(a)What does the Tana mean when he writes 'Ein Dorshin ba'Arayos bi'Sheloshah'?
(b)What for example, is he referring to?
(c)Why does he forbid it?
(d)Why specifically Arayos?
(a)When the Tana writes 'Ein Dorshin ba'Arayos bi'Sheloshah', he means - that one may not teach three Talmidim the 'secrets of Arayos' (See Tiferes Yisrael & Tos.Yom-Tov) ...
(b)... such as Bito me'Anusaso (which is not written expressly in the Torah).
(c)He forbids it - because it sometimes transpires that two of the Talmidim will be discussing a previous point, and will not hear when the Rav declares something in the area of Arayos forbidden.
(d)Specifically Arayos - which people have a strong Yeitzer ha'Ra to transgress more than other areas of Halachah.
(a)And what does the Mishnah say about teaching Ma'aseh Bereishis?
(b)Does this mean that one may teach it to three or more Talmidim?
(c)How does he learn the prohibition from the Pasuk in Devarim (in connection with the creation) "Ki She'al na le'Yamim Rishonim"?
(a)The Mishnah then - forbids teaching Ma'aseh Bereishis even to two Talmidim ...
(b)... and certainly not to three or more Talmidim.
(c)He learns the prohibition from the Pasuk in Devarim (in connection with the creation) "Ki She'al na le'Yamim Rishonim" - which implies that one may only teach Ma'aseh Bereishis to one person.
(a)Which other Navi, besides Yechezkel saw Ma'aseh Merkavah?
(b)To how many Talmidim is one permitted to teach it?
(c)Even that is only permitted on condition that the Talmid is a Chacham u'Meivin mi'Da'to. What is the definition of 'Chacham u'Meivin mi'Da'to'?
(a)Besides Yechezkel - Yesahayah saw Ma'aseh Merkavah.
(b)One is permitted to teach it to only one Talmid ...
(c)... provided he is a Chacham u'Meivin mi'Da'to, which means - that when one merely touches on a topic, he catches on to the rest of it automatically.
(a)How does the Rambam define 'Ma'aseh Bereishis'?
(b)'Ma'aseh ha'Merkavah' he defines as 'the existence of Hash-m and His descriptive titles, the angels, the Nefdesh and the Seichel, and what happens to a person after death'. What is the problem with this explanation?
(c)So how do we define 'Ma'aseh Merkavah'?
(a)The Rambam define 'Ma'aseh Bereishis' as - Chochmah ha'Tava'is (delving into the origins of the creation [Pirush ha'Mishnayos [See also Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(b)'Ma'aseh ha'Merkavah' he defines as 'the existence of Hash-m and His descriptive titles, the angels, the Nefdesh and the Seichel, and what happens to a person after death'. The problem with this explanation is - that the Mishnah ought then to have said 'Chochmas ha'Merkavah'.
(c)So we define 'Ma'aseh Merkavah' as - by mentioning the Holy Names of Hash-m, one uses the Midah Keser to see how the various groups of angels operate and to delve into 'one Heichal within another Heichal', like those who see with Ru'ach ha'Kodesh' (See alsoTos- Yom-Tov).
(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone looks 'looks into' the four things that we are about to discuss?
(b)What is the Tana referring to when it says 'what is ...
1. ... above'?
2. ... below'?
(c)And whereabouts is he referring to when he says 'what is ...
1. ... 'in front (Mah Lif'nim)'?
2. ... 'behind (Mah le'Achor)'?
(d)What else might 'Mah Lif'nim u'Mah le'Achor' refer to?
(a)The Mishnah rules about someone 'looks into' the four things that we are about to discuss - it would have been better if he had not been created.
(b)When the Tana says 'what is ...
1. ... above', he is referring to - what is above the heads of the Chayos (who support Hash-m's Throne ...
2. ... below' ... to below the earth.
(c)And when he says ...
1. ... 'in front (Mah Lif'nim)', he means - beyond the sky to the east.
2. ... 'behind (Mah le'Achor)' ... beyond the sky to the west.
(d)Alternatively, 'Mah Lif'nim u'Mah le'Achor' might refer to - what existed before the world was created and what will happen after this world comes to an end.
(a)What is the Tana referring to when he discusses someone who does things that dishonor Hash-m?
(b)What does he say about them?
(a)When the Tana discusses someone who does things that dishonor Hash-m, he is referring to - someone who sins in secret who thinks that the Shechinah is not there and that nobody sees him.
(b)He say says - that he would have been better not to have come into the world.
