Is someone who picks up a wallet on Shabbos Koneh it?
No, he is Chayav for carrying on Shabbos, which invalidates his Kinyan.
No, for picking up a wallet on Shabbos is not a “normal” action, which is necessary for a Kinyan.
Yes, he picked it up on his own volition, and was not told to “make a regular Kinyan.”
Yes, because we see that he is a Rasha, and a Rasha is given a good Olam Hazeh so he can be punished in Olam Habah. Let him enjoy the wallet!
No, for we know that would he realize the gravity of the Avaira, he would not want to be Koneh, making his Hagba’a a Melacha She’Eino Tzreecha LaGoofa.
Under which circumstances is someone Koneh an animal by riding it within the city, when he was told to make “a normal Kinyan”?
In a Simta.
A regular person, or an Isha.
An Adam Chashuv, or in a Simta.
An Adam Chashuv, or an Isha, or in the Reshus Harabbim.
When is a boat Koneh fish that land on it?
Only when it is docked, otherwise, the boat is a Chatzer Hamelaches (a moving Chatzer).
Always, the boat is not considered “moving.” Rather, it is seen as standing still, and the water moves it.
Never, even when the boat is docked, because it is always ready to move.
Never, because it is not a Chatzer Hamishtameres, because the fish could easily jump back off into the water.
Never, because it is not a Chatzer Hamishtameres, because the king may take these fish as taxes when the boat returns to shore.
May the person on the ground keep the Metzia that someone else asked to pick up for him?
Only when he said that he is picking it up for himself before he actually picked it up.
Only when he didn’t declare — either before or after picking it up — that he was taking it for himself.
Only when Aidim didn’t see him picking it up.
When does Ula say that R’ Eliezer and the Chachamim argue about one person taking Peah for another?