[97a - 33 lines; 97b - 28 lines]

1)[line 1]המתמדHA'METAMED- a person who makes Temed (O.F. bufet), inferior wine made from fermented grape pits or grape lees soaked in water

2a)[line 1]ונתן מים במדהNASAN MAYIM B'MIDAH- he poured in a specific measure of water

b)[line 1]ומצא כדי מדתוU'MATZA KEDEI MIDASO- and he found that the amount of Temed that resulted was equal to the measure of water that he poured in

3)[line 2]פטורPATUR- he is exempt [from separating Terumos and Ma'asros for it, since it is considered to be merely water]

4)[line 9]קיוהאKIYUHA- (O.F. aigror - sharpness, acidity) a liquid that is not wine, that has merely absorbed the acidity of the fermented grape lees

5)[line 9]שמרים של תרומהSHEMARIM SHEL TERUMAH- the lees of wine that is Terumah (the process of separating Terumos and Ma'asros is described in Background to Bava Basra 96:1)

6a)[line 10]ראשוןRISHON- the first [time that the person pours water over the lees to obtain Temed}

b)[line 10]ושניSHENI- the second [time that the person pours water over the lees to obtain Temed]

7)[line 10]אסורASUR- are prohibited [to non-Kohanim, just like Terumah]

8)[line 11]אף שלישי בנותן טעםAF SHELISHI B'NOSEN TA'AM- even the third [time that the person pours water over the lees to obtain Temed, if the Temed] has a taste of wine, [it is prohibited to non-Kohanim]

9)[line 18]בקדושת הגוף / בקדושת דמיםKEDUSHAS HA'GUF / KEDUSHAS DAMIM

(a)KEDUSHAS HA'GUF - an object with intrinsic Kedushah, such as the utensils used in the Beis ha'Mikdash (RAMBAM Hilchos Me'ilah 6:5), or an actual Korban or libation that is used in the Beis ha'Mikdash "as is."

(b)KEDUSHAS BEDEK HA'BAYIS - an object the value of which is consecrated to Hekdesh so that it should be used for filling the day to day needs of the Beis ha'Mikdash, and not for Korbanos. (The term Kedushas Damim that is used in our Sugya refers to Kedushas Bedek ha'Bayis and should not be confused with the term Kedushas Damim that is mentioned in Kidushin 52b - see Background to Kidushin 52:35:b, c.)

10a)[line 19]במעשר ודאיMA'ASER VADAI- Ma'asros (tithes) from produce from which the obligation to separate Ma'asros is unquestionable (the process of separating Terumos and Ma'asros is described in Background to Bava Basra 96:1)

b)[line 20]במעשר דמאיMA'ASER DEMAI - Ma'asros (tithes) from produce from which the obligation to separate Ma'asros is in doubt (DEMAI)

(a)Produce bought from an Am ha'Aretz (an unlearned Jew who is lax in his Torah-observance; see Berachos 47b) is referred to as Demai ("Da Mai?" - "What is this?").

(b)Yochanan Kohen Gadol decreed that Terumas Ma'aser and Ma'aser Sheni must be separated from this produce, since a minority of Amei ha'Aretz cannot be trusted to have separated them before selling the produce. Terumah Gedolah, however, because of its stringency, is presumed to have been separated. Ma'aser Rishon and Ma'aser Ani are separated from the produce, but they are eaten by the owner and not given to the Levi or the Ani (in keeping with the principle "ha'Motzi me'Chaveiro Alav ha'Re'ayah").

11a)[line 21]לענין איסורןL'INYAN ISURAN- with regard to (a) their prohibition [to non-Kohanim, with regard to Terumah (see Background to Bava Metzia 52:38, "Chomesh"); (b) their prohibition to be eaten outside of Yerushalayim, with regard to Ma'aser Sheni (see Background to Bava Metzia 90:1:d, e); and (c) their prohibition to be used for purposes other than for Bedek ha'Bayis

b)[line 22]לענין הכשירןL'INYAN HECHSHERAN - with regard to their ability to cause Hechsher l'Tum'ah (HECHSHER / KI YUTAN)

(a)Foods may become Tamei if they touch a source of Tum'ah only if they were wetted at some point in their history. Making foods wet in a manner that enables them to become Tamei is called "Hechsher." From then on, even after they dry, they can become Tamei. Wetting food with either of seven liquids (water, dew, oil, wine, milk, blood, and honey) can enable the food to become Tamei.

