TOSFOS DH u'Temurah she'Le'acher Pidyono Mesah
úåñôåú ã"ä åúîåøä ùìàçø ôãéåðå îúä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this is unlike offspring.)
åàí úàîø îàé ùðà îåìãåú ãàéòáø åàúéìéã ìàçø ôãéåðï ãçùáéðï ìòéì åìã öáé åàéì
Question: Why is this different than offspring that [the mother] became pregnant and gave birth to them after Pidyon? Above (14a) we consider them like the offspring of Tzvi va'Ayal (totally Chulin)!
åéù ìåîø ãåìãåú àéï áäï ÷ãåùä àìà îëç àîï åëéåï ùðôãéú ô÷òä ÷ãåùúå ìâîøé ëöáé åëàéì
Answer: Offspring have Kedushah only due to the mother. Since [the mother] was redeemed, her Kedushah was totally uprooted, and [it is] like Tzvi va'Ayal;
åàò''â ãàéëà àéñåø âéæä åòáåãä
Implied question: There is an Isur of shearing and working with it!
àéï ëç ìàéñåø îåòè ëæä ùéçåì òì éãå ÷ãåùä òì äåìãåú
Answer: A small Isur like this does not have power that through it, Kedushah will take effect on the offspring;
àáì (úîåøú ÷ãåùä áääéà) [ö"ì úîåøä ÷ãåùä áä äéà - öàï ÷ãùéí] åëéåï ãâìé ÷øà ùçìä òì áòìú îåí ÷áåò çìä ä''ä ìàçø ôãéåðï àìà ãìà ÷øáä
Distinction: However, Temurah, Kedushah is in (due to) itself. Since the Torah revealed that it takes effect on a Ba'al Mum Kavu'a, the same applies (it takes effect) after Pidyon, just it is not offered.
àáì úîåøä ãìôðé ôãéåðï ÷øáä åòãéôà îåìãåú ãìôðé ôãéåðï ãàéëà î''ã ìòéì ìøòééä
Distinction: However, Temurah before Pidyon is offered, and it is better than Vlados before Pidyon, for there is an opinion above (15b) that [the latter] are Ro'eh (graze until they get a Mum).
åëï îåëç ìùåï ä÷åðèøñ ãáñîåê âáé îðéï ìúîåøú ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï ùîúä åôé' øù''é ëâåï ìàçø ôãéåðå ãìà îöé ìîé÷øá
Support: Rashi connotes like this below, regarding "what is the source of Temuras Pesulei ha'Mukdashim, that it dies?", and Rashi explained e.g. after Pidyon, that he cannot offer it.
åäà ãàöèøéê ÷øà ãîîòìé äâøä áñîåê
Implied question: Why do we need the verse "mi'Ma'alei ha'Gerah" below?
ììàå àúà ãîñáøà éãòðå ãìà ÷øáä ëãàîø øá ðçîï äëà
Answer #1: This is for a Lav. We know from reasoning that it is not offered, like Rav Nachman says here.
åëä''â àîø áñîåê âáé çîù çèàåú
Support: It says similarly below about five Chata'os [that must die].
åòåã éù ìôøù ã÷øà åñáøà öøéëé ãàé ìàå ÷øà äåä àîéðà ìà ÷ãùä ëìì ëöáé åàéì ëåìãåú ãàéòáø åàåìéã ìàçø ôãéåðï
Answer #2: We need the verse and the reasoning. If not for the verse, one might have thought that it is not Kadosh at all, like Tzvi va'Ayal, like offspring whose conception and birth were after Pidyon [of the mother];
åàé ìàå ñáøà äåä àîéðà éøòä åèîà äåà ã÷øà (äåé) [ö"ì äééðå - öàï ÷ãùéí] éîúéï òã ùéäà èîà åéôåì áå îåí ëãôé' ä÷åðèøñ áñîåê
And if not for the reasoning, one might have thought that it grazes, and "Tamei" of the verse, i.e. he waits until it will be Tamei, i.e. it gets a Mum (and then he eats it without Pidyon), like Rashi explained below (DH li'Temuras);
åäà ãôøéê øá òîøí åúéúëéì áîåîä ìáòìéí àñáøà ãøá ðçîï ôøéê:
Rav Amram's question "the owner should eat it when it is blemished!" is a challenge to Rav Nachman's reasoning.
