[148a - 19 lines; 148b - 32 lines]

1)[line 2]ואף על גב דליתיה בבריאAF AL GAV D'LEISEI B'VARI- even though it (i.e. the ability to transfer ownership of a debt) does not exist for a healthy person

2)[line 3]הואיל ויורש יורשהHO'IL V'YORESH YORSHAH- since an heir inherits it

3)[line 7]דקל לאחד, ופירותיו לאחרDEKEL L'ECHAD U'FEIROSAV L'ACHER- [he gave his] date-palm to one person, and its fruits to another

4)[line 8]מקום פיריMEKOM PEIREI- the place from which the fruit grows (according to the explanation of the RASHBAM, this refers to the branches from which they grow (as opposed to the trunk))

5)[line 10]לעצמו חוץ מפירותיוL'ATZMO CHUTZ MI'PEIROSAV- [when he sold the tree] he left part for himself [saying]: "except for its fruits." (According to the explanation of the RASHBAM, the word "l'Atzmo" (he left part for himself) should be omitted. The Rashbam explains that the Gemara is discussing the effect of adding extra words in the sale, such as "I am selling you the tree itself, except for its fruits), and not the effect of leaving something over specifically to oneself.)

6)[line 14]כל לגבי נפשיה, בעין יפה משיירKOL L'GABEI NAFSHEI, B'AYIN YAFEH MESHAYEIR- anything that is relevant to oneself, he leaves over [to himself] generously. (According to the explanation of the RASHBAM, these words should be omitted and replaced with the words, "ואליבא דרב זביד "V'ALIBA D'RAV ZEVID" ("and it is according to Rav Zevid"), who is quoted by the Gemara later (149b).)

7)[last line]דיוטא העליונהDEYOTA HA'ELYONAH- the upper story (this refers to a roof which has an enclosure around it with a height of at least ten Tefachim)


8)[line 7]זיזיןZIZIN- small wooden protrusions, or the ends of beams, that jut out from a wall, which people use for hanging things

9)[line 10]במחלקMECHALEK- dividing up [all of his property at one time]

10a)[line 10]עמדAMAD- if he recovers (lit. stands up [from his illness])

b)[line 10]בנמלךNIMLACH- changing his mind

11)[line 11]עיוני קא מעיין והדר יהיבIYUNEI KA ME'AYEIN V'HADAR YAHIV- he is delving into the matter [of what property to give to whom] and then he is giving it (and he intended to give away all of his property from the start)

12)[line 11]סתמיה דשכיב מרע, מידק דייק והדר יהיבSTAMEI DI'SHECHIV MERA, MEIDAK DAYIK V'HADAR YAHIV- in a normal case of a Shechiv Mera, he carefully scrutinizes [what property he wants to give to whom] and then he gives it

13)[line 13]כל נכסיוKOL NECHASAV- [he gave away] all of his property [by specifying each part of his property that he was giving away]

14)[line 15]באומר "כל נכסי"B'OMER "KOL NECHASAI"- [he gave away all of his property] by saying, "All of my property" [and he did not specify what property he was giving away]

15)[line 16]במוחזק לן דלית ליהB'MUCHZAK LAN D'LEIS LEI- [the case is] when we are certain that he has none (i.e. property abroad)

16)[line 16]חזרה במקצתCHAZARAH B'MIKTZAS- a retraction of part [of the gift]

17)[line 25]הקדיש כל נכסיו, ועמדHIDKISH KOL NECHASAV, V'AMAD- if he consecrated all of his property to Hekdesh, and then he recovered

18)[line 25]כל לגבי הקדש גמר ומקניKOL L'GABEI HEKDESH GAMAR U'MAKNI- anything that is relevant to Hekdesh, [we assume that] he had full intention to transfer it [to Hekdesh]

19)[line 30]הפקירHIFKIR- he declared his property ownerless

20a)[line 31]יטולYITOL- he shall take

b)[line 31]ויזכהYIZKEH- he shall procure

c)[line 31]ויחזיקYACHAZIK- he shall take possession

d)[line 31]ויקנהYIKNEH- he shall acquire

21)[line 31]כולן לשון מתנה הןKULAN LESHON MATANAH HEN- they are all acceptable phrases for giving a gift

22)[line 31]במתניתא תנאB'MASNISA TANA- in a Beraisa it was taught

23)[last line]אף יחסין וירת בראוי ליורשוAF YACHASIN V'YERAS B'RA'UY L'YORSHO- even the phrases, "He shall be bequeathed [through his lineage]," and "He shall inherit," in a case where the recipient is fit to inherit him (the benefactor)

24)[last line]ורבי יוחנן בן ברוקא היאREBBI YOCHANAN BEN BEROKA HI- [the Tana of the Beraisa] is Rebbi Yochanan ben Berokah, who maintains that a father has the right to grant one son a larger share of the inheritance than the others