(b)The food can become Tamei only if the owner of the food was pleased that his food became wet. This is learned from the verse, "וְכִי יֻתַּן מַיִם עַל זֶרַע..." "v'Chi Yutan Mayim Al Zera..." - "If water has been placed on seeds, and then the dead body [of a Sheretz] fell upon them, the seeds are Tamei" (Vayikra 11:38). The word "Yutan" in the verse is written without a Vav, just like the word "Yiten" - "he places." However, according to the Mesorah, it is read "Yutan" - "it was placed." From this we learn that when liquid falls on the food, it is considered Hechsher only if their presence is desirable to the owner of the food (i.e. it is as though he himself applied them).

(c)It is necessary only for the owner to desire the liquid; he need not desire that the liquid come into contact with the food. That is, even if the owner desires the liquid for an entirely different purpose, if the liquid later comes into contact with food it will enable the food to become Tamei. On the other hand, if the owner only intended to dispose of the liquid, it does not enable the food to become Tamei, since only liquids that are significant can cause Hechsher. (The above applies regarding water only, hence it is necessary to discuss whether Temed is considered wine or water - RASHBAM.)

(d)It is considered "Ki Yiten" only when the liquid falls, with the will of the owner, upon an object that is detached from the ground.

12)[line 24]שתמדו במי גשמיםSHE'TAMDO B'MEI GESHAMIM- he used rain water to make the Temed

13)[line 24]וכיון דקא שקיל ורמי להו למנא, אחשבינהוKEIVAN D'KA SHAKIL V'RAMI LEHU L'MANA, ACHSHEVINHU- but since he took the rainwater and poured it into the utensil that contained the lees, he has demonstrated that he considers the rainwater important and desirable and it will be Machshir the Temed (see entry #11b)

14)[line 26]שנתמד מאליוSHE'NISMAD ME'ELAV- the Temed was created without his intervention

15)[line 26]וכיון דקא נגיד קמא קמא, אחשבינהוKEIVAN D'KA NAGID KAMA KAMA, ACHSHEVINHU- but since he has drawn of the Temed bit by bit, he has demonstrated that he considers the Temed important and desirable and it will become Muchshar to receive Tum'ah (see entry #11b)

16)[line 29]קידוש היוםKIDUSH HA'YOM

Reciting or hearing Kidush on Friday night is a Mitzvas Aseh. It consists of the verses from Bereishis 2:1-3 (preceded by the last words of Bereishis 1:31), the Berachah over a cup of wine, and the Berachah sanctifying the day of Shabbos.

17)[line 30]היין הראוי לינסך על גבי המזבחYAYIN HA'RA'UY LINASECH AL GABEI HA'MIZBE'ACH (NESACHIM)

(a)Nesachim are wine libations offered along with any Korban Olah or Shelamim, whether these Korbanos are offered by the Tzibur (Bamidbar 28:11-15, 20-21) or an individual (Bamidbar 15:3-16). All Nesachim are offered along with a meal offering consisting of flour and oil known as a Minchas Nesachim (RAMBAM Ma'aseh ha'Korbanos 2:1).

(b)The Nesachim and Minchas Nesachim are not eaten. Rather, the wine is poured into the libation pipes on top of the Mizbe'ach near its SW corner (see RAMBAM Temidin u'Musafin 10:7), while the flour and oil are burned on the Mitzbe'ach.

(c)The amount of wine necessary for the libation, as well as the amount of flour and oil mixed together for the Minchas Nesachim, varies depending upon what kind of animal is being offered:

1.Bulls or cows - 1/2 Hin (6 Lugin) of wine and of oil, 3 Esronim of flour.

2.Rams (i.e. male sheep over 1 years old) - 1/3 Hin (4 Lugin) of wine and of oil, 2 Esronim of flour.

3.Other animals (i.e. male sheep under 1 year old, all female sheep and goats) - 1/4 Hin (3 Lugin) of wine and of oil, 1 Isaron of flour.

18)[line 31]יין מגתוYAYIN MI'GITO- lit. wine from its collection pit, i.e. grape juice


19a)[line 1]סוחט אדםSOCHET ADAM- a person may squeeze

b)[line 1]אשכול של ענביםESHKOL SHEL ANAVIM- a cluster of grapes

20a)[line 3]מפיהMI'PIHA- from its (the barrel's) mouth

b)[line 3]ומשוליהMI'SHULEHA- from its (the barrel's) bottom

21a)[line 5]כושיKUSHI- black or very dark [wine]

b)[line 5]בורקBOREK- shining [white wine, of inferior quality]

c)[line 5]היליסטוןHILISTON- sweet, weak wine

d)[line 5]של מרתףSHEL MARTEF- from the cellar (where there is a doubt as to its quality)

e)[line 6]של צמוקיםSHEL TZIMUKIM- wine made of raisins

22a)[line 7]קוססKOSES- wine that is about to turn to vinegar

b)[line 7]מזוגMAZUG- diluted wine

c)[line 8]מגולהMEGULEH - wine that was left uncovered

The Sages prohibited the consumption of an uncovered liquid that was left unattended. There is a possibility that a poisonous snake drank from it, injecting poison into it. (See RAMBAM Hilchos Rotze'ach u'Shemiras ha'Nefesh 11:5-16)

d)[line 8]ושל שמריםSHEL SHEMARIM- [wine made from the] lees/dregs [of other wine]

e)[line 8]ושריחו רעSHE'REICHO RA- bad smelling [wine]

