
TOSFOS DH u'Mah Tirosh v'Yitzhar she'Einam Kil'ayim Zeh b'Zeh v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä åîä úéøåù åéöäø ùàéðí ëìàéí æä áæä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn from a different Kal v'Chomer.)

îçãù åéùï ìà îöéðï ìîéãï ÷''å ëé äàé âååðà åîä çãù åéùï ùàéðí ëìàéí æä áæä


Implied suggestion: We could learn from such a Kal v'Chomer from new (here, Chadash refers to Peros of this year) and old (last year's Peros). New and old are not Kil'ayim with each other (yet one may not tithe one on the other. Grapes and grain, or different kinds of grain, which are Kil'ayim with each other, all the more so one may not tithe one on the other!)

ãäåé îöé ìîéîø îòùø ùì ëáùéí åòæéí éåëéç ùäï ëìàéí æä áæä åîúòùøéï æä òì æä àó àðé àáéà úéøåù åãâï ãâï åãâï


Rejection: We could say that Ma'aser of sheep and goats refutes this. They are Kil'ayim with each other, yet one may tithe one on the other. I can say that the same applies to Sirosh and Dagen, or different kinds of Degen.

åà''ú äùúà ðîé ãòáéã ÷''å îúéøåù åéöäø àëúé ëáùéí åòæéí ùì îòùø áäîä éåëéç


Question: Also now that we make a Kal v'Chomer from grapes and olives, Ma'aser of sheep and goats refutes this!

é''ì ãìà ùééê îùåí ãìà îöéðå áîòùø áäîä ãáøéí ùì ùðä àçú ãàéðí ëìàéí ùìà éúòùøå îæä òì æä


Answer: We cannot [refute from there], for we do not find regarding Ma'aser Behemah matters of one year that are not Kil'ayim with each other, which cannot be tithed on each other;

ëîå ùîöéðå áîòùø ãâï ãàéëà úéøåù åéöäø ùì ùðä àçú åàéðí ëìàéí åàéðí îúòùøéï


[This is un]like we find regarding Ma'aser of grain. There are grapes and olives of one year, which are not Kil'ayim with each other, and they cannot be tithed [on each other].

àáì î÷''å ãçãù åéùï ùééê ìîéîø èôé . îùåí ãîöéðå ðîé áîòùø áäîä ãçãù åéùï ùàéðï ëìàéí (æä òì æä) åàéï îúòùøéï îæä òì æä åëáùéí åòæéí ùäí ëìàéí æä áæä îúòùøéï îæä òì æä


Distinction: However, from the Kal v'Chomer of new and old, it is more appropriate [to refute it from Ma'aser of sheep and goats], for we find also in Ma'aser Behemah new and old that are not Kil'ayim with each other, and one may not tithe one on the other, and sheep and goats, which are Kil'ayim with each other, one may tithe one on the other!


TOSFOS DH Degen v'Degen she'Hem Kil'ayim Zeh b'Zeh v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä ãâï åãâï ùäí ëìàéí æä áæä ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that R. Yoshiyah agrees about Kil'ai Zera'im.)

ëúåá á÷åðèøñ ãëìàé æøòéí ùì ãâï åãâï ãøáðï


Explanation #1 (Rashi): Kil'ai Zera'im of grain and [a different kind of] grain is [forbidden only] mid'Rabanan.

åãåîä ùèòåú ñåôø äåà ãëàï îùîò ùäåà ãàåøééúà


Rebuttal: It seems that this is a printing mistake, for here it connotes that it is mid'Oraisa!

åëï îåëç áô''÷ ã÷ãåùéï (ãó ìè.) åëï áô' ëì äáùø (çåìéï ÷èå.) ãôøéê ëìàé æøòéí ìéúñøå ãäà úéòáúé ìê äåà


Rebuttal: And so it is proven in Kidushin (39a) and in Chulin (115a). It asks that Kil'ai Zera'im should be forbidden [to eat], for I [the Torah] forbade to you [to make them, i.e. plant them. "Lo Sochal Kol To'evah" forbids all such matters];

åàéï çéìå÷ áéï ëìàé äëøí ìëìàé æøòéí àìà ùæä îåúø áàëéìä åæä àñåø àôé' áäðàä


The only difference between Kil'ai ha'Kerem and Kil'ai Zera'im is that [the latter] is permitted to eat, and the latter is forbidden even b'Hana'ah.

