One left a stone, knife or load on top of his roof, they fell in a common wind and damaged before landing. Why is he Chayav?
שור as it belongs to him and אש as that is how it damaged.
בור ושור
One may empty his waste water or the refuse of his cave into the Reshus ha'Rabim in winter. What happens if an animal slips in it after the refuse has landed?
He is Patur he acted with permission.
He is still Chayav.
They split the damage.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes A&C.
הצד השוה שבהן comes to include what?
אבנו סכינו ומשאו שהניחן בראש גגו.
בור המתגלגל.
פותקין ביבותיהן
If a wall or a tree fell into a Reshus ha'Rabim and damaged, the owner pays if he was negligent.
Machlokes all of the above.
A patch of the field was consumed, and we are unsure which one. He pays as if it were Idis.