TOSFOS DH she'Yehu Meshulashin
úåñôåú ã"ä ùéäå îùåìùéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the Perush of this here and elsewhere.)
áúçìú ùîåðéí åáñåó ùîåðéí åáàîöò ùîåðéí
Explanation #1: [One checks] at the beginning of the 80 days, at the end of 80 days, and in the middle of 80.
åáòðéï æä éù ìôøù áô' ä÷åøà àú äîâéìä (îâéìä éè. åùí) âáé îâéìä ãàîø ùàí äèéì áä â' çåèéï âéãéï ëùøä ã÷àîø åáìáã ùéäå îùåìùéï ôéøåù áúçìú äãó åáàîöòå åáñåôå
Support: We can explain like this what it says in Megilah (19a) regarding [sewing together parchments of] a Megilah. It says that if he made three stitches of sinews it is Kosher, and it says "as long as they are Meshulashin" (evenly spaced), i.e. at the beginning of the parchment, in the middle and at the end.
åùí ôéøù''é ùéäéä îøàù äãó òã äâéã ëîâéã ìçáéøå áéï îìîòìä áéï îìîèä
Explanation #2: There Rashi explained that there is from the beginning of the parchment until [the first stitch of] the sinew like from [a stitch of] the sinew to the next, both above and below.
åääéà ãîëåú (ãó è:) åãàé äåé ëòðéï æä âáé òøé î÷ìè åùìùú ùéäå îùåìùåú ùéäà îãøåí ìçáøåï ëîçáøåï ìùëí åîçáøåï ìùëí ëîùëí ì÷ãù åîùëí ì÷ãù ëî÷ãù ìöôåï
Support: The case in Makos (9b) is surely like this regarding Arei Miklat. "V'Shilashta" - they should be Meshulashin, that [we pick cities that are evenly spaced]; there is from the south [of Eretz Yisrael] until Chevron like from Chevron until Shechem and from Chevron until Shechem is like from Shechem until Kadesh and from Shechem until Kadesh is like from Kadesh until the north;
åìà àîøéðï ùéäå áøàù àøõ éùøàì åáñåôä åáàîöòéúä
We do not say that they should be at the head (e.g. south) of Eretz Yisrael, and the [other] end, and in the middle.
åëàï ôéøù''é ùéäå îùåìùéí ìùìùä çì÷éí ùàí éøàäå äéåí éáã÷ðå îëàï ìéåí ë''å åçöé åäãø ìéåí ë''å ëå' ãäåà éåí ùîåðéí
And here Rashi explained that they should be evenly spaced in three parts. If he sees it today, he checks it on day 26 and a half from now, and again after [another] 26 [and a half days... and again] on day 80.
åãåîä ùôéøù ëê )ìôøù( [ö"ì ìôé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ùéèä ãîëåú (ùí) åîéäå ìà ìâîøé äåé ëé ääéà ùäéä ìå ìôøù ùéáãå÷ ìñåó òùøéí åìñåó àøáòéí åìñåó ùùéí ùéùàø îï äùîåðéí òùøéí ìàçø áãé÷ä àçøåðä ëîå ùéù òùøéí ÷åãí áãé÷ä øàùåðä åìà éúëï ìôøù ëï ëìì
It seems that Rashi explained so according to the way [it is explained] in Makos. However, it is not totally like there, for [if so] he should have explained that he checks at the end of 20, and at the end of 40, and at the end of 60, so there will remain 20 after the last Bedikah just like before the first Bedikah, and one cannot explain so at all! (If so, the Bedikah ends at 60 days. Why does it say 80?!)
àìà ëîå ùôøùúé îúçìä ëãîùîò áô' äòøì (éáîåú ãó ô.) âáé ñøéñ çîä ãîôøù ëì ùìà øàä ùòä áëùøåúå
Rather, it is like I explained initially, like it connotes in Yevamos (80a) regarding a Seris Chamah (one who does not develop like a normal male). It explains that it is anyone who did not have a time of Kashrus (before becoming a Seris);
åôøéê åìéçåù ùîà äáøéà áéðúéí åîùðé ëéåï ãúçéìúå åñåôå ì÷åé ìà çééùéðï îùîò ãâ' ôòîéí äééðå úçìúä åñåôä åàîöòä
[The Gemara] asks that we should be concerned lest he became healthy in the middle, and answers that since he was stricken at the beginning and at the end, we are not concerned. This connotes that the three times are at the beginning, end and middle!
åðøàä ãëôøéí äîùåìùéí áëéöã îòáøéï (òéøåáéï ãó ðæ.) ìà äåé ìà ëé äàé åìà ëé ääéà ãîëåú:
Assertion: It seems that villages Meshulashin in Eruvin (57a) is unlike here, and unlike in Makos. (Rather, they are in a triangle.)
