One may ask one's friend to fill his utensil with a liquid.
- True. Anything.
- True. Not a measuring cup but a spare is Ok.
- Only in a normal Kli.
- False.
- Machlokes all but D.
גזל ואינו יודע למי גזל One has Safek Gezel what should he do with it?
- Keep it.
- Declare it Hefker to all.
- Give it to Hekdesh.
- Do צרכי רבים with it.
- Machlokes all of the above.
May one measure flour on יו"ט ?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only if there is enough to give חלה .
- Sofeik.
- Machlokes A&B.
May one resift flour on יו"ט ?
- Yes.
- Yes. Requires a Shinui.
- No.
- Machlokes all of the above.
הדרן עלך אין צדין
- !!!TRUE!!!
On Yom Tov, may I ask my grocer for a dozen eggs?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only by weight.
- Only second day.
- Machlokes all of the above.