CHULIN 31-43 - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.

[37a - 39 lines; 37b - 37 lines]

1)[line 3]äîñåëðúHA'MESUKENES- an animal that will soon die

2)[line 4]òã ùúôøëñ áéã åáøâìAD SHE'TEFARKES B'YAD UV'REGEL- until it makes convulsive, jerking motions with its foreleg and hind leg

3)[line 5]ãéä àí æéð÷äDAYAH IM ZINKAH- it is enough if the animal blew out air through its throat, causing blood to gush forth

4)[line 5]äùåçè áìéìäHA'SHOCHET BA'LAILAH- one who slaughters an animal at night [that was a Mesukenes, and he was not able to see if it was Mefarkes or not - RASHI]

5)[line 6]ëúìéíKESALIM- the walls [of the neck, at the point where the Shechitah took place - RASHI]

6)[line 8]ùúëùëù áæðáäSHE'TEKASHKESH BI'ZENAVAH- until it wags its tail

7a)[line 9]áäîä ã÷äBEHEMAH DAKAH- small domesticated (farm) animals (such as sheep and goats)

b)[line 9]áäîä âñäBEHEMAH GASAH- large, domesticated (farm) animals (such as cows)

8)[line 10]ùôùèä éãäSHE'PASHTAH YADAH- that stuck out its foreleg

9)[line 16]çéä àëåìCHAYAH ECHOL- eat an animal that would have lived [barring the Shechitah]

10)[line 17]åäà îñåëðú àéðä çéä îãàîøV'HA MESUKENES EINAH CHAYAH MID'AMAR...- (the Girsa of DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #200 is "V'HA MESUKENES HA LO CHAYAH; ELA MI'MAI D'SHARYA? MID'AMAR...")

11)[line 18]"ðáìä ìà úàëì""NEVEILAH LO SOCHEL"- (the Girsa should be "LO SOCHLU CHOL NEVEILAH" (Devarim 14:21) - YT)

12)[line 27]"èøôä ìà úàëì""TEREIFAH LO SOCHEL"- (the Girsa should be "TEREIFAH LO SOCHELU" (Shemos 22:30) - YT)

13)[line 35]"åçìá ðáìä åçìá èøôä éòùä ìëì îìàëä åàëì ìà úàëìåäå""V'CHELEV NEVEILAH V'CHELEV TEREIFAH YE'ASEH L'CHOL MELACHAH V'ACHOL LO SOCHLUHU"- "And the [forbidden] fat of a Neveilah and the [forbidden] fat of a Tereifah shall be used for any purpose, but you may not eat it." (Vayikra 7:24)

14)[line 38]éáà àéñåø ðáìä åéçåì òì àéñåø çìáYAVO ISUR NEVEILAH V'YACHUL AL ISUR CHELEV (ISUR CHAL AL ISUR)

(a)An object that is already prohibited by one Isur Torah cannot become prohibited by a second one (Ein Isur Chal Al Isur). However, there are a number of possible exceptions to this principle (when we rule Isur Chal Al Isur) that are debated by the Tana'im (Chulin 101a):

1.Isur b'Vas Achas - Two Isurim may take effect at the same instant to prohibit the same object.

2.Isur Kollel - The second Isur may take effect if it includes objects that the first Isur did not (e.g. Yom ha'Kipurim prohibits not only the eating of Neveilos, but Kosher foods as well. Similarly, our Sugya mentions the Isurim of Neveilah and Tereifah, which prohibit not only the Chelev of the animal, but its meat, as well).

3.Isur Mosif - The second Isur may take effect if it adds a new dimension of Isur to the first (e.g. it prohibits the object to people who were not included in the first Isur, or it makes the object Asur b'Hana'ah and not just Asur to be eaten.)

4.Isur Chamur (according to Rebbi Yehudah) - A more stringent Isur can take effect on an object that is already prohibited by a less stringent Isur (e.g. the prohibition of Gid ha'Nasheh is more stringent than the prohibition of non-Kosher animals, since it applied to Benei Yakov when they were still permitted to eat non-Kosher animals).

(b)According to Rebbi Shimon, an object that is already prohibited can never become prohibited by another Isur, even if the second Isur is Kolel, Mosif or Chamur.


