What do the dots over the letters Alef, Yud, and Vuv in the word Elav teach us?
That the Malachim were speaking only Elav; to him, and were concerned about no one else.
That their message also asked “Ayo — where,” telling us that it is proper conduct to inquire about the host's wife.
Alef, Yud, and Vuv are the Gematria 17, which is also the Gematria of Tov, telling us that now, after his Milah, Avraham had achieved “Tov.”
Answers A and C.
Answers B and C.
What did Yaacov daven for?
That people should look old.
That people should recover from illness.
That people should have Yissurim in life.
That children should look exactly like their father.
That people should feel weak before death.
What would be unique about Kamah — standing grain — that we would think that a Poel can only eat from it, and not from other produce that grows?
It is Chayav in Oleilos.
It is Chayav in Peah.
It is Chayav in Challa.
Wheat is offered on the Mizbeyach.
It was cut with a Chermash.
What is the difference between a Poel working in a Yisrael’s field, and a Poel working in a Kusi’s field?
A Poel working in a Yisrael’s field may eat while working but may not put food into his Kailim, and a Poel working in a Kusi’s field may eat while working and may also put food into his Kailim.
A Poel working in a Yisrael’s field may eat while working and may also put food into his Kailim, and a Poel working in a Kusi’s field may eat while working but may not put food into his Kailim.
A Poel working in a Yisrael’s field may eat while working, and a Poel working in a Kusi’s field may not eat while working.
There is no difference between them; a Jewish worker may always eat while working, and may always put food into his Kailim
There is no difference between them; a Jewish worker may always eat while working, and may never put food into his Kailim
How may a Poel eat the grapes while he is working?
He may not eat after he is already full.
He may not suck out the juice and throw away the skins.
He may not season the grapes with something else.
He may not eat after he is already full, or suck out the juice and throw away the skins, nor may he season the grapes with something else.
He may not season the grapes with something else, or eat after he is already full, nor may he eat more than five grapes at a time.