23)[line 9]למעוטי מאי?L'MI'UTEI MAI?- [the statement that wine which is not valid for Nisuch is also not valid for Kidush is] to exclude what [of the five types of inferior wine listed in the preceding Beraisa]?

24)[line 11]עלויי עלייהILUYEI ALYEI- it has improved (and is a superior wine)

25)[line 12]מודים חכמים לרבי אליעזרMODIM CHACHAMIM L'REBBI ELIEZER- the Chachamim agree to Rebbi Eliezer. According to TOSFOS, this refers to the argument between the Chachamim and Rebbi Eliezer (in a Beraisa in Berachos 50b) whether one may recite the blessing of "Borei Pri ha'Gafen" on undiluted wine (Chachamim), or only the blessing of "sheha'Kol" (Rebbi Eliezer). Rebbi Yosi bar'Rebbi Chanina says that the Chachamim agree that when reciting a blessing on a Kos Shel Berachah (see next entry), the wine must be diluted.

26)[line 13]בכוס של ברכהKOS SHEL BERACHAH- the cup of wine used for Birkas ha'Mazon

27)[line 15]סכנה היאSAKANAH HI- it is a danger [to drink wine, or any liquid, that was left uncovered, lest it contain the venom of a snake that drank from it]

28)[line 20]דעבריה במסננתD'ABREI B'MESANENES- he passed it through a strainer

29)[line 20]כרבי נחמיהK'REBBI NECHEMYAH- like [the ruling of] Rebbi Nechemyah. Rebbi Nechemyah ruled that although it is prohibited to drink a liquid that was left uncovered (due to the danger involved), if one strains the liquid then he is permitted to drink it.

30)[line 21]"'[וְכִי תַגִּשׁוּן עִוֵּר לִזְבֹּחַ אֵין רָע, וְכִי תַגִּישׁוּ פִּסֵּחַ וְחֹלֶה אֵין רָע;] הַקְרִיבֵהוּ נָא לְפֶחָתֶךָ, הֲיִרְצְךָ אוֹ הֲיִשָּׂא פָנֶיךָ', [אָמַר ה' צְבָקוֹת]""['V'CHI SAGISHUN IVER LIZBO'ACH EIN RA? V'CHI SAGISHU PISE'ACH V'CHOLEH EIN RA?] HAKRIVIEHU NA L'FECHASECHA! HA'YIRTZECHA O HA'YISA FANECHA?' [AMAR HASH-M TZEVAKOS]"- "['When you present a blind animal for sacrifice, is it not bad? And when you present a lame or sick animal for sacrifice, is it not bad?] Present it, if you please, to your governor! Would he be pleased with you or show you favor?' [said HaSh-m, Master of Legions]." (Malachi 1:8)

31)[line 22]חמוהCHAMUHA- his father-in-law

32)[line 23]חמר חוורייןCHAMAR CHIVARYAN- (a) white wine (RASHBAM); (b) exceedingly white (and thus inferior) wine (TOSFOS, RABEINU GERSHOM). (See YA'AVETZ for an original explanation of why this wine is called "Chivaryan.")

33)[line 24]"אַל תֵּרֶא יַיִן כִּי יִתְאַדָּם; [כִּי יִתֵּן בַּכּוֹס עֵינוֹ, יִתְהַלֵּךְ בְּמֵישָׁרִים]""AL TERE YAYIN KI YIS'ADAM; [KI YITEN BA'KOS EINO, YIS'HALECH B'MEISHARIM]"- "Do not look upon wine when it is red; [when a person eyes a cup, whatever he does, he considers just (i.e. any path he follows he considers straight)]." (Mishlei 23:31) - The verse implies that red wine takes precedence, because it is praised as being the most intoxicating.

34)[line 25]נאות ומגופרותNA'OS U'MEGUFAROS- handsome [vessels] and lined with pitch (see Background to Bava Basra 93:30)

35)[line 27]ואם ידוע שיינו מחמיץIM YADU'A SHE'YEINO MACHMITZ- if it is known that his (the seller's) wine always becomes vinegar (but the buyer was not aware of that)