15)[line 10]ùòùàä âéñèøàSHE'ASA'AH GISTERA- he made it (an animal) into two (he cut it in half)

16)[line 11]ôåøúàPURTA- a little bit [of time]

17)[line 16]"åàåîø, 'àää, ä' àì÷éí, äðä ðôùé ìà îèåîàä, åðáìä åèøôä ìà àëìúé îðòåøé åòã òúä, åìà áà áôé áùø ôâåì'.""VA'OMAR, 'AHA, HASH-M ELOKIM, HINEI NAFSHI LO METUMA'AH, U'NEVEILAH U'TEREIFAH LO ACHALTI MI'NE'URAI V'AD ATAH, V'LO BA B'FI BASAR PIGUL'." - "And I said: Alas, HaSh-m Elokim, behold my soul has not been defiled, and Neveilah or Tereifah I have no eaten from my youth until now, and no loathsome meat [ever] came into my mouth." (Yechezkel 4:14) (Yechezkel's Complaint)

(a)After HaSh-m ordered Yechezkel to make several gestures that symbolized the imminent siege of Yerushalayim and its destruction, HaSh-m instructed Yechezkel to lie first on his left side. This represented Shomron, which was situated in the north (to the left of the Shechinah). Yechezkel lay on his left side for 390 consecutive days without moving (to atone for the 390 years that Yisrael sinned). He was then instructed to lie on his right side, which he did for forty days. This represented Yehudah, which was situated in the south (to the right of the Shechinah). He thereby achieved a partially atonement for the sins of the two kingdoms, to save them from total annihilation.

(b)During the first set of days, HaSh-m ordered Yechezkel to eat a mixture of wheat and barley, with beans and lentils, millet and spelt, which was to be weighed and eaten in small measure once a day together with a small measure of water. This symbolized the hunger that would pervade during the siege; the food would be of poor quality and the shortage would force the people to subsist on the smallest rations.

(d)All this Yechezkel accepted without complaint. It was only when HaSh-m added that he should eat coarse barley bread that was baked before the eyes of the people on coal that was manufactured from human excrement (as a further sign of the terrible famine that would grip the people who remained in Eretz Yisrael) that the Navi complained.

(e)Following his complaint, HaSh-m indeed altered His instruction, permitting Yechezkel to switch coals made from human excrement to coals made from animal dung.

18)[line 22]áùø ëåñ ëåñBESAR KOS KOS- the meat of an animal that was slaughtered because it was about to die ("Kos! Kos!" means "Slaughter! Slaughter!" This is said because the meat can be saved if the animal is slaughtered; if it dies without slaughter it will be Neveilah - RASHI)


(a)Whenever a person slaughters cattle, sheep or goats (that are not Kodesh), he must give to a Kohen the Zero'a, Lechayayim and Keivah (the foreleg, the [lower] jaw, and the maw or abomasum [the last of a cow's four stomachs] (Devarim 18:3). 1. The ZERO'A consists of the two upper limbs of the right foreleg, from the knee until the top of the shoulder blade; 2. The LECHAYAYIM consists of the lower jaw, from the joint where it is attached to the upper jaw until the thyroid cartilage, including the tongue; 3. The KEIVAH consists of the maw together with its Chelev, but the Minhag of the Kohanim is to let the animal's owner keep the Chelev.

(b)Although one must give the Zero'a, Lechayayim and Keivah to a Kohen, they may be eaten by a non-Kohen.

20)[line 30]á÷òéåúBIK'AYOS- chips of wood

21)[line 31]÷åøåúKOROS- wooden beams

22a)[line 31]áñåøà îúðé äëéB'SURA MASNEI HACHI- in Sura, they learned in this manner (i.e. in the manner taught above). Sura was a town in Southern Bavel between the canals, the seat of the great Yeshiva founded by Rav.

b)[line 32]áôåîáãéúà îúðé äëéB'FUMBEDISA MASNEI HACHI- in Pumbedisa, they learned thusly (as follows). Pumbedisa was a town in Bavel (lit. Mouth of Bedisa, a canal of the Euphrates), the location of a great Yeshiva that existed for approximately 800 years. The scholars of Pumbedisa were known for their keen intellect (Bava Metzia 38b). To emphasize its importance as a Torah center, Rabah and Rav Yosef stated that just as one is prohibited from leaving Eretz Yisrael to Chutz la'Aretz, so, too, is one prohibited to leave Pumbedisa (Kesuvos 111a).

23)[line 36]àùëçéðäåASHKECHINHU- Shmuel found them (the students of Rav)