åàôé' ø' éàùéä ðîé àéú ìéä ëìàé æøòéí åîçééá àôé' áçèä åùòåøä ìçåãééäå îùåí ëìàé æøòéí


Even R. Yoshiyah [who holds that the Torah forbids Kil'ai ha'Kerem only if he seeded together grapes and two other species] holds that Kil'ai Zera'im [is Asur mid'Oraisa], and one is liable even for wheat and barley alone due to Kil'ai ha'Kerem.

åäà ã÷àîø äëà ãìø' éàùéä úéøåù åãâï ãâï åãâï ùäï ëìàéí æä áæä ò''é ãáø àçø


Implied question: Why does it say here "according to R. Yoshiyah, grapes and grain, or different kinds of grain, which are Kilayim with each other through another matter (a third species"? Different kinds of grain are Kilayim by themselves!)

îùåí úéøåù åãâï ð÷è ò''é ãáø àçø ãìà îçééá îùåí ëìàé äëøí àìà áâ' îéðéï àáì îùåí ëìàé æøòéí çééá áúøé


Answer: Due to grapes and grain, it said "through another matter." One is liable for Kil'ai ha'Kerem only through three species, but he is liable for Kil'ai ha'Kerem even through two.

åëï îåëç áñåó ô' àåúå åàú áðå (ùí ôá:) ãîééúé äúí äæåøò ëìàéí [ö"ì ëìàéí - îäøù"à] ìå÷ä åîñ÷éðï îéìúà àâá àåøçà ÷î''ì ãàéëà úøé âååðé ëìàéí


Support: It is proven like this in Chulin (82b). It brings there that one who seeds Kil'ayim Kil'ayim is lashed, and we conclude that it teaches a matter in passing, that there are two kinds of Kil'ayim;

ìàôå÷é îãøáé éàùéä ãàîø òã ùéæøò çèä åùòåøä åçøöï áîôåìú éã ÷î''ì ãëé æøò çèä åçøöï ùòåøä åçøöï ðîé çééá


[It says that the repetition] teaches unlike R. Yoshiyah, who says [that one is liable] only if he seeded together wheat, barley and a grape seed close at once. This teaches unlike him, that when one seeds wheat and grape seed [or] barley and a grape seed, also he is liable.

ù''î ãîåãä ø' éàùéä áçèä åùòåøä


Explanation (A) Inference: R. Yoshiyah agrees about wheat and barley (that one is liable for them without a grape seed. This is why it did not say that it teaches unlike R. Yoshiyah, who obligates for wheat and barley.)

åòåã ðøàä ìôøù ã÷øé úøé âååðé ëìàéí ëìàé æøòéí åëìàé ëøí ëâåï çèä åùòåøä çèä åçøöï åáçã îåãä ø' éàùéä ãì÷é åáçã ôìéâ àáì çèä åçøöï ùòåøä åçøöï ëåìå çã âååðà äåà


Explanation (B): Alternatively, it is called two kinds of Kil'ayim - Kil'ai Zera'im and Kil'ai ha'Kerem, e.g. wheat and barley, and wheat and a grape seed. R. Yoshiyah agrees about one of them that he is lashed, and one he argues about. However, wheat and a grape seed, barley and a grapes seed, it is all one kind (Kil'ai Zera'im. In Explanation (A) there are two kinds of Kil'ai ha'Kerem, and R. Yoshiyah argues about both of them, and agrees about Kil'ai Zera'im].

(åòåã éù) [ö"ì åéù - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ñôøéí ùëúåá áäí áäãéà çèä åçøöï àå ùòåøä åçøöï


Alternative text: Some texts say explicitly wheat and a grape seed or barley and a grape seed (that R. Yoshiyah obligates for them without a third species).

åàôé' [ìñôøéí] ùëúåá ùí åùòåøä ôéøåùå àå ëîå àå ùòåøä åçøöï


And even Seforim in which it is written there and barley [and a grape seed], it is like "or barley and a grape seed."

åìäëé ìà îöé ìàå÷îé ëìàéí [ö"ì ëìàéí - ùéèä î÷åáöú áççåìéï] ááú àçú ëâåï çèä åùòåøä åçøöï ãì÷é úøúé ìàôå÷é îãø' éàùéä ãäà ìø' éàùéä ðîé ì÷é úøúé


Observation: Therefore, we cannot establish "Kil'ayim Kil'ayim" (that he is liable twice) at once, e.g. wheat and barley and a grape seed that he is lashed twice, to teach unlike R. Yoshiyah, for also according to R. Yoshiyah he is lashed twice.