TOSFOS DH veha'Amar R. Zeira Amar Rav ha'Tzorem
úåñôåú ã"ä åäàîø øáé æéøà àîø øá äöåøí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that elsewhere we cite this from a Beraisa.)
áôø÷ ùðé ãæáçéí (ãó ëä:) âøñé' ãúðéà äöåøí
Observation: In Zevachim (25b), the text says d'Tanya ha'Tzorem.
TOSFOS DH Kulan b'Gid v'Lo b'Beitzim
úåñôåú ã"ä ëåìï áâéã åìà ááéöéí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes between castration and Mumim.)
åîéäå ñéôéä ã÷øà ãáàøöëí ìà úòùå àééøé àôé' ááéöéí áë''î ùîñúøñ ãàôé' ò''é (ùéúééçñ) [ö"ì ùúééú ëåñ òé÷øéï - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] àñøé' áô' ùîåðä ùøöéí (ùáú ãó ÷é:)
Distinction: The end of the verse "uv'Artzechem Lo Sa'asu" discusses even the Beitzim - any places that castrates, and even through drinking a sterility potion we forbid in Shabbos (110b);
åâáé îåí äåà ãìà çùéá îåí ùáâìåé ëãôéøù èòîà áñîåê
Regarding a Mum, it is not considered an exposed Mum, like [the Gemara] explains the reason below.
TOSFOS DH Oh she'Rosh ha'Zenav Mefatzel Es ha'Etzem
úåñôåú ã"ä àå ùøàù äæðá îôöì àú äòöí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos concludes that the bone branches to different directions.)
ôé' á÷åðèøñ ùð÷ìó äòåø åäáùø åðùàø äòöí îâåìä ëîå àùø ôöì
Explanation #1 (Rashi): The skin and the meat were peeled off and the bone was left exposed, like "Asher Pitzel" (Yakov peeled sticks).
å÷ùä ãáìùåï îùðä åäù''ñ äåä ìéä ìîéîø åð÷ìó
Question: In the wording of the Mishnah and the Gemara, it should have said "v'Niklaf"!
åðøàä ìôøù ùîôöì àú äòöí ìùðéí ëîå îôåöìåú ãâáé ÷øðéí çåìéï (ðè:) ùîôåöìåú ìëàï åìëàï (åäúí)
Explanation #2: "It is Mefatzel the bone" into two. This is like Mefutzalos regarding horns, in Chulin (59b). They branch to here and here.
áúåñôúà (ô''ã) ÷úðé àå ùéäéä øàù äæðá îôåöì ìùðé òöîåú
Support: The Tosefta (4:7) teaches "or the end of the tail was Mefutzal to two bones."
TOSFOS DH Kamah Chutin Hu Nosen Beis Shamai Omerim Arba'ah
úåñôåú ã"ä ëîä çåèéï äåà ðåúï á''ù àåîøéí àøáòä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the Perush of this.)
öøéê ìã÷ã÷ àí ã' áéï äëì àå àøáò ììáï åã' ìúëìú åâí àí îééøé ÷åãí ëôéìåú ãëé îéòééôé äåé ùéúñø åäåå äùúà äðê ç' çåèéï ãòáãéðï ìùí ìáï (ôéøåù - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) ãëáéú ùîàé ôñ÷éðï áäúëìú (îðçåú îà:) åàí ðôñ÷ àçã îäí ôñåì
Question: One must be meticulous to deduce whether there are four in all, or four of white (i.e. not Techeles) and four of Techeles, and also whether we discuss before doubling the threads, that when he doubles them they are 16, and now the eight threads that we do are for the sake of white, for we rule like Beis Shamai in Menachos (41b), and if one of them snapped, it is Pasul;
åàò''â ãîëùøéðï ãàâøãåí úëìú å÷í àìáï ãäðé ëåìäå ìùí ìáï äí
And even though we are Machshir when Techeles was cut and only white remains, all of [our four doubled threads nowadays] are for the sake of white.
(åæå) [ö"ì åëï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îùîò áñôøé áôøùú ëé úöà ãàøáò çåèéï ìëì îéï åîéï ÷àîø
Inference: The Sifri in Ki Setzei connotes like this, that the four threads are of each kind;
ã÷úðé äúí ëîä âãéìéí ðòùåú àéï ôçåú îùìùä çåèéï ëãáøé áéú äìì áéú ùîàé àåîøéí ã' çåèéï ùì úëìú åàøáòä ùì ìáï òì ã' [ö"ì ã' - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] àöáòåú åäìëä ëãáøé áéú ùîàé
It taught there "how many Gedilim are made? There are no less than three threads, according to Beis Hillel. Beis Shamai say that there are four of Techeles and four of white, of four fingers each, and the Halachah follows Beis Shamai.
