Does Maaser Sheni wine require Netilas Yadayim before drinking it?
Yes, it's like Teruma.
It depends on how the Gemara answers the question on Chizkiya.
Only if it isn't Butel.
The matter remains unresolved.
How is Maaser Sheini food a Davar Sheyesh Lo Matirin?
The Kedushah only lasts for a certain amount of time, and then goes away by itself.
The Kedushah will vanish when the food is eaten.
Maaser Sheini can be redeemed, making the Kedushah leave this fruit or grain.
Machlokes between answers A and B.
Machlokes between answers B and C.
Can original Maaser Sheini fruits be redeemed if they become Tamei?
Always, as long as they became Tamei before they entered Yerushalayim.
They may only be redeemed inside Yerushalayim.
They may only be redeemed outside of Yerushalayim.
They may only be redeemed after they were taken in and out of Yerushalayim.
What kind of Maaser Sheini does R. Elazar teach that the Posuk tells us we may redeem?
Maaser Sheini that is too heavy to carry; Ki Lo Soochal S'aiso, and S'ais means "carry."
Maaser Sheini that was touched by someone with Tzaraas and became Tamei with Tzaraas; Ki Lo Soochal S'aiso, and S'ais is a kind of Tzaraas.
Maaser Sheini that was made into dough; Ki Lo Soochal S'aiso, and the Gematria of S'ais is Vayofu Es Habotzek ("and they baked the dough," Shemos 12:39).
Maaser Sheini that became Tamei and thus may not be eaten; Ki Lo Soochal S'aiso, and S'ais means "food to eat."
Maaser Sheini that belongs to one's wife; Ki Lo Soochal S'aiso, and S'ais, שאת, is the same letters as אשת, "wife of."
What kind of Maaser Sheini is Butel B'rov?
All Maaser Sheini.
All Maaser Sheini that became Tamei.
A gallon of Maaser Sheini oil.
Six clusters of Maaser Sheini grapes that were taken in and out of Yerushalayim by Elisha Hanavi's assistant Gechazi.
Maaser Sheini wheat that was taken in and out of Yerushalayim by Jews fleeing the Babylonians the day of Churban Yerushalayim.