
A GUARANTOR OF A KESUVAH (Yerushalmi Halachah 9 Daf 33a)

משנה כיוצא בו אמר רשב''ג אף הערב לאשה בכתובתה והיה בעלה מגרשה ידיר הנייה שמא יעשו קינונייא על נכסיו של זה ויחזיר את אשתו:


(Mishnah): Similarly, Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said - even concerning a guarantor for a woman's kesuvah, if the husband comes to divorce her and she goes directly to the guarantor for payment, the husband must make a public vow (that cannot be annulled) against gaining benefit from her, thereby preventing them from ever remarrying. The concern is that the husband and wife were in cahoots together to have her receive her kesuvah money from the guarantor and then remarry her.

גמרא חמוי דברתיה דר' חגי הוה ערבא בפורנה דברתיה דרבי חגיי והוה מבזבזה בנכסייא.


(Gemara): The father-in-law of R. Chagai's daughter was a guarantor on his daughter-in-law's kesuvah. She was wasting her husband's money and he wanted to divorce her.

אתא עובדא קומי ר' אחא אמר צריך להדיר הנייה אמר רבי יוסי אין צריך להדיר הנייה.


The case came before R. Acha and he told him to make a vow against gaining benefit from her (like the ruling of Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel). R. Yosi said that he did not need to make a vow.

[דף לג עמוד ב] אמרין חברייה קומי ר' יוסי ומה אילו דיחזיר ויסבינה לית מרי חובה אתי וטרף.


Question (colleagues to R. Yosi): If they do remarry, aren't you concerned that her creditors will come and collect their debts from her and they will receive the money that the guarantor gave her. (If so, why aren't you then concerned that they were in cohoots?)

אמר דלא יחזיר ויעבדינון מטלטלין. או אפרא פרנון ולא משכח מרי חובא מה מתפס


Answer: There is a way to turn the money she received from the guarantor into movables (that cannot be taken by the creditors) or to use it to buy something (like a piece of land) that will be the principal that cannot then be lost (like Nichsei Tzon Barzel).

ונפק עובדא כרבי אחא:


The Halachah was established like R. Acha.