BAVA BASRA 9 (28 Sivan) - Today's study material has been dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Hagaon Rav Yisroel Zev Gustman ZT"L (author of 'Kuntresei Shiurim') in honor of his Yahrzeit, by his Talmid Dr. Yehoshua Daniel.
What did a certain syndicate of butchers, who took turns to Shecht and sell animals on a daily rote basis, agree to do in the event that one of their group would operate on a day that was not his?
What did Rava rule when one of them actually did that and they duly tore the animal-skin to shreds.
What was his reaction when Rav Yeimar bar Shalmaya queried him from the Beraisa (that we recently cited) 'u'Le'hasi'a al Kitzasan'?
How did Rav Papa explain Rava's silence?
A syndicate of butchers, who took turns to Shecht and sell animals on a daily rote basis, agreed that if one of their group would operate on a day that was not his - they would tear the skin of the animal that he Shechted to shreds.
When one of them actually contravened the rules and they duly tore the animal-skin to shreds, Rava - obligated them to pay ...
When Rav Yeimar bar Shalmaya queried him from the Beraisa (that we recently cited) 'u'Le'hasi'a al Kitzasan' - he remained silent.
Rav Papa ascribed Rava's silence (not to acquiescence, but) - to the fact that he dismissed Rav Yeimar's query outright, seeing as he (Rava) lived in the town, and the community have the right to make such decisions only applies when there is no Rav in town.
The Beraisa permits both Gaba'ei Tzedakah and Gizbarei Hekdesh to operate unchecked. The Pasuk in Melachim "ve'Lo Yechashvu es ha'Anashim ... ki be'Emunah Heim Osim" explicitly teaches us this with regard to the latter. Why is this only a hint with regard to Gaba'i Tzedakah, and not a real proof?
Based on the above Pasuk ''va'Yatzuru va'Yimnu ... ", what does Rebbi Elazar advise a person to do, even though the secretary running his financial affairs is perfectly reliable?
The Beraisa permits both Gaba'ei Tzedakah and Gizbarei Hekdesh to operate unchecked. The Pasuk "ve'Lo Yechashvu es ha'Anashim ... ki be'Emunah Heim Osim" explicitly teaches us this with regard to the latter. This is only a hint with regard to Gaba'i Tzedakah however, and not a real proof - since Gizbarei Hekdesh have far more on their hands than they do, due to all the various branches of repairs and purchases for which they are responsible, and that might just be the reason for the leniency.
Based on the above Pasuk "va'Yatzuturu va'Yimnu ... ", Rebbi Elazar advises a person, even though the secretary running his financial affairs is perfectly reliable, to hand him everything wrapped and counted, and to take it back from him in the same state.
Rav Huna permits checking the credentials of someone who asks for food, but not if he comes in tatters and asks for clothes, which he learns either from a S'vara or from a Pasuk. What is the logic behind the latter ruling?
How does he alternatively learn ...
... the former ruling from the word "P'ros" (in the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ha'Lo la'Ra'ev Lachmecha")?
... the latter ruling from "Ki Sir'eh Arom ve'Chisiso"?
Rav Yehudah inverts the rulings. What is his reason for feeding a hungry man straightway more than providing a naked one with clothes?
How does he otherwise learn ...
... it from "ha'Lo Pros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha"?
... that one should first examine a poor man before clothing him?
Why do we rule like Rav Yehudah?
Rav Huna permits checking the credentials of someone who asks for food, but not if he comes in tatters and asks for clothes - due to the embarrassment.
Alternatively, he learns it from a Pasuk. He learns ...
... the former ruling from the word "P'ros" (in the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ha'Lo Pros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha") - which really means 'give a piece', but we interpret it as if it was written with a 'Sin', and then explain it as if it was punctuated with a 'Shin' (P'rosh, implying, ask him for an explanation [see Mesores ha'Shas]).
... the latter ruling from "Ki Sir'eh Arom ve'Chisiso" - which implies immediately, without asking any questions.
Rav Yehudah inverts the rulings. His reason for feeding a hungry man straightway more than providing a naked one with clothes is - because he feels physical pain, whereas a naked one does not.
He otherwise learns ...
... it from "ha'Lo P'ros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha" - which implies immediately.
... that one should first examine a poor man before clothing him from "Ki Sir'eh" (in the Pasuk "Ki Sir'eh Arom ve'Chisiso" - which implies that one should first check him out (look him over) before clothing him.