TOSFOS DH Talmud Lomar mi'Ma'alei ha'Gerah
úåñôåú ã"ä úìîåã ìåîø îîòìé äâøä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies another Drashah from this verse.)
åäà ããøùéðï áô''÷ (ìòéì ãó å.) éù ìê ãáø ùäåà îòìä âøä åàé àúä àåëìå ëâåï èäåø ùðåìã îï äèîà
Implied question: We expounded above (6a) that there is something that chews the cud and you may not eat it, e.g. a Tahor born from a Tamei!
äúí ãøéù îøéùéä ã÷øà (åàú àìä) [ðøàä ùö"ì àê àú æä] ìà úàëìå åäëà ãøéù îñéôéä ã÷øà èîà äåà ìëí
Answer #1: There he expounds from the beginning of the verse "Ach Es Zeh Lo Sochlu", and here he expounds the Seifa "Tamei Hu Lachem."
àé ðîé úøé ÷øàé ëúéáé
Answer #2: There are two such verses (Vayikra 11:4, Devarim 14:7).
TOSFOS DH Ela Ki Asa Kra li'Temuras Asham
úåñôåú ã"ä àìà ëé àúà ÷øà ìúîåøú àùí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Beraisa according to this.)
åäëé ôéøåùà ãáøééúà îðéï ìçîù çèàåú îúåú åëðâãï áàùí øåòä åèîà äåà äééðå ùéøòä òã ùéñúàá ëãôéøù ä÷åðèøñ
Explanation: The Beraisa means "what is the source for five Chata'os ha'Mesos, and corresponding to them an Asham is Ro'eh?" "Tamei Hu" means that it grazes until it gets a Mum, like Rashi explained.
TOSFOS DH Kol sheb'Chatas Mesah b'Asham Ro'eh
úåñôåú ã"ä ëì ùáçèàú îúä áàùí øåòä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that mid'Oraisa, it is an Olah.)
àåîø øáéðå úí ãøòééä îãøáðï äéà åìôé ùú÷ðå çëîéí øòééä ð÷è áëì ãåëúà áàùí øåòä
Explanation (R. Tam): Re'iyah is mid'Rabanan. Because Chachamim enacted Re'iyah, it mentions everywhere that Asham is Ro'eh;
àáì äéìëúà äëé àéúà îãàåøééúà ãëì ùáçèàú îúä áàùí ÷øá òåìä ëãàîø áôñçéí ùéìäé (ñåó) ôø÷ àìå ãáøéí (ãó òâ.) àùí ùðéú÷ ìøòééä åùçèå ëùø ìòåìä åùí ôéøùúé ìä
However, the Halachah is that mid'Oraisa, in every case that Chatas dies, Asham is offered for an Olah, like it says in Pesachim (73a) "an Asham that was Nitak (give to a shepherd) for Re'iyah, and he slaughtered it in the Mikdash, it is Kosher for an Olah." There, I explained it.
TOSFOS DH He'emid Vlados Tachas Imoseihen (pertains to Amud B)
úåñôåú ã"ä äòîéã åìãåú úçú àîåúéäï (ùééê ìòîåã á)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses when he did so.)
ôéøù ä÷åðèøñ ùôúç ìå äôúç ìäéåú ìå ëç áåìãåú åàîø ìå àí éîåúå äáäîåú úèåì äåìãåú äîâéòåú ìçì÷é åéäà úçú éãé áàåúï ãîéí
Explanation (Rashi): He made an opportunity for him to have rights [to collect] in the offspring, and said to him if the [mother] animals will die, you will take the offspring that I was entitled to for my share, and [the mother] will be under my Reshus [with Achrayus] for that money (for which it was assessed).
