף לו שלש טיפיןCHAYAV L'HATIF LO SHALOSH TIPIN- he is obligated to let three drops [of the wine or oil] drip for him (into the buyer's utensil) [after finishing to pour the major part of the liquid]

11)[line 20]הרכינה ומיציתHIRCHINAH U'MITZEIS- [after he let the three drops drip into the buyer's utensil] he leaned it over such that all of the remaining drops gathered in one place in the utensil

12)[line 20]והחנווניCHENVANI- a storeowner

13)[line 22]ערב שבת עם חשכהEREV SHABBOS IM CHASHEICHAH- on Friday before sunset

14)[line 31]כי סליק רבי אלעזרKI SALIK REBBI ELAZAR- when Rebbi Elazar [first] moved (lit. went up) to Eretz Yisrael

15)[line 31]אשכחיה לזעיריASHKECHEI LI'ZE'IRI- he found the Amora by the name of Ze'iri

16)[line 32]מי כאן תנא דאתנייה רב מדות?MI KAN TANA D'ASNEYEI RAV MIDOS?- is there here (in Eretz Yisrael) any learned person, well-versed in the Mishnayos and Beraisa'os, who Rav taught the [Mishnayos and Beraisa'os that pertain to the] Halachos of measures?

17)[line 32]אחוייהACHVEYEI- they showed him

18a)[line 33]אמר ליה, "מאי קא קשיא לך?"AMAR LEI, "MAI KA KASHYA LACH?"- he (Rebbi Yitzchak bar Avdimei) said to him (Rebbi Elazar), "What is your difficulty?"

b)[last line]דתנן, 'הרכינה ומיצית הרי הוא של מוכר'DI'TENAN, 'HIRCHINAH U'MITZEIS HAREI HU SHEL MOCHER'- [Rebbi Elazar answered, "My difficulty lies with] the Mishnah that states, 'Hirchinah u'Mitzeis Harei Hu Shel Mocher,' - 'He leaned it over such that all of the remaining drops gathered in one place in the utensil, they belong to the seller'"


19)[line 1]הרכינה ומיצה, הרי זו תרומהHIRCHINAH U'MITZAH, HAREI ZO TERUMAH- [If, after a person finished pouring out from a measuring utensil the amount of wine or oil that he separated as Terumah,] he leaned it over such that all of the remaining drops gathered in one place in the utensil, they are Terumah

20)[line 2]משום יאוש בעלים נגעו בהMISHUM YE'USH BE'ALIM NAG'U VAH- [the ruling of our Mishnah came about] due to the owner (i.e. the buyer) giving up hope [of ever receiving the last drops that remain in the measuring utensil]

21)[line 7]טרודTARUD- is busy

22)[line 8]ופונדיון / האיסרPUNDYON / ISAR (CURRENCY OF THE TALMUD)

(a)The relationship between the various coins mentioned in the Talmud is as follows:

1.1 Sela = 2 Shekel

2.1 Shekel = 2 Dinar

3.1 Dinar = 6 Me'ah

4.1 Rova Shekel (or Sela Medinah) = 3 Me'ah

5.1 Me'ah = 2 Pundeyon

6.1 Pundeyon = 2 Isar

7.1 Isar = 6 or 8 Perutah (see Kidushin 12a)

8.1 Sela = 48 Pundeyon

23)[line 10]הצלוחיתTZELOCHIS- a jug

24a)[line 15]לאודועי שדריהL'ODO'EI SHADREI- he sent him (his son, with the jug and the money, to the storeowner) merely to inform him (the storeowner) [that he wanted to purchase some oil]

b)[line 15]לשדורי ליה שדריהLI'SHEDUREI LEI SHADREI- he sent him (his son, with the jug and the money, to the storeowner) to send him (his son) back to him (the buyer) [with the oil that he wanted to purchase]

25)[line 16]צלוחית? אבדה מדעת היא!TZELOCHIS? AVEIDAH MI'DA'AS HI!- [Why must he pay for] the bottle? It is an intentionally lost object!

26)[line 19]לבקרהL'VAKRAH- to examine it (and see whether it was worth buying)

27)[line 20]האומןUMAN- craftsman

28)[line 20]ונאנסNE'ENAS- it broke due to an unavoidable accident