We rule like Rav Yehudah - because he has the support of a Beraisa.
We learned in a Mishnah in Pe'ah that the Gaba'im should provide a poor traveler with a minimum of a loaf worth a Pundiyon, when four Sa'ah of wheat go for a Sela. There are forty-eight Pundeyonin in a Sela, how many ...
... Kabin are there in a Sa'ah?
... half-Kabin in four Sa'ah?
How much would ...
... the baker normally take as profit?
... much would the poor man then actually receive?
If the poor man stayed overnight, they would also provide him with Parnasas Linah. What does 'Parnasas Linah' entail?
We learned in a Mishnah in Pe'ah that the Gaba'im should provide a poor traveler with a minimum of a loaf worth a Pundiyon, when four Sa'ah of wheat go for a Sela. There are forty-eight Pundeyonin in a Sela ...
... six Kabin in a Sa'ah, and ...
... forty-eight half-Kabin in four Sa'ah.
The ...
... baker would normally take - half the loaf as profit, in which case ...
... the poor man would then receive - a quarter of a Kav (or six egg-volumes) daily.
If the poor man stayed overnight, they would also provide him with Parnasas Linah - a bed plus bedding.
What does the Beraisa say about a poor man who goes from door to door?
What objection did Rav Yeiva raise when Rav Papa observed the Beraisa's ruling to the letter, refusing to provide a poor man from out of town with anything from the local funds, because he was going from door to door?
How did Rav Yeiva justify his objection in view of the Beraisa?
Based on a Pasuk in Nechemyah, what is the minimum annual sum that Rav Asi prescribes for the Mitzvah of Tzedakah?
The Beraisa - absolves the Gaba'im from providing food to a poor man who goes from door to door.
When Rav Papa observed the Beraisa's ruling to the letter, refusing to provide a poor man from out of town with anything from the local funds because he was going from door to door, Rav Yeimar objected - on the grounds that if the Gaba'im refused to help a poor man, everyone else would follow suite.
Rav Yeiva justified his objection - by explaining that the Tana only exempted the Gaba'im from giving him the full amount, but that a token donation was necessary.
Based on the Pasuk in Nechemyah "ve'He'emadnu aleinu Mitzvos Laseis aleinu Shelishis ha'Shekel le'Shanah ... ", the minimum annual sum that Rav Asi prescribes for the Mitzvah of Tzedakah is - a third of a Shekel (which is equivalent to the original half-Shekel [see Ritva]).
What does Rav Asi infer from the Lashon "Mitzvos" used by the previous Pasuk in Nechemyah?
And what does Rebbi Elazar infer from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ve'Hayah Ma'aseh ha'Tzedakah Shaleim"?
Rav Asi infers from the Lashon "Mitzvos" used by the previous Pasuk - that the Mitzvah of Tzedakah is equivalent to all the Mitzvos.
And Rebbi Elazar infers from the Pasuk "ve'Hayah Ma'aseh ha'Tzedakah Shaleim" - that 'Gadol ha'Me'aseh Yoser min ha'Oseh' (that making others give Tzedakah is greater even than giving it oneself).
Based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "va'Aniyim Merudim Tavi Bayis", what happens to someone who does not give the Tzedakah that he is required to give?
What did Rava implore the people of Mechuza to do?
What do we learn from the Pasuk there "ve'Nogsayich bi'Tzedakah"?
Rebbi Elazar teaches that when the Beis-Hamikdash stood, the annual half-Shekel atoned for our sins. How do we manage nowadays.
When someone does not give the Tzedakah that he is required to give then, based on the Pasuk in Yeshayah "va'Aniyim Merudim Tavi Bayis" - Nochrim who always moan 'Give give!' (the Romans) will come and take the money by force.
Rava implored the people of Mechuza - to make each other give Tzedakah, so that the Mitzvah of Tzedakah would be performed to perfection.
We learn from the Pasuk there "ve'Nogsayich bi'Tzedakah" - that even when one's money is claimed by Nochrim, it is still considered a Mitzvah (see the Sugya at the foot of Amud Beis and Agados Maharsha here).
Rebbi Elazar teaches that when the Beis-Hamikdash stood, the annual half-Shekel atoned for our sins. Nowadays, he says - we give Tzedakah instead.
What did Ula Meshagesh Urch'seih de'Eimeih Darshen from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "va'Yilbash Tzedakah ke'Siryon" (and Rebbi Chanina from the Pasuk there "u'che'Beged Idyam Kol Tzidkoseinu")?
