TOSFOS DH Tarba d'Itma b'Mar d'Chanta
úåñôåú ã"ä úøáà ãàèîà áîø ãëðúà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it was in lieu of entrails.)
ëê âøéñ øáéðå úí ôéøåù îø áçéìåó ùì ëðúà ëîå áîø ãùçåèä ãáôø÷ âéã äðùä (çåìéï öã.) åëîå áîø ãôøæìà ãááà ÷îà (ãó ÷éâ:)
Explanation: This is R. Tam's text. "Mar" means in place of [lard of] the innards, like b'Mar d'Shechutah in Chulin (94a), and like b'Mar d'Parzela (in lieu of copper - Bava Kama 113b).
TOSFOS DH Ma'aseros d'Ba'u Chomah Chamir Lei
úåñôåú ã"ä îòùøåú ãáòå çåîä çîéø ìéä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this refers to giving Ma'aser in place of Chulin.)
îëàï îã÷ã÷ øáéðå úí áë''î ùäæëéø îòùø àöì ùáéòéú ãîééøé áðåúï îòùø ùðé ìùí çåìéï ëâåï äøé àìå áçæ÷úï ìîòùø åìùáéòéú áôø÷ äðæ÷éï (âéèéï ñà:) åëï àéðå çåùù ìúáìéï ùáä ìà îùåí ùáéòéú åìà îùåí îòùø áô''÷ ãçåìéï (ãó å.)
Inference (R. Tam): Wherever it mentions Ma'aser regarding Shevi'is, it discusses one who gives [or sells] Ma'aser Sheni in the guise of Chulin, e.g. "they are in their Chazakah for Ma'aser and Shevi'is" (Gitin 61b), and likewise "he is not concerned for spices in it, not for Shevi'is and not for Ma'aser", in Chulin (6a).
åìùåï îòùø ðîé îåëéç ëï ãäéëà ãàééøé áçùùà ãàéðå îúå÷ï ð÷éè èáì àå ãîàé
Support: The wording "Ma'aser" proves like this, for when the concern is that [Peros] were not tithed, it mentions Tevel or Demai.
TOSFOS DH Ha Chashud Chashud
úåñôåú ã"ä äà çùåã çùåã
(SUMMARY: Tosfos justifies the inference.)
ãîùîò ìéä ãìâåôä ìà àéöèøéê ãôùéèà ãëé ðàîï òì äèäøåú ãðàîï òì äùáéòéú ëéåï ãðåäâ îðäâ ôøåùéí ùàåëì çåìéï áèäøä
Explanation: It connotes to [the Makshan] that [the law] itself is not needed. It is obvious that one who is trusted about Taharos is trusted about Shemitah, since he conducts like very pious people who eat Chulin in Taharah. (It was taught for the inference.)
TOSFOS DH Masnisin keshe'Ra'inuhu Noheg b'Tzin'ah b'Soch Beiso
úåñôåú ã"ä îúðé' ëùøàéðåäå ðåäâ áöðòà áúåê áéúå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos infers that Stam Amei ha'Aretz are suspected about Shemitah.)
ùðæäø îï äùáéòéú îùîò ãòí äàøõ ñúîà çùåã àùáéòéú ëîå àèäøåú
Inference: "He is careful about Shemitah" connotes that a Stam Am ha'Aretz is suspected about Shemitah, just like about Taharos.
åúéîä ãáñåó äðéæ÷éï (âéèéï ñà.) ÷àîø îàé ùðà øéùà åîàé ùðà ñéôà ãîé÷ì áàùú òí äàøõ åîçîéø òì äçùåãä òì äùáéòéú
Question #1: In Gitin (61a), it says "what is the difference between the Reisha and Seifa, that it is lenient about an Am ha'Aretz' wife, and stringent about one who is suspected about Shemitah?";
å÷àîø øáà äëà áîàé òñ÷éðï áòí äàøõ ãøáé îàéø åèåîàä åèäøä ãøáðï åîã÷úðé âáé èåîàä åèäøä òí äàøõ ñúí åâáé ùáéòéú ÷úðé äçùåãä îùîò ãñúí òîé äàøõ çùéãé àèäøåú åìà çùéãé àùáéòéú
And Rava said "here we discuss an Am ha'Aretz of R. Meir, and Tum'ah and Taharah of Rabanan. Since it taught regarding Tum'ah and Taharah an Am ha'Aretz Stam, and regarding Shemitah it says "who is suspected", this connotes that Stam Amei ha'Aretz are suspected about Taharos, but not about Shemitah!