)åáôéøåù( [ö"ì åëôéøåùå - îäøù"à, öàï ÷ãùéí] îùîò áâîøà ëîå ùôéøùúé ìùí àáì áúåñôúà ÷úðé îúå äàîäåú åäòîéã äåìãåú:
Support: The Gemara connotes like this, like I explained there. However, the Tosefta teaches "if the mother died, and he established the offspring in place of them" (i.e. this was done only after the mother died).
TOSFOS DH Ein Mekablin Tzon Barzel mi'Yisrael
úåñôåú ã"ä àéï î÷áìéï öàï áøæì îéùøàì îôðé ùäåà øáéú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that this is Ribis mid'Oraisa.)
áôø÷ àéæäå ðùê (á''î ãó ò:) ôéøù''é øáéú ùùí àåúí òìéå áîòåú åëì æîï ùàéï ðåúï îòåúéå çåì÷éï äùëø
Explanation #1: In Bava Metzi'a (70b), Rashi explained that he assessed them for coins, and as long as [the receiver] does not give [this amount of coins] to [the investor], they divide the profits.
åàò''â ãîùðä éúéøà äéà ãäà úðà ìéä àéï îåùéáéï çðååðé ìîçöéú ùëø åëì ùëï äëà ù÷áì ëì äàçøéåú òìéå
Implied question: This is a superfluous Mishnah, for [another Mishnah, 68a] taught that one may not appoint a grocer [to buy merchandise and sell it] for half the profits (unless the grocer is paid for his labor, or he receives a greater share of the profit than his share of liability for losses), and all the more so here, that [the receiver] has all Achrayus (liability for loss of the animals given)!
ð÷è ìéä îùåí ñéôà î÷áìéï öàï áøæì îï äòåáã ëåëáéí òë''ì
Answer: This was taught here due to the Seifa, that we may receive Tzon Barzel from a Nochri. Until here is from Rashi.
åñéôà àúà ìàùîåòéðï äéúø øáéú îï äòåáã ëåëáéí ëã÷úðé ìååéï îäí åîìåéï ìäï áøáéú
Explanation: The Seifa teaches the Heter of Ribis from a Nochri, like it was taught (70b) "we borrow from them and lend to them with Ribis."
å÷ùä ìô''ä îàé ôøéê äëà åàé ñ''ã áøùåúà ãîøà ÷ééîà àîàé äåé øáéú áøùåúà ãîøé ÷îùáç
Question (against Rashi): What was the question here "if you think that it is in the Reshus of the owner (investor), why is it Ribis? It increases in the owner's Reshus!"?
îàé ÷ùéà î''î øáéú ãøáðï äéà ãëéåï ùëì àçøéåú òì äî÷áì îìåä äéà åðåèì çöé äùáç áùëø äîìåä
What was the question? Even so, it is Ribis mid'Rabanan, for since the receiver has all the Achrayus, it is a loan, and [the investor] gets half the profits as wages for the loan!
(àìà) [ö"ì òåã - âìéåðåú ÷äéìú éò÷á] ãìà äåé øáéú ãàåøééúà ëéåï ãàí ìà éáà äùáç ìà éèåì ëìåí ëîå [ö"ì îùëðúà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] áìà ðëééúà ùäéà øáéú ãøáðï
Further, it is not Ribis mid'Oraisa, since if there is no profit, [the investor] will not receive any profit as wages for the loan, just like [land taken for] collateral (and the lender eat the Peros) without deducting (their value from the loan), which is Ribis mid'Rabanan.