Who was 'Ula Meshagesh Urcheseih de'Eimeih'?
His nickname came about as a result of the episode that we are about to discuss. What is a 'Metzora bi'Yemei Sipuro'?
What was Rav Sheishes initial reply when Rav Achdevu'i bar Ami asked him from where we know that a Metzora bi'Yemei Sipuro renders Tamei the person who touched him?
Ula Meshagesh Urcheseih de'Eimeih Darshened from the Pasuk "va'Yilbash Tzedakah ke'Siryon" (and Rebbi Chanina from the Pasuk there "u'che'Beged Idyam Kol Tzidkoseinu") - that just as each link joins with the next one to make a chain-mail (and each thread to make a garment) so too, does each P'rutah that one gives for Tzedakah add up to a large amount.
'Ula Meshagesh Urcheseih de'Eimeih' - was really Rav Sheishes (see also Tosfos DH 'Asya').
His nickname came about as a result of the episode that we are about to discuss. A 'Metzora bi'Yemei Sipuro' is - a Metzora during the seven days from the time he brings his birds until he brings his Korbanos.
When Rav Achdevu'i bar Ami asked Rav Sheishes from where we know that a Metzora bi'Yemei Sipuro renders Tamei the person who touched him, he initially replied - that since he renders the clothes he is wearing Tamei, he renders people who touch him Tamei, too.
Rav Achdevu'i queried Rav Sheishes however, on the grounds that perhaps Tum'ah be'Chiburin is different. What does 'Tum'ah be'Chiburin' in this context refer to?
And he proved his point from the case of 'Hisit Neveilah'. What does that mean? What is his proof from there?
How did Rav Achdevu'i refute Rav Sheishes proof, first from Sheretz and then from Shichvas-Zera (semen), by each of which Rav Sheishes suggested in turn, that we learn Tum'as Adam from Tum'as Begadim?
If we know Tum'as Adam by Sheretz from the Pasuk in Emor "O Ish asher Yiga be'Chol Sheretz", from where do we learn it by Shichvas-Zera?
Rav Achdevu'i queried Rav Sheishes however, on the grounds that perhaps Tum'ah be'Chiburin - the clothes that he is wearing whilst he is Tamei (which are not Tamei through touching, but because they are considered like himself in this regard) is different?
And he proved his point from a case of 'Hisit Neveilah' - someone who moves the dead carcass of an animal, who becomes Tamei together with the clothes he is wearing, yet he is not Metamei a person who touches him.
Rav Achdevu'i refuted Rav Sheishes proof, first from Sheretz and then from Shichvas-Zera (semen), by each of which Rav Sheishes suggested in turn, that we learn Tum'as Adam from Tum'as Begadim - because it is not from Tum'as Begadim that we learn it, but from a Pasuk which specifically declares him Tamei through touching.
We know Tum'as Adam by Sheretz from the Pasuk "O Ish asher Yiga be'Chol Sheretz", and by Shichvas-Zera from - the word "O" (in the Pasuk there "O Ish asher Teitzei Mimenu Shichvas-Zera") which comes to include someone who touches it).
Rav Sheishes ineptitude caused Rav Achdevu'i to answer exuberantly. What happened after, as a result of Rav Achdevui's exuberance...
... Rav Sheishes felt faint?
... Rav Sheishes mother (see Tosfos DH 'Asya Eimeih') came and pleaded with him in vain to take pity on Rav Achdevu'i?
We finally learn Tum'as Adam by Yemei Sipuro with a 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Kibus Begadim" "Kibus Begadim". From which area of Halachah do we learn it?
Rav Sheishes ineptitude caused Rav Achdevu'i to answer exuberantly. When, as a result of Rav Achdevui's exuberance ...
... Rav Sheishes felt faint - Rav Achdevu'i became dumb and forgot his learning.
... Rav Sheishes mother (see Tosfos DH 'Asya Eimeih') came and pleaded with him in vain to take pity on Rav Achdevu'i - she exposed her breasts (which explains the nickname 'Meshagesh Urcheseih de'Imeih' [ which means who caused his mother to behave irrationwally]) the symbol of sensitivity and compassion, and begged him to take his cue from them and pray for Rav Achdevu'i. He complied and Rav Achdevu'i was cured.
We finally learn Tum'as Adam by Yemei Sipuro with a 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Kibus Begadim" "Kibus Begadim" - from a Metzora Muchlat (before his days of Taharah began), by whom the Torah explicitly includes Tum'as Adam.
