What do we learn from the story of ישמעאל בן אלישע blessing אכתריאל יה ה' צבאות ?
- even a "hedyot"'s bracha counts.
- Only a kohen's bracha counts
- Only the kohen gadol's bracha counts
- Only the kohen gadol's bracha on Yom kippur countscounts
How did Hashem thwart בלעם 's cursing us?
- He made Balak not pay him.
- Hashem didn't listen to the curse.
- He made B'nai Yisraoldo Teshuva
- He didn't get angry.
כל דבור ודבור שיצא מפי הקב"ה לטובה אפי' על תנאי לא חזר בו What does the gemoro bring as proof for this?
- That Hashem saved K'lal Yisroel
- That he gave them Tora
- That Moshe had many descendants.
Why was דוד relieved when he discovered that the rebel was his son אבשלום?
- At least the Malchus would stay in the family.
- He knew he could beat him.
- He knew Shlomo would eventually be King.
- He knew אבשלום would have rachmanus.
- He was afraid it would be a decendant of Shaul Hamelech
What is greater then learning תורה ?
- Serving a Talmid Chacham
- Suppporting Torah.
- Chesed
- Tzedaka