åëï îåëç ðîé áéøåùìîé áîñ' ëìàéí ôø÷ ç' ã÷àîø äúí ëúéá ìà úæøò ëìàéí ëøîê àìîà ùàéðå çééá òã ùéæøò á' îéðéï áëøí ãáøé ø' éàùéä ø' éåðúï àåîø [ö"ì àôéìå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îéï à'


Support: The Yerushalmi in Kil'ayim proves like this. It says there, it is written "Lo Sizra Kil'ayim Karmecha" - this teaches that he is liable only if he seeds two species in a vineyard (i.e. it is already Kil'ayim without the species of field, i.e. vineyard). R. Yoshiyah says so. R. Yonason says, even one species [in a vineyard is Kil'ayim];

òì ãòúéä ãø' éåðúï ùãê ìà úæøò ëìàéí ìàéæä ãáø ðàîø ìà úæøò ëøîê ëìàéí (ìäòáéø) [ö"ì ìäçîéø - öàï ÷ãùéí] òìéå àôé' îéï àçø


According to R. Yonason, [since it already says] "Sadcha Lo Sizra Kil'ayim", why is it written "Lo Sizra Kil'ayim Karmecha"? It is to be stringent, that even one [other] species [is forbidden in a vineyard];

òì ãòúéä ãø' éàùéä ëúéá ùãê ìà úæøò ëìàéí ìàéæä ãáø ðàîø ìà úæøò ëøîê ëìàéí


Question: According to R. Yoshiyah, it is written "Sadcha Lo Sizra Kil'ayim." Why is it written "Lo Sizra Kil'ayim Karmecha"?

çáøéà àîøé ìäúøàä ùàí äúøå áå îùåí ùãê ìå÷ä îùåí ëøîê ìå÷ä


Answer (Talmidim): It is for warning - if they warned him for [Kil'ayim in] your field, he is lashed. [If they warned him also] for [Kil'ayim in] your vineyard, he is lashed [twice].

åàé ìà îçééá ø' éàùéä áëìàé æøòéí áìà ëøí à''ä îàé ÷áòé ëøîê ì''ì


Inference: If R. Yoshiyah did not obligate for Kil'ai Zera'im without grapes, what was the question "why does he need Karmecha"? (Obviously, it is to teach that he is liable only with grapes!)

ãìà îùîò ìôøù ãáòé ìîä ðàîø ëøîê áìàå ùðé ùäéä ìå ìåîø áìàå àçã


Implied question: Perhaps we could explain that the question was why it says "Karmecha" in a second Lav. It should have said so in one Lav!

ãàéï ÷åùéà ãø' éåðúï áòðéï æä àìà ìâîøé (ëæä) áòé (ëîùîòå) ì''ì ëøîê ëìì


Rejection: The question about R. Yonason was not like this. Rather, it asks why Karmecha is needed at all.

äìëê (ëåìí åãàé) [ö"ì åãàé ëåìí - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îçééáé îùåí ëìàé æøòéí áùðé îéðéï àìà áëìàé (æøòéí) [ö"ì ëøí - öàï ÷ãùéí] ôìéâé ãø' éàùéä ìà îçééá îùåí ëøí òã ãàéëà ùðé îéðé áäãé çøöï ëâåï çèä åùòåøä åçøöï åø' éåðúï îçééá àôé' áîéï à' áäãé çøöï


Therefore, surely all obligate for Kil'ai Zera'im through two species. Rather, they argue about Kil'ai ha'Kerem. R. Yoshiyah obligates for a Kerem only when there are two species with the grape seed, e.g. wheat and barley. R. Yonason obligates even for one species with the grape seed.

åàéï ìúîåä ìø' éàùéä îàé ùðà ãáëìàé æøòéí îçééá áùðé îéðéï åáëìàé ëøí áòé â' îéðéí


Implied question: According to R. Yoshiyah, why is Kil'ai Zera'im different, that he obligates for two species, and for Kil'ai ha'Kerem he requires three species?

ãîùîò ìéä æøéòú ëìàéí á' îéðé æøòéí åçøöï ìàå îéï æøòéí äåà äìëê àéëà ìôøåùé ÷øà äëé ìà úæøò áäãé ëøîê ëìàéí ãééðå á' îéðé æøòéí


Answer: It connotes to him seeding Kil'ayim is two kinds of Zera'im, and a grape seed is not a kind of Zera'im. Therefore we can explain the verse like as follows. Do not seed together with your vineyard Kil'ayim, i.e. two kinds of Zera'im.

åîéäå ø' éäåãä åãàé îùîò áîñ' ëìàéí (ô''à î''è) ãìà îçééá ðîé áëìàé æøòéí òã ùéæøò çèä åùòåøä åëåñîéï àå á' çèéï åùòåøä àå á' ùòåøéí åçèä ãáòé ëìàé æøòéí áäãé ùãê


Remark: However, R. Yehudah, surely it connotes that in Maseches Kil'ayim that he does not obligate for Kil'ai Zera'im until he sows wheat, barley and spelt, or two wheat seeds and a barley seed or two barley seeds and a wheat seed, for we need Kil'ai Zera'im together with your field.

