
IF A SE'AH FELL IN (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 18b)

רבי חייה בר בא שאל סאה (חיטין)[שעורים] שנפלה לתוך מאה של (שעורין)[חיטין] (כהן וישראל)[מוכר ולוקח] מהו שיחלקו את השבח


Question #1 (R. Chiya bar Ba): If a se'ah of barley fell into 100 se'ah of wheat (he is able to sell the entire amount as wheat and there will be a profit from it); do the seller and buyer divide that profit?

ר' יצחק בר טבליי שאל סאה תרומה שנפלה לתוך מאה של חולין (מוכר ולוקח)[כהן וישראל] מהו שיחלקו את השאר.


Question #2 (R. Yitzchak bar Tavlai): If a se'ah of Terumah fell into 100 se'ah of Chulin, do the Kohen and Yisrael split the growths if that mixture was planted or does the Kohen only receive one se'ah, as before? (The Kohen could claim that the gain was because of his Terumah, so he should be given a half of the gain.)

א''ר בון בר חייה נישמעינה מהדא הבורר צרורות מתוך כרייו של חבירו חייב לשפות לו.


Answer (R. Bun bar Chiya): Learn from here - One who selects out stones from his friend's pile (and beforehand, the owner could have sold the pile with the stones according to the calculation of the Mishnah -see above 90-92 (c), that a small amount of stones can be sold as if they were the grains) he must pay the owner for the loss with regular wheat that he would now have to give when he sells it. This proves that something mixed into the pile is viewed like the pile itself. Therefore, when the buyer returns to the seller a seah, he can even return him barley mixed with the wheat.

ר' בון בר כהנא אמר באומר צבור ואקנה אבל אם היו צבורין משעה ראשונה לא בדא.


R. Bun bar Kahana: This law (that the buyer must return to the seller a se'ah, because of the se'ah of barley that fell into his wheat) applies when the buyer said, "Give me a pile of 100 se'ah of wheat and I will buy them'' and afterwards, the barley fell in. However, if there was already a pile there and he bought it in that state and then later discovered that it contained a se'ah of barley, he does not need to return it.