(a)On what grounds does Yossi ben Yo'ezer forbid performing Semichah (on the head of one's Korban) on Yom-Tov?
(b)What does Yossi ben Yochanan say?
(c)The Mishnah lists four more 'pairs' who argued over the same point, following the same sequence as the previous pair: 'Yehoshu'a ben P'rachyah and Nitai ha'Arbeili, Yehudah ben Tabai and Shimon ben Shetach and Sh'mayah and Avtalyon. What is the significance of these pairs? What do they have in common?
(a)Yossi ben Yo'ezer forbids performing Semichah (on the head of one's Korban) on Yom-Tov - because, since it entails leaning one's hand on the animal with full force, it means transgressing the prohibition of using a live animal on Shabbos and Yom-Tov.
(b)Yossi ben Yochanan - permits it.
(c)The Mishnah lists four more 'pairs' who argued over the same point, following the same sequence as the previous pair: 'Yehoshu'a ben P'rachyah and Nitai ha'Arbeili, Yehudah ben Tabai and Shimon ben Shetach and Sh'mayah and Avtalyon. The first of each pair was the Nasi, the second, the Av Beis-Din.
(a)Initially, when Hillel was Nasi and Menachem Av Beis-Din, it is unclear as to whether Menachem argued with Hillel over Semichah on Yom-Tov or not (See also Tiferes Yisrael). What did Hillel hold?
(b)Why did Menachem's opinion remain unclarified?
(c)Who replaced Menachem as Av Beis-Din?
(d)What did Shamai say about Semichah on Yom-Tov?
(a)Initially, when Hillel was Nasi and Menachem Av Beis-Din, it is unclear as to whether Menachem argued with Hillel - who held 'Somchin', over Semichah on Yom-Tov or not (See also Tiferes Yisrael).
(b)Menachem's opinion remained unclarified - because he left his position to work for the king.
(c)The person who replaced Menachem as Av Beis-Din was - Shamai ...
(d)... who said 'she'Lo Lis'moch' (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What do Beis Shamai say about bringing Shelamim and Olos on Yom-Tov?
(b)To which Shelamim and Olos are they referring?
(c)And what do they say about performing Semichah on the Shelamim?
(a)Beis Shamai forbid a. bringing of Shelamim and Olos on Yom-Tov ...
(b)... with reference to - Shalmei Chagigah and Olos Re'iyah, and b. ...
(c)... performing Semichah on the Shelamim.
(a)What do Beis Hillel say about ...
1. ... bringing Olos Re'iyah on Yom-Tov?
2. ... performing Semichah on both them and on Shalmei Chagigah?
(b)What is the basis of Beis Shamai's stringency regarding Semichah?
(c)What do Beis Hillel say to that?
(d)What is the underlying principle behind their Machlokes?
(e)Which Pasuk in Vayikra serves as Beis Hillel's source?
(a)Beis Hillel permit ...
1. ... bringing Olos Re'iyah on Yom-Tov, and ...
2. ... performing on both them and on Shalmei Chagigah.
(b)The basis of Beis Shamai's stringency regarding Semichah is - the fact that the owner can perform Semichah on Erev Yom-Tov.
(c)Beis Hillel maintain - say that one cannot perform Semichah the day before the Korban is Shechted and brought on the Mizbe'ach.
(d)The underlying principle behind their Machlokes is - whether 'Teikef li'Semichah Shechitah' (Beis Hillel) or not (Beis Shamai).
(e)Beis Hillel's source is the Pasuk in Vayikra "ve'Samach ... ve'Shachat".
(a)On what basis do Beis Shamai forbid bringing Olos Re'iyah on Yom-Tov?
(b)How do they learn the basic Isur from the Pasuk in Pinchas "Atzeres Tih'yeh lachem"?
(c)How do Beis Hillel then permit it, based on the Pasuk in Re'ei "Atzeres la'Hashem"?
(d)What do both Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel say about bringing Nedarim and Nedavos on Yom-Tov?
(a)Beis Shamai forbid bringing Olos Re'iyah on Yom-Tov - because it is possible to bring them during Chol ha'Mo'ed.
(b)They learn the basic Isur from the Pasuk in Pinchas "Atzeres Tih'yeh lachem" - which teaches us that the Heter of 'Ochel Nefesh' is confined to human needs, but does not extend to the Divine need (Tzorchei Gavo'ah) wherever there is an alternative).
(c)Beis Hillel nevertheless permit it, based on the Pasuk in Re'ei "Atzeres la'Hashem", from which they extrapolate - that even Tzorchei Gavo'ah are permitted too.