åîéäå ÷øà ãáäîúê ìà úøáéò ëìàéí ìà àôùø ìå ìôøåùé äëé


However, the verse "Behemtecha Lo Sarbi'a Kil'ayim" it is impossible to explain it like this (to require Kil'ayim without Behemtecha).


TOSFOS DH u'Shnei Minim b'Alma d'Rabanan

úåñôåú ã"ä åùðé îéðéï áòìîà ãøáðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that mid'Oraisa, Ma'aser applies only to grain, wine and oil.)

îùîò ãëì îéðéï ãìà ëúéáé áäàé ÷øà ãøáðï åäëà ìà ëúéá àìà ãâï åúéøåù åéöäø


Inference: All species that are not written in this verse are mid'Rabanan, and here it is written only grain, wine and oil.

åáô' ëéöã îáøëéï (áøëåú ìå.) ðîé àîø ãîòùø öìó ãøáðï


Support #1: Also in Brachos (36a) it says that Ma'aser of caper is mid'Rbanan.

åâáé ìéèøà ÷öéòåú áéöä (ãó â:) ðîé àîø ããáø ùáîðéï àôé' áàìó ìà áèéì áãøáðï


Support #2: Regarding a Litra of dried figs in Beitzah (3b) it says that Devar sheb'Minyan is not Batel even in 1000 for mid'Rabanan matters.

åáô''÷ ãøàù äùðä (ãó èå:) îòùø ñúí çøåáéï ãøáðï àò''â ãáñôøé ìà ôèø (ìà) [ö"ì àìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú, öàï ÷ãùéí] çøåáé ùéèä åöìîåðä åìà ñúí çøåáéï


Support #3: In Rosh Hashanah (15b) it says that Ma'aser of Stam carobs is mid'Rabanan, even though in the Sifri it exempts only carobs of Shitah and Tzalmonah, but not Stam carobs.

åëì äðäå ãøùåú ãñôøé ãîøáéï àôé' ÷èðéú åôéøåú äàéìï åéø÷ ìòðéï îòùø àñîëúà áòìîà ðéðäå


Consequence #1: And all these Drashos of Sifri that include even pulse (a legume) and tree fruits and Yerek (vegetables that are planted to eat the leaves) regarding Ma'aser, they are mere Asmachtos.

åëé äàé âååðà àùëçï ëì îéìé (ãùáåú) [ö"ì ãîùåí ùáåú åîùåí øùåú - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åîùåí îöåä áô' îùéìéï (áéöä ìå:) ããøéù áú''ë îùáúåï ùáåú åàñîëúà áòìîà äéà


And similarly we find like this all matters [forbidden on Shabbos] due to Shevus, of Reshus, and of Mitzvah, in Beitzah (36b), it expounds in Toras Kohanim from "Shabason" - Shevus, and it is a mere Asmachta.

åëäï ùòìúä áéãå úàðä ùì èáì áô' àìå äï äìå÷éï (îëåú éè:) ãëäï ùàëìä ìå÷ä ëå' äééðå îëú îøãåú


Consequence #2: A Kohen who got a Tevel fig - in Makos (19b) it says that a Kohen who ate it is lashed... this is lashes mid'Rabanan.

åäà ãàîø áñåó äòøì (éáîåú ôà.) ãòéâåì àéðå òåìä


Implied question: It says in Yevamos (81a) that a ring [of pressed figs of Terumah] is not Batel!

äúí øáðï ëòéï ãàåøéé' úé÷åï


Answer: There, Rabanan enacted like Torah law.

åäà ãàîøé' áô' äðåãø îï äéø÷ (ðãøéí ðä.) ããâï îùîò ëì îéìé ãîéãâï àôéìå ÷èðéú


Implied question: We say in Nedarim (55a) that "Degen" connotes everything that is piled up, even legumes!

àåîø ø''ú ãäééðå áðãøéí ãäìê àçø ìùåï áðé àãí


Answer (R. Tam): This is for Nedarim, which depend on how people speak.

åãôìéâé ø''à åø' éäåùò áô' äòåø åäøåèá (çåìéï ÷ë:) áãåï îéðä åîéðä áãåï îéðä åàå÷é áàúøä


Implied question: R. Eliezer and R. Yehoshua argue in Chulin (120b, about Terumah of fruit juice) about Dun Minah u'Minah (when one matter is learned from another, we learn from all laws from the source) and Dun Minah v'Uki b'Asra (we learn the basic law from the source, but other laws are like the law of the matter being learned. This implies that such Terumah is mid'Oraisa!)