åðøàä ëîå ùôé' ø''ú ùäéà øáéú ãàåøééúà ùôñ÷ ãîéí òì äöàï åôñ÷ ãîé äùáç å÷áì òìéå ìúú áëì ùðä åùðä [ö"ì ãáø ÷öåá - öàï ÷ãùéí] áéï éäà ùí ùáç áéï ìà éäéä åøáéú âîåøä äéà ãäééðå øáéú ÷öåöä
Explanation #2: It seems that R. Tam's Perush is correct. It is Ribis mid'Oraisa, for he assessed the flock for money, and stipulated about the increase, and accepted to give a fixed amount each year, whether or not there will be any increase. It is full Ribis, i.e. Ribis Ketzutzah;
åéù ìåîø (ãäëà) [ö"ì ãìäëé - âìéåðåú ÷äéìú éò÷á] úðéà åàò''â ãúðà øéùà äééðå ãçðååðé ùäåà øáéú ãøáðï åäëà ÷î''ì ãääéà øáéú ãàåøééúà äéà
We can say that therefore [the Seifa] was taught, even though the Reisha taught a grocer, which is Ribis mid'Rabanan, and here it teaches that it is Ribis mid'Oraisa.
ëã÷úðé îôðé ùäåà øáéú ëìåîø øáéú ãàåøééúà
Support: The Seifa taught "because it is Ribis", i.e. Ribis mid'Oraisa.
åîéäå àùëçï îôðé ùäåà øáéú ãøáðï ãúðï áá''î (ãó ñã:) äîìåä àú çáøå ìà éãåø áçöøå çðí åìà éùëåø îîðå áôçåú îôðé ùäåà øáéú
Rebuttal (of Support): However, we find "because it is Ribis" that is Ribis mid'Rabanan, in the Mishnah (Bava Metzi'a 64b) "one who lends to his friend, he may not live in his Chatzer for free, nor rent from him for less [than normal], because it is Ribis";
ãôø''ú ãìà àééøé áîùëðúà îãìà ÷úðé äîìåä òì çöøå
R. Tam explained (there, DH v'Lo) that it does not discuss Mashkanta, since it did not teach "one who lends based on his Chatzer (the borrower's Chatzer is collateral)."
åòåã ãùøé ìäùëéø áôçåú ëîå ùãä åëøí ãùøå áðëééúà îùåí ãæéîðéï ìéëà ùáçà ëìì åáéú ðîé æéîðéï ãàéëà úéåäà ùðåôì àå ðùøó
Also, one may rent [Mashkanta] for less [than normal], just like a field or vineyard, which is permitted through deducting, because sometimes there is no increase at all. Also regarding a house (there is no guarantee of revenue, for sometimes) there are cracks and it falls, or it burns down.
åôø''ú ùäìåäå äìåàä âîåøä åìà òì çöøå åàéï æä øáéú ãàåøééúà (åìà) [ö"ì ãìàå - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, öàï ÷ãùéí] áúåøú øáéú îùàéì åîùëéø ìå áôçåú åîåçì
Explanation (R. Tam): He lent him an absolute loan, and not on his Chatzer. This is not Ribis mid'Oraisa, for he does not lend to him or rent to him for less for the sake of Ribis, and he [merely] pardons (him from paying full rental).
åìô''ä ðîé ðäé ãìà éãåø áçöøå çðí äåé øáéú ãàåøééúà ëîå áúé [ö"ì òøé - öàï ÷ãùéí] çåîä ãäåé øáéú ãàåøééúà îä ùîùëéø áôçåú îéäà îñúáø ãìà äåé ãàåøééúà
Also according to Rashi, granted, "he may not live in his Chatzer for free" is Ribis mid'Oraisa, just like Batei Ir Chomah (one who sells a house in a walled city. He may not redeem it within one year for the price paid. It is as if the buyer lived in it for free in exchange for lending money) is Ribis mid'Oraisa. However, renting for less, presumably, it is not mid'Oraisa.
åîéäå äàé îôðé ùäåà øáéú ãäëà ãàåøééúà ÷àîø ãàé ìàå äëé îàé ÷î''ì
Conclusion: However, "because it is Ribis" here is mid'Oraisa. If not, what is the Chidush?
