
(a)We cite a Beraisa in support of the amendment to our Mishnah. In a case where someone is reading the Sh'ma meets his Rebbe or someone who is greater than him, Rebbi Meir says 'bi'Perakim Sho'el Mipnei ha'Kavod ... ', u'be'Emtza Sho'el Mipneiha'Yir'ah ... '. How does he conclude each statement?


(a)Achai Tana de'bei Rebbi Chiya asked Rebbi Chiya whether the concession to interrupt extends to Hallel and Megilah. On what grounds might it be ...

1. ... permitted like Keri'as Sh'ma?

2. ... forbidden?

(b)What did Rebbi Chiya reply?

(c)Rabah agrees that between chapters, one may interrupt. What distinction does he draw with regard to interrupting in the middle of a chapter? When may one interrupt and when may one not?

(d)How do we reconcile this with Ravina, who did not interrupt Hallel for Rav bar Sh'va, on a day when they did not say whole-Hallel?


(a)Ashi'an Tana de'bei Rebbi Ami asked Rebbi Ami whether someone who undertakes to fast is permitted to taste food (See Tos. DH 'To'em'). What is one tasting it for?

(b)Why might it be ...

1. ... permitted?

2. ... forbidden?

(c)What did Rebbi Ami reply?

(d)We cite a Beraisa which exempts a woman who tastes food from reciting a B'rachah. What does the Tana say about a person who is fasting tasting food?

(e)We ask up to how much a person is permitted to taste. How much did Rebbi Ami and Rebbi Asi actually taste?


(a)What does Rav say about someone who gives Shalom (greets) his fellowman before greeting Hash-m?

(b)How does he learn it from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Chidlu lachem min ha'Adam asher Neshamah b'Apo ki ba'Meh Nechshav hu"?

(c)How does Shmuel interpret the Pasuk without amending the word "ba'Meh"?

(d)What problem does Rav Sheishes have with this prohibition from our Mishnah?

(e)How does Rebbi Aba qualify the prohibition in order to resolve the problem?


(a)What does Rav Idi bar Avin Amar Rebbi Yitzchak bar Ashi'an say about someone who sees to his own affairs before Davening?

(b)How does he learn it from the Pasuk in Tehilim "Tzedek Lefanav Yehalech Veyasem le'Derech Panav"?

(c)What is the Pasuk therefore mean?

(d)And what does he say about somebody who Davens first before setting off on a journey?

(e)From which Pasuk there does he learn it?


(a)What does Rebbi Yonah Amar Rebbi Zeira (or Rebbi Ze'ira) say about someone who goes seven days without dreaming?

(b)How does he learn this from the Pasuk in Mishlei " ... ve'Save'a Yalin Bal Yipaked Ra"? Which word does he amend to arrive at this explanation?

(c)How does Rav Acha b'rei de'Rebbi Chiya citing ... Rebbi Yochanan, who disagrees with the previous explanation, interpret the Pasuk as it stands?


(a)What does Rebbi Avahu Amar Rebbi Yochanan say in connection with Rebbi Yehudah's ruling 'Bein Elokeichem le'Emes Veyatziv Lo Yafsik'?

(b)On which Pasuk in Yirmiyah is Rebbi Yehudah's ruling based?

(c)What She'eilah do we ask about someone who waits after concluding "Hash-m Elokeichem Emes"? What was he waiting for?

(d)Rebbi Avahu Amar Rebbi Yochanan rules that he does repeat 'Emes'. What does Rabah say?

(e)What did Rabah comment when he heard a Chazen repeat the word 'Emes'?



(a)When Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah arrived in Bavel from Eretz Yisrael, what did he say about the text "Daber el B'nei Yisrael ve'Amarta aleihem Ani Hash-m Elokeichem Emes"?

(b)What did Rav Yosef exclaim about Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah Yehudah's testimony?