îùëçú ìä ãôìéâé áãàåøééúà ëâåï îù÷ä äéåöà îï äãâï ëâåï îìéìåú ùøéñ÷ï åñçèï ëãàîø áô''÷ ãùáú (ãó éè.)


Answer: We find that they argue about [Terumah] mid'Oraisa, e.g. liquid that comes from grain, e.g. he diced and squeezed it, like it says in Shabbos (19a).

åäà ãúðï áîñ' ôøä (ôé''à î''â) ãáéìä ùì úøåîä ùðôìä ìúåê [îé] çèàú ëå' òã ãàîø äàåëìä áîéúä


Implied question: A Mishnah in Parah (11:3) says that a fig cake of Terumah that fell into Mei Chatas... until it says that one who eats it is Chayav Misah!

ìàå ãå÷à àìà çåîø ãøáðï ëòéï àéñåø îéúä åðô÷à îéðä ìàì÷åéé èôé îùàø îì÷éåú àå ì÷åáøå áéï øùòéí âîåøéí


Answer #1: It is not precise. Rather, the stringency mid'Rabanan is like an Isur Misah. This is relevant to lash him more than others lashed (mid'Rabanan), and to bury him among absolute Resha'im.

àé ðîé ìñéîðà áòìîà ð÷è ãáéìä ùàí ðôì áîé çèàú ãáø ùúøåîúå ãàåøééúà [ö"ì éäéä áå ãéï æä äùðåé áîùðä - ùéèä î÷åáöú]


Answer #2: It mentioned a fig cake for a mere Siman, that if something for which Terumah is mid'Oraisa, if it fell into Mei Chatas, this law taught in the Mishnah would apply to it.

[ö"ì åäà ãàîøéðï áñåó äòøì ãòâåì áòâåìéí àé äåé úøåîä áæîï ãàåøééúà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] åàò''â ãîä ðôùê úøåîú ôéøåú ãøáðï


Implied question: We say in Yevamos that a ring [of figs] that became mixed with rings, if Terumah nowadays is mid'Oraisa... No matter what you will say [about Terumah nowadays], Terumah of Peros is mid'Rabanan!

îëì î÷åí ùééê ìàçîåøé èôé âæéøä îùåí ãâï úéøåù åéöäø ãàåøééúà


Answer: Even so, it is reasonable to be more stringent [about Peros, if Terumah nowadays is mid'Oraisa]. This is a decree due to grain, wine and oil, which are mid'Oraisa.

åáéøåùìîé áøéù (ôø÷) îñëú îòùøåú îùîò ÷öú ã÷øà ããøùéðï îéðéä çéåá îòùø áôéøåú å÷èðéú ãøùà âîåøä äéà


Question: In the Yerushalmi in Ma'aseros, it connotes a little that the verse from which we expound a Chiyuv of Ma'aser of Peros and legumes is an absolute Drashah;

ãàîø äúí òùø úòùø äééúé àåîø ëì äãáøéí çééáéí áîòùø ëå' òã àéï ìé àìà úáåàä ÷èðéú îðéï úìîåã ìåîø åëì îòùø äàøõ ìøáåú ùåí åùçìéí åâøâéø


It says there "Aser Ta'aser" - I would say that everything is obligated in Ma'aser... I would know only grain. What is the source for legumes? It says "v'Chol Ma'aser ha'Aretz", to include garlic, and kinds of cress;

éëåì ùàðé îøáä àó äòìéï æøò ëøùéðéï æøò ìôú åöðåðåú åáöìéí åùàø æøòåðé âéðä ùàéï ðàëìéï úìîåã ìåîø îæøò äàøõ ìà ëì [æøò] äàøõ


Perhaps I include even leaves, seeds of vetch, turnips, radishes, onions and other garden seeds that are not eaten! It says "mi'Zera ha'Aretz", and not all Zera ha'Aretz;

åîôøé äòõ ìøáåú ëì ôéøåú äàéìï àå éëåì ùàðé îøáä çøåáé ùéèä åöìîåðä åçøåáé âéøîä úìîåã ìåîø îôøé äòõ åìà ëì ôøé äòõ


"Mi'Peri ha'Etz" includes all tree fruits. Or, perhaps I include even carobs of Shitah, Tzalmonah and Girmah! It says "mi'Peri ha'Etz", and not all tree fruits;

éø÷åú îðéï àéñé áï ò÷áéà àåîø äîòùøåú ìéø÷åú îãáøéäí


What is the source for Yerakos? Isi ben Akavya says, Ma'aser of Yerakos is mid'Rabanan.