åîéäå îäà ãùøé ìáåø åìèçåï âáé òí äàøõ ãçùéã àèåîàä åèäøä åìà àñøéðï îèòí ùáéòéú
Implied suggestion: We can infer also from the Heter to select and grind with an Am ha'Aretz suspected about Tum'ah and Taharah, and we do not forbid due to Shevi'is (that a Stam Am ha'Aretz is not suspected about Shemitah)!
àéï ìã÷ã÷ ëìåí ããìîà áùàø ùðé ùáåò àééøé ääéà åìà áùáéòéú àå áôéøåú äéãåòéí ùàéðí ùì ùáéòéú
Rejection: We cannot infer anything from this! Perhaps it discusses other years of the Shemitah cycle (when there is no concern for Peros Shemitah), and not in Shemitah, or Peros known that they are not of Shemitah.
ãä''ð àééøé áôéøåú äéãåòéí ùäí îúå÷ðéí ìøáà ãìéú ìéä ùéðåééà ãàáéé ãøåá òîé äàøõ îòùøéï
Support: Similarly, it discusses Peros known that they were tithed according to Rava, who argues with Abaye's answer that most Amei ha'Aretz tithe.
åòåã ÷ùéà îëàï ìôéøåù ø''ú ãîôøù áô''á ãëúåáåú (ãó ëã.) âáé ùìé çãù åùì çáøé éùï ãñúí òí äàøõ àò''â ãçùéãé àãîàé ìà çùéãé àùáéòéú
Question #2: From here is difficult for R. Tam, who explains in Kesuvos (24a) regarding "my Peros are Chadash, and my friend's are Yashan", that a Stam Am ha'Aretz, even though he is suspected about Demai, is not suspected about Shemitah;
åñåúø ôéøåù øáéðå ùîåàì ãîôøù ãçãù åéùï ãð÷è îùåí ùáéòéú åëé îùðé äúí øåá òîé äàøõ îòùøéï øåöä ìåîø ãäåà äãéï áùáéòéú åëîä ÷åùéåú ãî÷ùä øáéðå úí òì ôé' øáéðå ùîåàì ëîå ùôéøù áëúåáåú
He contradicts the Rashbam, who explains that it mentions Chadash and Yashan due to Shemitah, and when [Abaye] answers that most Amei ha'Aretz tithe, i.e. and the same applies to to Shemitah (they properly observe it). R. Tam asked several questions against the Rashbam, like he explained in Kesuvos;
åîôøù çãù åéùï ìäùáéç äî÷ç áòìîà ÷àîø åìà ìòðéï àéñåø åäéúø
R. Tam explains that [he said] Chadash and Yashan to praise [the Peros] he sells, and not regarding Isur v'Heter.
åäùúà ìø' àéìòà ãçùåã àèäøåú ãøáðï çùåã àùáéòéú ëì ùëï ñúí òîé äàøõ ãëé äéëé ãçùéãé àãîàé ãàåøééúà çùéãé ðîé àùáéòéú
Consequence: Now (according to R. Tam), according to R. Ila'a, one who is suspected about Taharos [which is] mid'Rabanan, he is suspected about Shemitah, all the more so Stam Amei ha'Aretz, just like they are suspected about Demai mid'Oraisa, they are suspected also about Shemitah.
åãåç÷ ìäòîéã ñúí òí äàøõ áë''î ãìà çùéã àùáéòéú ëùøàéðåäå ðåäâ áöéðòà áúåê áéúå
Poor Answer: It is difficult to establish a Stam Am ha'Aretz everywhere, who is not suspected about Shemitah, to be when we saw him observe it covertly in his house.