åîéäå îäàé ãäúëìú øá éøîéä îãéôúé øîé úîðéà ãàéðåï ùúñøé îø áøéä ãøáéðà òáéã ëé ãéãï îùîò ùøåáí òåùéí ëîø áøéä ãøáéðà
Question: In Menachos (38b), it says that R. Yirmeyah mi'Difti inserted eight [folded] strings through the corner, which are 16 ends. Mar brei d'Ravina did as we do. (He put four unfolded strings through the corner.) This connotes that most do like Mar brei d'Ravina!
åùîà äéä îôøù àøáò ììáï åàøáò ìúëìú ã÷àîøé áéú ùîàé äééðå ìáúø ãòééôéðäå ãäééðå ùðéí îëì îéï ÷åãí ùðëôìå
Answer: Perhaps [Mar brei d'Ravina] explained that the four white and four Techeles that Beis Shamai say are after he doubled them, i.e. two threads of each kind before they were doubled.
åìôé æä îä ùàðå òåùéï òëùéå äåé ôìâà ìùí ìáï åôìâà ìùí úëìú
Consequence: According to this, what we do nowadays is half for the sake of white, and half for the sake of Techeles.
åîéäå ùìùä ã÷àîøé áéú äìì òì ëøçéðå ÷åãí ùðëôìå ãâ' ìà îùëçú ìàçø ùðëôìå åìà äåé äùúà ãåîéà ãã' ìá''ù
Disclaimer: However, the three that Beis Hillel say, you are forced to say that they are before they were folded, for one cannot find three (an odd number) after folding. Now (according to this answer, the three of Beis Hillel are) unlike the four of Beis Shamai (according to Mar brei d'Ravina).
TOSFOS DH Kamah Tehei Meshuleshes
úåñôåú ã"ä ëîä [ö"ì úäà îùåìùú - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives three Perushim of this.)
ôéøù á÷åðèøñ úìåéä ìîèä îëðó äáâã ùäøé àéï ðåúðéï àåúä áùôú äáâã îîù àìà îâáéäéï àåúä â' àöáòåú ìáéú äìì åã' ìáéú ùîàé
Explanation #1 (Rashi): [We ask how much] hangs below the corner of the garment, for they do not put it truly in the end of the garment. Rather, they raise it three fingers according to Beis Hillel, and four according to Beis Shamai.
å÷ùä ìôéøåùå ãìòðéï (îï ä÷øï äåà ãîôùèéðï) [ö"ì ìäøçé÷ îï ä÷øï äåà ãîöøëéðï - öàï ÷ãùéí, ç÷ ðúï] ëîìà ÷ùø âåãì åìà äåæëø ìùí áúåê ùìùä àöáòåú àìà ìàôå÷é ìîòìä îâ'
Question: Regarding distancing from the corner, we require like [the width of] the joint of the thumb. It mentions within three fingers only to exclude above (further than) three.
åðøàä ëìùåï àçø ùôéøù á÷åðèøñ ëîä úäà îùåìùú ëîä éäà áä îâãéì ìáã äòðó ùàéðå âãéì å÷àîøé áéú ùîàé ã' àöáòåú
Explanation #2: Rashi's other Perush is correct. We ask how much is Meshuleshes - how much is in the Gedil (windings), aside from the Anaf (what hangs straight), which is not Gedil. Beis Shamai say that it is four fingers.
åäùúà äéãåø öéöéú ùìéù âãéì åá' ùìéùé òðó äåé âãéì àøáò àöáòåú åòðó ç' àöáòåú é''á àöáòåú áéï äëì
Consequence: Now, the beauty of Tzitzis is a third Gedil and two thirds Anaf. The Gedil is four fingers, and the Anaf is eight fingers. They are 12 fingers in all.
åëê îùîò (åã' ùì ìáï òì ã') [ö"ì áñôøé åã' ùì ìáï òì ã' ã' - öàï ÷ãùéí] àöáòåú
Support: The Sifri connotes like this. The four [threads] of white are four fingers each.
åáôø÷ äúëìú (ùí:) ôéøù á÷åðè' îùåìùú úìåéä (áòðó) [ö"ì äòðó - öàï ÷ãùéí] ìáã îï äâãéì àøáò àöáòåú
Explanation #3: In Menachos (38b) Rashi explained [that the Tana'im discuss how much] Anaf hangs down, aside from the Gedil. [Beis Shamai say] four fingers.
åìôéøåùå äéãåø öéöéú ùúé àöáòåú âãéì åàøáò òðó:
Consequence: According to this, the beauty of Tzitzis is two fingers of Gedil and four of Anaf.