îùîò ãéø÷åú îãáøéäí àáì ÷èðéú åôéøåú ãàåøééúà


Summation of question - Inference: This connotes that Ma'aser of Yerakos is mid'Rabanan, but [of] legumes and Peros is mid'Oraisa!

åéù ìôøù ãä''÷ îãáøéäí ëìåîø ãàéï ìäí àñîëúà îï äôñå÷ ëîå ùéù ì÷èðéú åùàø ôéøåú


Answer: It means [that Ma'aser of Yerakos is] mid'Rabanan, i.e. it is unlike legumes and other Peros, for which there is no Asmachta from a verse.

åáñôøé ðîé áôøùú òùø úòùø ìà îééúé ùåí ÷øà ìéø÷åú


Support: Also the Sifri in Parshas Aser Ta'aser does not bring any verse for Yerakos.

ãàò''â ã÷úðé äúí îðéï ìøáåú éø÷åú ìîòùøåú


Implied question: It taught there "what is the source to include Yerakos for Ma'aseros?" (and it brought a verse)!

áùåí åùçìéí åâøâéø àééøé ëã÷úðé äúí áäãéà åáú''ë áôøùú àí áç÷åúé îáéàä á÷åöø åàéðå îàøéê ùí ëîå áñôøé


Answer: It discusses garlic and kinds of cress, like it teaches there explicitly. The Toras Kohanim in Parshas Bechukosai brings it briefly. It does not elaborate like the Sifri.

åùîà ìà øöå ìäñîéê éø÷åú òì ùåí ôñå÷ ìôé ùéù òðéðéí ùðøàä ìäí ìä÷ì áéø÷åú éåúø îáùàø ãáøéí


Conjecture: Perhaps [Chachamim] did not want to support [Ma'aser of] Yerakos on any verse, because there are matters that they considered proper to be lenient about Yerakos more than other things;

ëé ääéà ã÷àîø áéøåùìîé áîñ' çìä ô' ùúé ðùéí à''ø éåçðï øáåúéðå ùáâåìä äéå îôøéùéï úøåîåú åîòùøåú òã ùáàå äøåáéí åáèìåí îàï àéðåï äøåáéí úåøâîéðéà


An example is what it says in the Yerushalmi in Chalah, in Perek Shtei Nashim. R. Yochanan said that our Rebbeyim in Galus used to separate Terumos and Ma'aseros, until the Rovim abolished them. Who are the Rovim? They are Turgaminiya (the last translators, i.e. R. Chiya's sons).

(àîøä) ø' æòéøà åøá éäåãä áùí ùîåàì àîø çìú çåöä ìàøõ [ö"ì åúøåîú çåöä ìàøõ - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àåëì åäåìê åàç''ë îôøéù


(R. Ze'ira and Rav Yehudah citing Shmuel): Chalah of Chutz la'Aretz - one may eat and separate afterwards.

øáà áùí ùîåàì ìà çùå àìà ìúøåîú ãâï åúéøåù åéöäø


(Rava citing Shmuel): [Chachamim] were concerned for only for Terumah of grain, wine and oil.

ø' àáà áùí ø' ùîåàì ìà çùå àìà ìúøåîä âãåìä àáì ìéø÷åú àôé' ìúøåîä âãåìä ìà çùå ãúðé àéñé áï ò÷áéà îòùøåú ìéø÷åú îãáøéäí


(R. Aba citing R. Shmuel): [Chachamim] were concerned for only for Terumah Gedolah, but for Yerakos, they were not concerned even for Terumah Gedolah, for Isi ben Akavya taught that Ma'aser of Yerakos is mid'Rabanan.


TOSFOS DH Ela me'Atah Gabei Ma'aser Behemah... Yis'asru mi'Zeh Al Zeh

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà îòúä âáé îòùø áäîä ãìà ëúéá îòùø á÷ø [ëå'] éúòùøå îæä òì æä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos defends the suggestion, and explains the rejection.)

åà''ú äà (àúà) [ö"ì àéëà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìîéìó ÷''å îçãù åéùï ùàéðï ëìàéí æä áæä åàéï îúòùøéï


Question: We cannot learn a Kal v'Chomer from new and old, which are not Kil'ayim with each other, and one may not tithe from one on another!

åé''ì ãàéëà ìîéîø ëáùéí åòæéí éåëéçå ùäí ëìàéí åîúòùøéï ëãîøáéðï ìòéì îöàï ëå'


Answer: We can say that lambs and goats Yochi'ach. They are Kil'ayim, yet one may tithe [from one on another], like we included above from "Tzon..."