What, according to Rebbi Elazar, does someone who gives Tzedakah discreetly, achieve that even Moshe Rabeinu was unable to?
How do we learn this from the Pasuk "Matan ba'Seiser Yichpeh Af, ve'Shochad be'Cheik Cheimah Azah"? What did Moshe Rabeinu himself say about 'Af' and 'Cheimah?
Rebbi Yitzchak disagrees with this in part. How does he interpret "ve'Shochad be'Cheik Cheimah Azah"?
What alternative explanation does he give to this Pasuk?
According to Rebbi Elazar, someone who gives Tzedakah discreetly - dispels the two destructive Angels 'Af' and 'Cheimah', something that even Moshe Rabeinu was unable to do.
And we learn this from the Pasuk "Matan ba'Seiser Yichpeh Af ve'Shochad be'Cheik CheimahAzah" - whereas Moshe himself testified that "he was afraid of (the two angels) 'Af' and 'Cheimah' .
Rebbi Yitzchak disagrees with this in part. He interprets "ve'Shochad be'Cheik Cheimah Azah" to mean - that in spite of the Shochad (the Tzedakah that one gave in secret), Cheimah remains, though he does agree with it regarding 'Af'. According to Rebbi Elazar, note, "ve'Shochad be'Cheik ... " too, refers to "Matan ba'Seiser Yichpeh ... ".
Alternatively, he establishes the Pasuk with regard to a Dayan who takes bribery, in which case, he explains it to mean - that a Dayan who takes bribery evokes the Divine wrath and brings it on the world.
Rebbi Yitzchak extrapolates from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ha'Lo P'ros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha" that someone who gives a P'rutah to a poor person is blessed with six B'rachos. How many additional B'rachos does he receive for appeasing him?
And how does he explain the Pasuk in Mishlei "Rodef Tzedakah, va'Chesed, Yimtza Chayim, Tzedakah ve'Chavod"? Why should someone who gives Tzedakah, be rewarded with having to receive Tzedakah?
How does Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak elaborate still further?
Rebbi Yitzchak extrapolates from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "ha'Lo P'ros la'Ra'ev Lachmecha" that someone who gives a P'rutah to a poor person is blessed with six B'rachos. If he appeases him as well - he receives five additional B'rachos.
He also explains the Pasuk in Mishlei "Rodef Tzedakah, va'Chesed, Yimtza Chayim, Tzedakah ve'Chavod" to mean (not that he will have to receive Tzedakah, but) - that he will be granted the means with which to give more Tzedakah ('Mitzvah Goreres Mitzvah').
Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak elaborated still further - inasmuch as, in addition, Hash-m will avail him decent people to whom to give, in which case he will receive full reward for the Mitzvah.
Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak comes to preclude the opinion of Rabah. How did Rabah interpret the Pasuk in Yirmiyah (with reference to the men of Anasos, who were attempting to take the Navi's life) "ve'Yih'yu Muchshalim lefanecha, be'Eis Apcha Asei bahem"? What did Yirmiyah want Hash-m to do to them?
How does Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi interpret (in the Pasuk in Mishlei that we just discussed) "Rodef Tzedakah, va'Chesed, Yimtza Chayim, Tzedakah ve'Chavod"? In this context, how does he interpret ...
... "Chayim"?
... "Tzedakah"?
... "Chavod"?
How does he learn the latter from "ve'Chavod"?
Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak comes to preclude the opinion of Rabah, who interpreted the Pasuk in Yirmiyah (with reference to the men of Anasos, who were attempting to take the Navi's life) "ve'Yih'yu Muchshalim lefanecha, be'Eis Apcha Asei bahem" to mean - that even on the odd occasion that they overcame their Yeitzer-ha'Ra and decided to give Tzedakah with a full heart, Hash-m should send them men who were not decent with whom to perform that Chesed, and for which they would not receive reward.
In this context (in the Pasuk in Mishlei, "Rodef Tzedakah, va'Chesed ... " that we just discussed) Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi interprets "Yimtza ...
... "Chayim" as - wise sons (as the Torah writes in Eikev "Ki Hi Chayecha ... ").
... "Tzedakah" as - rich sons, and ...
... "ve'Chavod" as sons who are - knowledgeable in Agadah (who win the admiration of the masses for their fine D'rashos).
He learns the latter from the Gezeirah-Shavah "ve'Chavod" "Kavod Chachamim Yinchalu" (Mishlei).