åòåã ÷ùéà îäà ãúðï áîñ' ãîàé (ô''â î''ã) åîééúéðï ìä ðîé áäðéæ÷éï (âéèéï ñà:) äîåìéê çèéï ìèåçï ëåúé àå ìèåçï ò''ä àéðå çåùù ìà îùåí îòùø åìà îùåí ùáéòéú
Question #3: A Mishnah in Demai (3:4), and it is brought in Gitin (61b), says that one who brings wheat to a Kusi grinder or an Am ha'Aretz grinder, he is not concerned for Ma'aser, and not for Shemitah;
îùîò ãñúí òîé äàøõ çùéãé àùáéòéú
Inference: Stam Amei ha'Aretz are suspected about Shemitah!
åé''ì îùåí ëåúé ð÷è ùáéòéú
Answer #1: It mentioned Shemitah due to a Kusi.
àé ðîé áåãàé çùåã àééøé
Answer #2: It discusses an Am ha'Aretz who is known to be suspected.
åëï ääéà ãäìå÷ç ìåìá îçáéøå áùáéòéú ã÷àîø òìä áô' ìåìá äâæåì (ñåëä ìè.) ãàéï îåñøéï ãîé ôéøåú ùáéòéú ìòí äàøõ
Also [we establish like this] the case of one who buys a Lulav from his friend in Shemitah. It says about this in Sukah (39a) that we do not give money of Peros Shemitah to an Am ha'Aretz.
åëï äà ãîééúé ôø÷ ÷îà ãçåìéï (ãó å.) äðåúï ìùëðúå òéñä ìàôåú å÷ãéøä ìáùì àéðå çåùù ìùàåø åìúáìéï ùáä ìà îùåí ùáéòéú åìà îùåí îòùø åàí àîø òùä ìé îùìéëé çåùù ëå' ëì äðé îééøé áåãàé çùåã
Also what is brought in Chulin (6a), one who gives to his neighbor a dough to bake or a pot to cook, he need not be concerned for Se'or and spices in it, not for Shemitah or Ma'aser. And if he said "make for me from yours", he must be concerned... all these discuss one who is Vadai suspected.
åà''ú äéëé îåëç îéðä áçåìéï ãâæøå òì úòøåáåú ãîàé ãìîà çùåã âøò îñúí òí äàøõ ìâáé îòùø øàùåï ëãîåëç áùéìäé äðæ÷éï (âéèéï ñà.) ìàáéé
Question: How is it proven from this in Chulin that they decreed about a mixture of Demai? Perhaps one who is suspected is worse than a Stam Am ha'Aretz regarding Ma'aser Rishon, like is proven in Gitin (61a) according to Abaye?
åé''ì ãìøáà ôøéê ùôéø ãìà çîéø ìéä
Answer: He asks properly according to Rava, who holds that [one who is suspected] is not more stringent [than a Stam Amei ha'Aretz].
TOSFOS DH b'Asrei d'R. Yehudah Chamira Lehu Shevi'is
úåñôåú ã"ä áàúøéä ãøáé éäåãä çîéøà ìäå ùáéòéú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos asks why people are suspected about Ma'aser nowadays, and answers.)
åìëê çùåã àîòùø
Explanation: Therefore [one who is suspected about Shemitah, all the more so] he is suspected about Ma'aser.
åúéîä ãäà áô''÷ ãùáú (ãó éæ:) àîøéðï ãáúøåîä ëéåï ãàôùø ìîéòáã ëãùîåàì ãçèä àçú ôåèøú àú äëøé ìà çùéãé
Question: In Shabbos (17b) we say that regarding Terumah, since it is possible to do like Shmuel, that one wheat [kernel] exempts the [entire] stack, they are not suspected;
åäëé ðîé âáé îòùø ùðé ìà äåä ìï ìîéçùãéä ëéåï ãàôùø ìîòáã ëãùîåàì ãä÷ãù ùåä îðä ùçììå òì ùåä ôøåèä îçåìì ãäåà äãéï îòùø ùðé
Also here, we should not suspect him about Ma'aser Sheni, since it is possible to do like Shmuel, that Hekdesh worth a Maneh (or any amount) that he redeemed it on a Perutah, it is redeemed, and the same applies to Ma'aser Sheni!