åîùðé àîø ÷øà äòùéøé ùáà ìçì÷ åìéúï òùéøé ìæä åòùéøé ìæä


Explanation: The Gemara answers "it says Asiri", which comes to distinguish and give a 10th animal for this and a 10th for this.

åôøéê ëáùéí åòæéí ðîé ãáùìîà àé ìàå äòùéøé ìà éìôéðï ëáùéí åòæéí î÷ì åçåîø ãéùï åçãù ëéåï ãøáé øçîðà öàï ëãàîø


It asks that also lambs and goats - granted, if not for "ha'Asiri", we would not learn from a Kal v'Chomer from new and old, since the Torah included "Tzon", like it says;

àáì äùúà ãëúéá äòùéøé ìçì÷ òì ëì îéï åîéï [ö"ì äåà - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã] ãàúé ëîå øàùéúí ãáñîåê ãâáé ãâï ùáà ìéúï øàùéú ìëì îéï åîéï:


However, now that it is written "ha'Asiri", it comes to distinguish every species by itself, like "Reishisam" below (54b) regarding grain, which comes to teach that one must give "Reishis" (Terumah) for each species by itself.



TOSFOS DH Amar Abaye Reishisam... Rava Amar b'Lo Reishisam...

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø àáéé øàùéúí ëå' øáà àîø áìà øàùéúí ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves Abaye and Rava with what they said in Temurah.)

úéîä ãáô''÷ ãúîåøä (ãó ä.) âáé äà ãàîø àáéé ãëì [îéìúà] ãàîø øçîðà ìà úòáéã àé òáéã îäðé ôøéê îúåøí îîéï òì ùàéðå îéðå


Question #1: In Temurah (5a), regarding Abaye's teaching that anything that the Torah said not to do it, Iy Avid Mehani (if he did, it takes effect, the Gemara) asks from one who takes Terumah from one species to exempt a different species;

ãàîø øçîðà úï çìá ìæä [åçìá ìæä] åúðï ãàí úøí àéï úøåîúå úøåîä åîùðé àîø ÷øà øàùéúí


The Torah said "give Chelev (choice Peros) from this, and Chelev from this", and a Mishnah teaches that if he took Terumah, it is not Terumah, and answers that the Torah said "Reishisam";

àìîà îå÷é ìéä [ö"ì àáéé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àôé' ìúéøåù åéöäø ìàùîåòéðï ãìà îäðé åäëà îå÷é ìä ìçì÷ áîéðé ãâï ãàéï úåøîéï îæä òì æä


Inference: Abaye establishes [Reishisam] even for wine and oil, to teach that [if one took Terumah from one on the other], it does not help. Here we establish it for types of grain, that one may not tithe from one on another!

åøáà (àîø) [ö"ì ãàîø äëà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áìà øàùéúí ðîé ìà îöéú àîøú [åãâï] îùîò [ëì] ãâï àçã (ãîå÷é) [ö"ì îå÷é ìéä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] áäãéà äúí ìäëé


Question #2: And Rava, who says here that even without Reishisam, you cannot say that "Degen" connotes that all grain is one, explicitly establishes it there for this!

ã÷àîø äúí åìøáà ãàîø ìà îäðé àé ìàå ãàîø øçîðà øàùéúí äåä àîéðà úéøåù åéöäø ãëúéá áäå çìá çìá ùàéï úåøîéï [ö"ì îæä òì æä - öàï ÷ãùéí]


It says there "and according to Rava, who says that Iy Avid Lo Mehani (if one transgressed, it did not take effect), had the Torah not said Reishisam, one might have thought that wine and oil, for which Chelev is written for each, one may not tithe from one on another;

úéøåù åãâï ãçã çìá ëúéá áäå (îäàé àäàé) [ö"ì ëé úøí îäàé àäàé ìà ì÷é - öàï ÷ãùéí] ëúá øçîðà øàùéú


Wine and grain, for which one Chelev is written for both, if he tithed from one on the other, one might have thought that he is not lashed! The Torah said "Reishis" [to teach unlike this].