åëôé' ø''ú îùîò áéøåùìîé ã÷àîø àéæäå öàï áøæì äéå ìå ÷' öàï àåîø ìå äøé äï òùåéåú òìéê á÷' ãéðøéï ùì æäá åìãåú çìá åâéæåú ùìê åàí îúå çééá àúä áàçøéåúï åàúä îòìä ìé ñìò áëì àçú åàçú îùìê áàçøåðä àñåø
Support: The Yerushalmi connotes like R. Tam. It says "what is Tzon Barzel? If one had 100 animals, and said "they are upon you for 100 gold Dinarim, and the offspring, milk and shearings are yours, and if they die you are liable in Achrayus, and you will pay me a Sela of yours for each one at the end, it is forbidden";
îùîò áäãéà ùùí òìéå äùáç åä÷øï
Inference: This explicitly connotes that he assessed the profit and the principal.
åàé ìà îúðé' ãøáéú ìà äåä ÷ùä ìéä îúðé' ãäëà àîàé ôèåøéï îï äáëåøä ãùôéø çùéáé áøùåú òåáã ëåëáéí ëéåï ãàé ìà éäéá æåæé úôéñ ìáäîä åàí ìà îùëç áäîä úôéñ åìã ùäëì îùåòáã ìå îçîú ÷øï
If not for the Mishnah of Ribis, the Mishnah here would not be difficult, why they are exempt from Bechorah, for they are properly considered in the Reshus of the Nochri, since if he does not give coins, [the investor] will take the animal, and if he does not find the animal (mother), he will take the child, for he has a lien on all of it due to the principal;
àáì ìîàé ãçùáéðï øáéú ãàåøééúà ÷ùä ãà''ë éöà îøùåú áòìéí ìâîøé ëùàø îìåä
However, since it is considered Ribis mid'Oraisa, it is difficult, for if so [the animals] totally left the owner's Reshus, like any other loan.
åøáà îñé÷ ãäà ãôèåøä îï äáëåøä ìà îùåí ã÷ééîà ìä áøùåú îøä àìà îùåí ãçùéá éã òåáã ëåëáéí áàîöò îëç ùòáåã ùéù ìå ëãîôøù åàæéì
Explanation: Rava concludes that it is exempt from Bechorah, not because it is in the owner's Reshus, rather, because it is considered that the Nochri has a hand in it, like he explains.
åà''ú îàé ùðà îáäîú àøðåðà ãçééáú ááëåøä ììéùðà ÷îà ãøáà ô''÷ ãôñçéí (ãó å.) äéëà ãîöé éùøàì ìñìå÷éä áæåæé åäëà ðîé àé éäéá ìéä æåæé ìà úôéñ ìåìã
Question: Why is this different than an animal of Arnona (the king takes a tithe of animals), which is obligated in Bechorah, according to the first version of Rava in Pesachim (6a), when the Yisrael can dispel him through coins [and keep his animals]? Also here, if [the receiver] gives coins, [the investor] will not take the child!
åé''ì äúí òé÷ø áäîä ùì éùøàì îúçìä àìà ùîùåòáãú äéà ìàøðåðà åëéåï ãàôùø ìñìå÷éä áæåæé ìà éöàä îøùåú éùøàì åìà çùéá éã òåáã ëåëáéí áàîöò
Answer: There, the animal is primarily the Yisrael's from the beginning, just there is a lien on it for Arnona. Since it is possible to dispel him through coins, it did not leave the Yisrael's Reshus, and it is not considered that that the Nochri has a hand in it;
àáì äëà ãîúçìä ùì òåáã ëåëáéí ë''æ ùéù ìòåáã ëåëáéí ëç æä ãàé ìà éäéá æåæé úôéñ ìáäîä ìà éöàä îøùåú òåáã ëåëáéí åî÷øé éã òåáã ëåëáéí áàîöò ùìà ðñúì÷ä éãå ìâîøé
However, here from the beginning it is the Nochri's. As long as the Nochri has this right, that if [the Yisrael] does not give coins, he will take the animal, it did not leave the Nochri's Reshus, and it is called that the Nochri has a hand in it, for his hand was not totally removed.
