[35a - 38 lines; 35b - 38 lines]

1)[line 1]והלא מותרו חוזר!VA'HALO MOSARO CHOZER!- [how is it possible to suggest that the reason why Rebbi Eliezer would have considered the produce to be Hukba l'Ma'aser in our Mishnah is because it was verbally designated to be eaten on Shabbos? Even had he actually taken it,] what is leftover can be returned [to the main pile]!

2)[line 3]מעטןMA'ATAN- a large container in which olives are placed to ripen before they are pressed

3)[line 5]חייבCHAYAV- he is obligated [to separate Terumah and Ma'aser before eating from them, even in a temporary fashion]

4)[line 9]מהדר ליהMEHADER LEI- to return them [since they will transfer their Tum'ah to the rest of the olives]

5)[line 12]מוחזרין ועומדין הן!MUCHZARIN V'OMDIN HEN!- they are automatically returned [in the case of our Mishnah; i.e., he has not actually taken them, but only designated them; therefore, they should not be Hukba l'Ma'aser even if he is Tamei and they are not]!

6)[line 26]ורמינהיU'REMINHI- and there appears to be a contradiction [between the explanation we have given for Rebbi Eliezer in the Mishnah and another ruling of his]

7)[line 26]אשכולESHKOL- a cluster of grapes

8)[line 37]המעמרHA'ME'AMER- one who gathers

9)[line 37]קדש עליהן היוםKIDESH ALEIHEN HA'YOM- the day of Shabbos began

10)[last line]לעצמוL'ATZMO- to himself; that is, no one else agreed with this ruling


11)[line 8]עם הארץAM HA'ARETZ- an unlearned Jew who is lax in his Torah-observance (see Berachos 47b)

12)[line 9]דורסיןDORSIN- press [the figs into cakes, in which case these figs are not yet Nigmerah Melachtan]

13)[line 10]דמאיDEMAI

(a)Produce originating from an Am ha'Aretz (an unlearned Jew who may be lax in his Torah observance; see Berachos 47b) is referred to as Demai ("Da Mai?" — "what is this?").

(b)Terumas Ma'aser and Ma'aser Sheni must be separated from such produce, since a minority of Amei ha'Aretz are not careful to separate these tithes from their produce. One may assume, however, that Terumah Gedolah has been separated, since even an Am ha'Aretz is careful with Terumah due to its stringency. Ma'aser Rishon and Ma'aser Ani are separated from the produce, but may be eaten by the owner (in keeping with the principle of "ha'Motzi me'Chaveiro Alav ha'Re'ayah").

14a)[line 15]לאכולLE'ECHOL- to eat [as is, in which case the produce is Hukba l'Ma'aser]

b)[line 16]לקצותLI'KTZOS- to dry [in which case the produce is not yet Hukba l'Ma'aser]


15)[line 19]משילין פירותMESHILIN PEIROS- one may lower produce

16)[line 19]ארובהARUBAH- a skylight

17)[line 20]דלףDELEF- dripping [rainwater]

18)[line 20]תחת הדלףTACHAS HA'DELEF- underneath a drip [so as to prevent the dirt floor from becoming muddy]

19)[line 23]"[זֵיתִים יִהְיוּ לְךָ בְּכָל-גְּבוּלֶךָ, וְשֶׁמֶן לֹא תָסוּךְ,] כִּי יִשַּׁל זֵיתֶךָ.""[ZEISIM YIHEYU LECHA B'CHOL GEVULECHA, V'SHEMEN LO SASUCH,] KI YISHAL ZEISECHA."- "[You will own olive trees throughout your borders, but you will be unable to anoint yourselves with oil,] for your olives will fall [from the trees in an unripe state]" (Devarim 28:40). This verse is part of the Tochachah (rebuke).

20)[line 24]השחול והכסולHA'SHACHUL VEHA'KASUL- these are the terms for two blemishes that invalidate an animal as a Korban. The Gemara now proceeds to explain what they are.

21)[line 24]שנשמטה ירכוSHE'NISHMETAH YERECHO- whose hip has become dislocated [and has therefore fallen from its usual place]

22)[line 25]מאן דתניMAN D'TANI- [theoretically,] one who [would] learn

23)[line 28]נזירNAZIR

(a)A Nazir is one who may not: 1. cut his hair; 2. become Tamei by touching or being in the same room as a corpse; or 3. consume any products of the grapevine. If one vows to become a Nazir without stipulating a time period, his Nezirus lasts for a period of thirty days.

24)[line 28]יחוףYACHUF- rub

25)[line 28]משירMESHIR- cause to fall off

26a)[line 29]השחורHA'SHACHOR- a) a razor [that separates into a handle and blade] (RASHI as explained by TOSFOS DH ha'Shachor); b) a pair of small scissors (TOSFOS ibid.)

b)[line 29]הזוג של ספריםVEHA'ZUG SHEL SAPARIM- and a (regular sized, according to TOSFOS ibid.) pair of barber's scissors

27)[line 30]נשרו כליוNASHRU KELAV- clothing have fallen

28a)[line 31]מהלך בהםMEHALECH BA'HEM- he may walk while wearing them [on Shabbos (or Yom Tov)]

b)[line 31]ואינו חוששV'EINO CHOSHESH- and he need not worry [that people will suspect him of having washed them on Shabbos (or Yom Tov)]

29)[line 31]לקטLEKET

(a)"Leket" refers to stalks of grain that have fallen to the ground while being cut or gathered during the harvest. Such stalks may not be retrieved by their owner, but must be left for the poor to take (Vayikra 19:9-10).

(b)This prohibition applies only to individual — i.e., one or two — fallen stalks of wheat. Should three stalks fall together, they are not considered Leket, and may be retrieved.

30)[line 33]מפניןMEFANIN- one may clear away

31)[line 33]קופותKUPOS- [three-Se'ah] basketfuls (see Gemara Shabbos 127a and TOSFOS ibid. 126b DH Mefanin).

32)[line 33]תבןTEVEN- straw

33)[line 34]בטול בית המדרשBITUL BEIS HA'MIDRASH- lack of space for students in the study hall

34)[line 37]כלל כלל לאKLAL KLAL LO- see Insights

35)[line 37]לאידך גיסאL'IDACH GISA- to the other side; a logical argument in the opposite direction