åé''ì ãìàáéé åãàé îùîò (ãäàé øàùéú ìçì÷ áîéðé ãâï ãîãñîê) [ö"ì ãàúà øàùéú ìçì÷ áîéðé ãâï îãñîê - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìéä ÷øà ìåãâï åîå÷é ðîé ìåîø ãìà îäðé


Answer (to Question #1): According to Abaye, surely it connotes that "Reishis" comes to divide between kinds of grain, since the verse put it next to "v'Dagan", and he establishes it also to teach that [Iy Avid] Lo Mehani;

ãîùîò (ã÷øà) [ö"ì ã÷àé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àëåìäå îéðé ãëúéáé á÷øà (ìçì÷) [ö"ì åìçì÷ - öàï ÷ãùéí] áúéøåù åéöäø ìà àéöèøéê àìà ìåîø ãìà îäðé åëé äéëé ãìà îäðé áúéøåù åéöäø ìà îäðé ðîé áîéðé ãâï


This is because it connotes that it refers to all the species written in the verse, and it is not needed to distinguish wine and oil. Rather, it teaches that Lo Mehani. And just like it does not help for wine and oil, it does not help for kinds of grain.

åøáà ã÷àîø äëà ìà öøéê îùåí ãî÷''å ðô÷à ëãìòéì (åîï) [ö"ì åîéäå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ãâï ìéëà ìîéãøù ãîùîò [ëì] ãâï àçã ëã÷àîø äëà ãàéöèøéê ìâåôéä ìîòåèé ùàø îéðéí


Answer (to Question #2): And Rava, who teaches here that it is not needed, it is because it comes from a Kal v'Chomer, like above. However, one cannot expound from Degen that it connotes that all grain is one, like it says here, for it is needed for the simple meaning, to exclude other species;

åäúí ðô÷à (ìï) [ö"ì ìéä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îøàùéú ëãàùëçï áëîä ãåëúé (ôñçéí ãó éç:) îéìúà ãàúéà á÷''å èøç åëúá ìä ÷øà


And there he learns from Reishis, like we find in several places that something learned from a Kal v'Chomer, the Torah wrote a verse for it.

åäùúà ðîé ðéçà äà ãîééúé äëà øàùéú òì ãâï åãâï åäúí îééúé ìéä øáà òì ãâï åúéøåù ãåãàé úøåééäå ðô÷é î÷''å áéï úéøåù åãâï áéï ãâï åãâï åî''î ëúáéä àúøåééäå ëîå îéìúà ãàúéà á÷''å èøç åëúá ìä ÷øà


Support: Now, it is fine that it brings here Reishis for two kinds of grain, and there Rava brings it for grain and wine, for surely we learn both from a Kal v'Chomer, both grain and wine, and two kinds of grain. And even so, the Torah wrote [Reishis] about both of them, like something learned from a Kal v'Chomer, and the Torah wrote a verse for it.

åà''ú åìøáà ëéåï ãëúéá øàùéúí àëåìäå çìá çìá ìîä ìé


Question: According to Rava, since "Reishisam" applies to all of them, why was Chelev repeated?

åé''ì îùåí ãìà äåé îå÷îéðï øàùéúí àúéøåù åéöäø ëéåï ãàéðí ëìàéí æä áæä


Answer: It is because [if not for this,] we would not establish "Reishisam" to apply to wine and oil, since they are not Kil'ayim with each other.


TOSFOS DH v'Asi b'Kal v'Chomer mi'Chadash v'Yashan

úåñôåú ã"ä åàúé á÷''å îçãù åéùï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn from the Hekesh.)

ìà äåé îöé ìîéîø ãàúé áäé÷éùà ãòùø úòùø ãìòéì


Implied question: Why couldn't we say that it comes from the Hekesh above "Aser Ta'aser"?

ãäà àîø øáà ìòéì ìùðä ä÷ùúéå åìà ìãáø àçø.


Answer: Rava said above (53b) that it is equated only for the year, but not for anything else.


TOSFOS DH Eima Le'aruvei b'Tzon

úåñôåú ã"ä àéîà ìòøåáé áöàï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we should think so.)

ãëúáéðäå áçã îòùø åìà ëúá åîòùø öàï


Explanation: [Bakar and Tzon] were written [after] one "Ma'aser". It did not [write it regarding each, i.e] "u'Ma'aser Tzon."


TOSFOS DH Chada Minei Rav Papa Amrah

úåñôåú ã"ä çãà îéðéä øá ôôà àîøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we attribute one of them to Rav Papa.)

áøéù á''÷ (ãó ã:) ðîé ÷àîø äëé åòì øá ôôà øâéì ìåîø ëï ùîìê àçø øáà ëãàéúà (áîåòã ÷èï) (ãó ëç:) åéù ãáøéí ëùäéä àåîø ãñáåøéí ùäí áùí øáà:


Explanation: Also in Bava Kama (4b) it says so. [The Gemara] often says so about Rav Papa, who reigned [as Rosh Yeshivah] after Rava, like it says in Mo'ed Katan (28b) and there are things that when he said them, people thought that he said them in the name of Rava.