åáùàìúåú ãøá àçàé äåà áäãéà òì ëøí øáòé ùîçììéï àåúå òì ãáø îåòè åîòùø ùðé åðèò øáòé ãéï àçã ìäí áë''î ã÷ãù ÷ãù âîøéðï ìäå îäããé ëãàéúà áôø÷ ùðé ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ðã:)
The She'altos of Rav Achai says explicitly about Kerem Revai that one may redeem it on a small amount, and Ma'aser Sheni and Kerem Revai have the same law everywhere, for we learn them from each other from a Gezeirah Shavah "Kodesh-Kodesh", like it says in Kidushin (54b)!
åàôé' ìëúçìä îñúáø ãùøé ëîå âáé ä÷ãù áîñëú òøëéï (ãó ëè.) ãùøé áæîï äæä âáé ääåà âáøà ãàçøéîéðäå ìðëñéä
And presumably, it is permitted even l'Chatchilah, just like Hekdesh, in Erchin (29a) which is permitted [to redeem on a Perutah] nowadays, regarding the man who made his property Cherem!
åäà ãîå÷é áôø÷ äú÷áì (âéèéï ãó ñä.) ääéà ãëéöã îòøéîéï òì îòùø ùðé áîòùø áæîï äæä ãøáðï
Implied question: In Gitin (65a), we establish [the Mishnah about] how do we scheme about Ma'aser Sheni [to redeem it without adding a Chomesh, i.e. he gives money to his child, or male or female Eved Ivri, and the latter redeems it] to discuss Ma'aser nowadays, which is mid'Rabanan;
äéä éëåì ìä÷ùåú áæîï äæä îàé äòøîä öøéê ìôèåø îçåîù åäìà éëåì ìçìì ìùåä îðä òì ùåä ôøåèä
It could have asked that nowadays, what scheme is needed to exempt from a Chomesh? He can redeem a Maneh on a Perutah!
àìà îñì÷ ìéä áôéøëà àçøéúé åàîä äòáøéä áæîï äæä îé àéëà
Answer: We rejected it through another question - nowadays there is no Amah Ivriyah (for there is no Yovel).
åëï îòùéí áëì éåí ùàðå îçììéï ëøí øáòé ùåä îðä òì ùåä ôøåèä
Strengthening of question: Cases occur constantly, and we redeem Kerem Revai worth a Maneh on a Perutah!
åé''ì ãìà ãîé îòùø ìúøåîä ãôòîéí ùàéï ìå ôøåèä îæåîðú ìçìì òìéä åâí àéï ìå ëé àí îòè îòùø ëðâã ùåä ôøåèä åàéðå øåöä ìéúï ôøåèä ëðâãå:
Answer: Ma'aser is unlike Terumah. Sometimes one does not have a Perutah available to redeem it. Also, sometimes one has only a little Ma'aser compared to a Perutah, and he does not want to give a Perutah corresponding to it.
TOSFOS DH v'Chachamim Omerim Eino Nechshad Ela Al Oso Davar Bilvad
úåñôåú ã"ä åçëîéí àåîøéí àéðå ðçùã àìà òì àåúå ãáø áìáã
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is not precise according to R. Ila'i.)
ìø' àéìòàé ãìòéì ãçùåã òì äèäøåú çùåã òì äùáéòéú àìà äéëà ùøàéðåäå ðåäâ áöéðòà äà ã÷àîø äëà àéðå (ðàñø) [ö"ì ðçùã - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] àìà ìàåúå ãáø ìàå ãå÷à àìà ìàåúå ãáø åëéåöà áå
Observation: According to R. Ila'i above (30a), that one who is suspected about Taharos is suspected about Shemitah, except for when we saw him observe [Shemitah] covertly, what it says here that he is suspected only about that matter, this is not precise. Rather, it is for that matter and everything similar;
åìà àúà àìà ìàôå÷é áëì äúåøä ëåìä
He comes only to exclude [that he is not suspected about] the entire Torah.
TOSFOS DH Aviv Shel Zeh Bizah Talmidim Shelanu
úåñôåú ã"ä àáéå ùì æä áéæä úìîéãéí ùìðå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that also R. Chanina suspected Talmidim about Taharos.)
òì äèäøåú ëîå ùòùä áðå:
Explanation: [His father disgraced our Talmidim] about Taharos, like his son did.