[125a - 13 lines; 125b - 20 lines]

1)[line 4]דאי קדים סבתא וזבנא, זבינה זביניIY KADIM SAVTA V'ZAVNA, ZEVINAH ZEVINEI- if the grandmother would have sold it prior to her death, the sale would have been valid (and. therefore, the granddaughter was not considered to be in possession of the property, and her husband would not inherit the property if his wife dies before him; see Insights)


2a)[line 14]בגדוליםGEDOLIM- people of great stature (this is referring to Rav Huna whom Rav Elazar considered great)

b)[line 14]בקטניםKETANIM- people of lesser stature (Rav Elazar is referring to himself)