There is no obligation to let a great person enter a בית הכנסת first.
- True,since it doesn't need a מזוזה .
- True,since they both have to Daven.
- False
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
According to רב חסדא the person who recites the Berachah should wait for _______ of the guests to have answered 'Amen' before cutting.
- none
- some
- the most Chashuv
- most
- all
If two people have finished and a third person now wishes to join them for Bensching may he do so?
- Yes.
- No.
- Only if they would still eat if served.
- Only if they need him to Bensch for them.
- Only if he is greater then them.
If two people ate together and a third גברא רבא comes to join them after they have finished who Bensches? (הלכתא)
- עיקר שבסעודה .
- Anyone.
- Baal ha'Bayis
- Whoever ate most.
- גדול who came later.
Why would I think one couldn't use a שמש for Bensching?
- He doesn't know how.
- He isn't קבע .
- He hasn't the time.
- He is usually an עם הארץ.
- His employer won't allow it.
גר שמל ולא טבל _________ .
- is not a גר .
- is afraid of the water
- can't eat מעשר שני
- can be used for Mezuman
- can Duchan