(d)Both Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel agree however, that bringing Nedarim and Nedavos on Yom-Tov - is prohibited.
(a)What do Beis Shamai mean when they say that when Shavu'os falls on Friday 'Yom Tevo'ach is on Sunday'?
(b)Why is that?
(c)What do Beis Hillel say?
(d)What is their reason?
(e)Seeing as we have learned both opinions in the previous Perek, what Chidush is the Tana coming to teach us?
(a)When Beis Shamai say that when Shavu'os falls on Friday 'Yom Tevo'ach is on Sunday', they mean - that the Olos Re'iyah are Shechted (and brought) on Sunday ...
(b)... since they cannot be brought either on Yom-Tov or on Shabbos, and Shavu'os, like Pesach, has Shiv'as Yemei Tashlumin (See Tos Yom-Tov).
(c)Beis Hillel say - 'Ein Yom Tavo'ach' (i.e. they are Shechted and brought on the Yom-Tov itself ...
(d)... since the Olos Re'iyah override Yom-Tov.
(e)Despite the fact that we have learned both opinions in the previous Perek, the Tana is coming to teach us - that Beis Shamai issues his ruling in spite of the two-day delay (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)When do Beis Hillel concede that there is a 'Yom Tevo'ach'?
(b)Why does the Kohen Gadol not wear his Shabbos clothes on that day?
(c)What does the Mishnah say further about Hesped and Ta'anis?
(d)Why did the Chachamim see fit to issue these rulings?
(e)Which Pasuk in Emor is the source of the Tzedokim erroneous ruling?
(a)Beis Hillel concede that there is a 'Yom Tevo'ach' - if Shavu'os falls on Shabbos, since the Olas Re'iyah does not override Shabbos (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)The Kohen Gadol does not wear his Shabbos clothes (See Tos. Yom-Tov) on that day - so that the people should realize that it is not Yom-Tov.
(c)The Mishnah says further - that Hesped and Ta'anis are permitted on that day (See Tos. Yom-Tov & Tiferes Yisrael).
(d)The Chachamim saw fit to issue these rulings - to publicly preclude the opinion of the Tzedokim, who maintained that the Shavu'os always falls on a Sunday.
(e)The Tzedokim based their erroneous ruling on the Pasuk in Emor - "u'Sefartem lachem mi'Mochoras ha'Shabbos ... ", from which they extrapolated that the counting of the Omer always begins on a Sunday.
(a)The Mishnah requires Netilas Yadayim before eating Chulin, Ma'aser and T'rumah. To which Ma'aser is the Tana referring?
(b)What does Kodesh require?
(c)What is the difference between Netilas Yadayim and Matbilin?
(d)What does 'le'Kodesh' mean?
(e)In the latter case, what will be the Din if one has guarded one's hands against Tum'ah?
(a)The Mishnah requires Netilas Yadayim before eating Chulin, Ma'aser-(Sheini) and T'rumah (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(b)Kodesh requires -Tevilah ...
(c)... which entails immersing one's hands in a Mikveh of forty Sa'ah, whereas Netilas Yadayim requires only washing them with a receptacle that holds a Revi'is of water.
(d)'le'Kodesh' means - before partaking of a Shelamim, a Chatas or an Asham.
(e)And the obligation to Tovel applies - even if one has guarded one's hands against Tum'ah.
(a)The Mishnah now discusses Chatas. What does 'Chatas' mean in this context?
(b)Seeing as one does not eat it, what is the Tana referring to?
(c)What sort of Tum'ah is he talking about?
(d)What is the definition of Tum'as Yadayim?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses Chatas, which in this context refers to - the Mei Chatas (of the Parah Adumah).
(b)Seeing as one does not eat it - the Tana must be referring to - touching it.
(c)And he is talking about - Tumas Yadayim (See Tos. Yom-Tov), which renders one's entire body Tamei with regard to Chatas.
(d)'Tum'as Yadayim' - refers to the various Tum'os that render the hands Tamei mi'de'Rabbanan, such as a Seifer-Torah, Tamei food and Tamei liquids (as we learned in the first Perek of Shabbos).
(a)What is the source of all these 'Ma'alos'?
(b)Why does the Mishnah insert them here?
(a)The source of all these 'Ma'alos' is mi'de'Rabbanan.
(b)And the Mishnah inserts them here - due to the relevant Dinim of Yom-Tov on to which it leads, which it will discuss in the third Perek.
(a)What does the Mishnah mean when, after saying 'ha'Tovel le'Chulin', it adds 've'Huchzak le'Chulin'?