TOSFOS DH Taima d'He'emid Ha Lo d'He'emid Lo Tiyuvta d'Rav Yehudah
úåñôåú ã"ä èòîà ãäòîéã äà ìà äòîéã ìà úéåáúà ãøá éäåãä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we do not answer here like we answer below.)
úéîä ãì÷îï ôøéê ìøá éäåãä îîúðé' ã÷úðé áäãéà äî÷áì öàï áøæì îï äòåáã ëåëáéí åìãåú ôèåøéï îï äáëåøä ååìãé åìãåú çééáéï
Question: Below he challenges Rav Yehudah from our Mishnah, which taught "one who receives Tzon Barzel from a Nochri, the Vlados are exempt from Bechorah, and Vladei Vlados are obligated";
åîùðé àéîà äï ååìãåúéäï ôèåøéï ôéøåù äï äåìãåú ùì öàï áøæì ååìãåúéäï äï ååìãé åìãåú ôèåøéï îìéúï áðí ìëäï ùäåà øáéòé ãöàï áøæì
It answers "say that they and their Vlados are exempt." I.e. "they", i.e. the Vlados of the Tzon Barzel, and Vladoseihen, i.e. they and the Vladei Vlados are exempt from giving their [firstborn] sons to the Kohen, which are the fourth generation from the Tzon Barzel.
åàó òì âá ãìà ÷úðé äï áîúðéúéï
Implied question: It did not teach "they" in our Mishnah!
öøéê ìåîø ãôùéèà ìéä ãåìãåú ùì öàï áøæì äï ëöàï áøæì òöîï åìà àöèøéê ìéä áîúðéúéï úå ìîéúðé
Answer: We must say that it is obvious to him that Vlados of Tzon Barzel are like Tzon Barzel themselves, and the Mishnah does not need to teach it;
åàí ëï âí ëàï àîàé ìà îôøù ëï ãëùîúå äàîäåú åäòîéã äåìãåú úçú àîåúéäï ðòùå äåìãåú òöîï öàï áøæì åëé ÷úðé åìãé åìãåú ôèåøéï äééðå åìã åìãé åìãåú
Question: If so, also here, why doesn't he explain so, that when the mothers died and he established the Vlados in place of their mothers, the Vlados themselves become Tzon Barzel, and when it teaches that Vladei Vlados are exempt, this is Vlad Vladei Vlados!
ùðôøù äï äééðå åìãé åìãåú ååìãåúéäï (ôèåøéï) [äééðå åìã åìãé åìãåúéäï ôèåøéï] äà ìà äòîéã çééáéï
We will explain "Hen", i.e. Vladei Vlados, and Vladoseihen, i.e. Vlad Vladei Vladoseihen are exempt. If he did not establish [the Vlados in place of their mothers], they would be obligated!
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Answer #1: This is why Rashi explained in our Mishnah that "he established" is not precisely that the mothers died and he established the Vlados in place of them. Rather, he made an opportunity for the Nochri, that if the mothers will die, the Vlados will be in place of them.
åòåã éù ìåîø ãàôéìå àééøé áîúå ëãîùîò áúåñôúà àéï æä äòîãä âîåøä ùìà òùä ìå ùåí ÷ðéï áåìãåú àìà äñîéëå òìéäï áãéáåø áòìîà:
Answer #2: Even if you will say that it discusses when the mothers died, like the Tosefta connotes, this is not total Ha'amadah (establishing Vlados in place of the mothers), for he did not do any Kinyan. Rather, through mere words he persuaded him that he can rely on them (that he will collect from the Vlados).