(c)Abaye queried him from a statement by Rav Kahana Amar Rav. What did he say about reciting the Parshah of "Vayomer" at nighttime?

(d)We cannot answer that "Ve'amarta aleihem" is not considered as having begun, due to a statement by Rav Shmuel bar Yitzchak Amar Rav. What, according to him, is not considered a Haschalah and what is?

(e)How did Rav Papa answer the Kashya, bearing in mind that Rav Shmuel bar Yehudah's original statement was made in the name of the Yerushalmim?


(a)On what grounds does Abaye therefore rule that ...

1. ... one begins Parshas 'Vayomer'?

2. ... since he has, he is obligated to complete the entire Parshah?

(b)What does Rav Chiya bar Rav mean when he says that once someone says "Ani Hash-m Elokeichem", he needs to say "Emes"?

(c)What problem do we have with the continuation of his statement (that if he didn't, he need not to add "Emes")?


(a)How do we solve the current problem?

(b)What is the gist of the replacement B'rachah?

(c)The Chazan concludes it with 've'Sharnu Lach'. How does he continue?


(a)According to Rebbi Shimon in a Beraisa, why is it only right for ...

1. ... 'Sh'ma' to precede "Vehayah Im Shamo'a"?

2. ... "Vehayah Im Shamo'a" to precede "Vayomer"?

(b)What problem do we have with connecting learning Torah to the Sh'ma ...

1. ... but not teaching it?

2. ... but not performing Mitzvos?

(c)And what similar problem do we have with connecting teaching Torah with "Vehayah Im Shamo'a" but not performing Mitzvos?

(d)How do we therefore amend the Beraisa?

(e)Why are the reasons given by Rebbi Yehoshua ben Korchah (first Malchus Shamayim ... ) not good enough?


(a)What did Rav once do after washing his hands, reading the Sh'ma and putting on his Tefilin?

(b)We query him from a Beraisa, which discusses somebody who is digging a Kuch for a Meis. What is a 'Kuch'?

(c)What does the Tana there say regarding his obligation to recite the Sh'ma, Daven the Amidah, don Tefilin and perform all other Mitzvos?

(d)On which principle is this ruling based?

(e)How do we reconcile this with the continuation of the Beraisa, which obligates him proceed with the very same Mitzvos from which the Tana just exempted him?


(a)Where does the Seifa of the current Beraisa list the obligation to put onTefilin (creating a Kashya on Rav)?

(b)How do we initially attempt to answer the Kashya by establishing Rav like Rebbi Yehoshua ben Korchah (in our Mishnah)?

(c)Based on what logic do we refute that answer?

(d)Moreover, we cite Rav Chiya bar Ashi's testimony which does not concur with our answer. According to Rav Chiya bar Ashi, which two things did Rav used to do after washing his hands, reciting Birchas ha'Torah and teaching his Talmidim?


(a)How do we try to reconcile Rav Chiya bar Ashi's testimony with the previous ruling of Rav?

(b)And how do we reject the suggestion that in that case, Rav Chiya bar Ashi's testimony would be meaningless. What else might he be coming to teach us?

(c)The question remains however that Rebbi Yehoshua ben Korchah's ruling is confined to Keriyah. How do we finally explain Rav's first ruling? Why did he put on his Tefilin only after reciting the Sh'ma?


(a)What does Ula mean when he refers to someone who recites the Sh'ma without Tefilin as if he was giving false testimony about himself?

(b)Rebbi Chiya bar Aba compares it to bringing an Olah without a Minchah or a Shelamim without Nesachim. What else might he have said?

(c)Then why did he use the two examples that he did? On which Pasuk in Emor did he base it?


(a)Three of the five things that Rebbi Yochanan lists that a person needs to do in order to take upon himself Ol Malchus Shamayim in an ideal manner are washing his hands, putting on Tefilin and reciting the Sh'ma. What must he also do ...

1. ... before washing his hands?

2. ... after reciting the Sh'ma?