(b)Does Tevilah for Chulin require Kavanah?
(c)What makes Ma'aser more stringent than Chulin?
(d)What does the Tana now say with regard to someone who Tovels with the specific intention of being Tahor to eat ...
1. ... Chulin?
2. ... Ma'aser?
3. ... T'rumah?
4. ... Kodesh?
(e)What if one Tovels for one of the more stringent items?
(a)When, after saying 'ha'Tovel le'Chulin', the Mishnah adds 've'Huchzak le'Chulin', it means - that one also had the specific intention to be Tahor to eat Chulin ...
(b)... even though Tevilah for Chulin does not require Kavanah per se.
(c)Ma'aser is more stringent than Chulin - inasmuch as it must be eaten in Yerushalayim.
(d)The Tana now rules that someone who Tovels with the specific intention of being Tahor to eat ...
1. ... Chulin - is forbidden to eat Ma'aser (until he Tovels again).
2. ... Ma'aser - is forbidden to eat T'rumah
3. ... T'rumah - is forbidden to eat Kodesh
4. ... Kodesh - is forbidden to eat Chatas (Parah Adumah).
(e)If one Tovels for one of the more stringent items - then he does need to Tovel again for one of the more lenient ones.
(a)What does the Tana mean when he says 'Taval ve'Lo Huchzak, Ke'ilu Lo Taval'?
(b)To which of the above cases is he ...
1. ... referring to?
2. ... not referring to?
(a)When the Tana says 'Taval ve'Lo Huchzak, Ke'ilu Lo Taval', he means - that that if he Tovels without the specific intention of Toveling (only to bathe), he remains Tamei.
(b)He is ...
1. ... referring to - Ma'aser, T'rumah, Kodesh and Chatas (See Tos. Yom-Tov), but ...
2. ... not referring to Chulin.
(a)The Tana considers the clothes of an Am ha'Aretz Medras for P'rushim. What are 'P'rushim'?
(b)What does he mean?
(c)What does he also say about the clothes of ...
1. ... P'rushim?
2. ... Kohanim who eat T'rumah?
3. ... those who eat Kodesh?
(d)Which case/s does the Tana seem to have omitted?
(a)The Tana considers the clothes of an Am ha'Aretz Medras for P'rushim - (people who are careful to eat their Chulin be'Taharas Chulin).
(b)He means - that clothes of an Am ha'Aretz that touch someone who is careful to eat his Chulin be'Taharas Chulin renders him together with the clothes he is wearing an Av ha'Tum'ah (like a Zav).
(c)He says the same about the clothes of ...
1. ... P'rushim - that touch Kohanim who eat T'rumah ...
2. ... Kohanim who eat T'rumah that touch Kodesh and about the clothes of ...
3. ... those who eat Kodesh that touch Chatas.
(d)The Tana seems to have omitted the case/s - of the clothes of Perushim that touch those who eat Ma'aser, and the clothes of those who eat Ma'aser that touch those those who eat T'rumah.
(a)What is the source for all these Ma'alos and those in the previous Mishnah?
(b)The logic behind the decree is that the care that the one takes not to be come Tamei will not suffice for the other. Why did they decree specifically Tum'as Medras?
(a)The source for all these Ma'alos and those in the previous Mishnah is - mi'de'Rabbanan.
(b)The logic behind the decree is that the care that the one takes not to be come Tamei will not suffice for the other. The reason that they decreed specifically Tum'as Medras is - due to the suspicion that his wife sat on the clothes whilst she was a Nidah (See Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'Bigdei Am ha'Aretz').
(a)How does the Tana describe Yosef ben Yo'ezer?
(b)What does he say about his clothes?
(a)The Tana describes Yosef ben Yo'ezer as - 'Chasid she'bi'Kehunah'.
(b)Nevertheless, he says - his clothes were Medras for Kodesh.
(a)What did Yochanan ben Gudgoda practice all his life?
(b)What does the Mishnah say about his clothes?
(c)Why does the Tana not say that it was Medras for actual Kodesh?
(d)What is the Halachah?
(a)All his life, Yochanan ben Gudgoda - ate his Chulin al Taharas ha'Kodesh (See Tos. Yom-Tov) ...
(b)... yet the Mishnah says - that his clothes were Medras for Chatas.
(c)The Tana does not say that it was Medras for actual Kodesh - since he holds that 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh is like Kodesh.
(d)The Halachah however, is - that 'Chulin she'Na'asu al Taharas ha'Kodesh is not like Kodesh (as we will learn at the end of Nidah).