[60a - 44 lines; 60b - 44 lines]
1)[line 1]àå÷îéä ìäãé éåîàUKMEI LA'HADEI YOMA- he made him stand opposite the sun
2)[line 3]ãçã îùîùéD'CHAD MESHAMSHEI- [the sun, which is] one of the servants [which stand and minister before HaSh-m]
3)[line 6]ãàéöáéúD'ITZBIS- [I want to] set up (prepare a meal)
4)[line 7]ðôéùé çéìååúéäNEFISHEI CHEILVASEI- his troops are too numerous
5)[line 9]ìâéãà ãøáéúàL'GIDA D'REVISA- by the bank of the Revisa River
6)[line 9]ãøåéçà òìîàD'REVICHA ALMA- that there is a lot of room there
7)[line 9]ùéúà éøçé ÷ééèàSHITA YARCHEI KAITA- the six months of summer
8)[line 10]ëðùéä ìéîàKANSHEI L'YAMA- it gathered it into the sea
9)[line 11]ùéúà éøçé ãñéúåàSHITA YARCHEI D'SITVA- six months of winter
10)[line 12]ëðåùàéKENUSHA'EI- sweepers, cleaners
11)[line 13]æìåçàéZELUCHA'EI- sprinklers (earthen floors need to be sprinkled so that their dust does not rise into the air)
12)[line 15]ðâøàNAGRA- a carpenter
13)[line 16]îñúåøéúàMISTORISA- (O.F. desvoltoirs) reel, winder
14)[line 17]ìçééLECHAYEI- Very well!
15)[line 17]åàéðâòäV'INGA'AH- and she became a leper
16)[line 20]åñúøV'SASAR- (O.F. desvuidier) and he would unwind
17)[line 20]ãåììéDOLELEI- (O.F. escagnes) skeins, loosely wound lengths of thread
18)[line 21]äåä ÷à çìéó äúíHAVAH KA CHALIF HASAM- he was passing by there
19)[line 23]ùôéøúàSHAPIRTA- it is good
20)[line 26]îéäá éäéáMEIHAV YAHIV- he surely gives
21)[line 27]ëøñúïKARSASAN- large-bellied
22)[line 27]åôøñúïU'FARSASAN- and large-hooved
23)[line 27]åøá âðåáúéäV'RAV GENUVSEI- and its tail is large
24)[line 28]ìî÷ç åîîëøL'MEKACH U'MEMKAR- for commercial transactions; i.e. if one commits to sell to someone an ox without specifying any details, he must deliver an ox that has the abovementioned features, and if he commits to sell an unspecified donkey, he must deliver one that has the opposite features (RABEINU GERSHOM, ME'IRI)
25)[line 29]ùåø ùä÷øéá àãí äøàùåïSHOR SHE'HIKRIV ADAM HA'RISHON- the ox that Adam ha'Rishon offered (see Rashi to Tehilim 69:32). Rashi explains that the one-day-old ox that Adam offered had the characteristics of a Par (a two- or three-year-old bull, which may be offered as a Korban. An animal is not fit for a Korban until it is at least eight days old).
26)[line 34]÷øðéå ÷åãîåú ìôøñåúéåKARNAV KODMOS L'FARSOSAV- its horns preceded its hoofs. HaSh-m created the bull from the earth, along with the other land creatures, on the sixth day. Since it emerged head-first, standing, and in its adult form (see RASHI to Bereishis 1:25), its horns were created before its hoofs.
27)[line 37]á÷åîúï ðáøàåB'KOMASAN NIVRE'U- they were created (a) in their fully-grown and developed stages (RASHI, RITVA); (b) at the height that was fitting for them (RITVA)
28)[line 38]áöáéåðí ðáøàåB'TZIVYONAM NIVRE'U- they were created (a) with their distinct appearance and flavor (RASHI); (b) with their consent (RITVA); (c) with their fully developed beauty (ARUCH cited by the RITVA, TOSFOS)
29)[line 40]ùø äòåìíSAR HA'OLAM- the name of a specific Mal'ach (angel)
30)[line 41]ãùàéíDESHA'IM- different types of grass
31)[line 44]äøëéá ùðé ãùàéí æä òì âá æäHIRKIV SHNEI DESHA'IM ZEH AL GAV ZEH- if someone grafted two types of herbage into each other (see Vayikra 19:19). The verse in Vayikra explains that the prohibition against cross-grafting reflects existing natural statutes that HaSh-m established at the time of Creation, when He commanded that the animals and trees come forth "each according to its kind" (Bereshis 1:11, 1:24). According to Rebbi Chanina bar Papa's assertion that although HaSh-m did not command herbage to come forth "each according to its kind" but it did so of its own accord, the Gemara examines whether it is subject to the cross-grafting prohibition.
32)[line 2]ãäñëéí àéãéäåD'HISKIM A'YADAIHU- he agreed with them
33)[line 12]ãùøâà áèéäøà îàé àäðé?D'SHERAGA B'TIHARA MAI MEHANI?- what benefit does a candle give at noontime?
34)[line 13]éåîàYOMA- the sun
35)[line 13]ú÷åôåúàTEKUFOSA- the calculations for the orbits of the sun and the moon (such as the calculation of the Molad, the new moon). Since the Torah requires that festivals fall in certain seasons, it authorizes the court to adjust the cycle of lunar months so that it will parallel the seasons of the solar year. The necessary adjustment is accomplished by adding an extra month in certain years.
36)[line 14]ìé÷øå öãé÷é áùîéêLIKRU TZADIKEI B'SHMEICH- the righteous will be called by your name; i.e. just as you are called the lesser luminary, so, too, the righteous will be honored by having the title "the Small" added to their names
37)[line 15]"[å]ãåã [äåà] ä÷èï [åùìùä äâãìéí äìëå àçøé ùàåì.]""[V']DAVID [HU] HA'KATAN [U'SHELOSHAH HA'GEDOLIM HALCHU ACHAREI SHAUL]" - "[And] David [was] the youngest (son of Yishai); [and the three oldest ones went after Shaul]." (Shmuel I 17:14) (David is not Conscripted)
(a)Although David was currently serving as Shaul's minstrel, playing before him when he was needed and returning home to his father Yishai when he was not, he was not conscripted since he was the youngest of Yishai's eight sons. (Evidently, it was customary to conscript only the oldest sons from each family.) David had been sent by his father to take provisions to his brothers serving in Shaul's army, which was encamped opposite the Pelishti camp, and to inquire after their wellbeing.
(b)David arrived just in time to hear the Pelishti champion, Golyas (Goliath), challenging - as he had been doing for the past month - any man from the Jewish camp to single combat, stipulating that the side of the loser of the dual would be subservient to the side of the winner.
(c)David was perturbed at the insults hurled by Golyas at the ranks of the army of the people of HaSh-m. He made inquiries as to what reward the Jewish champion could expect should he win.
(d)In reply to Shaul's attempt to dissuade him from fighting the Pelishti, David said that it was not in vain that he had recently attacked and killed both a lion and a bear that had taken a lamb from his flock. He now saw as a clear sign from Heaven that he would win here, too.
38)[line 19]áîòìé ùáúàB'MA'ALEI SHABATA- on Erev Shabbos
39)[line 22]áéæøðéBIZRANEI- seeds
40)[line 23]äùñåòäHA'SHESU'AH- an animal with two backs and two spines. The Malbim (Vayikra 11:4) and ha'Kesav veha'Kabalah identify this as the Tayasau, or Peccary; a pig-like animal from South America. It has a compartmented stomach and split hooves (but does not chew its cud). On the middle of its back is a slit the depth of a finger-width, making it appear as if the back and spine are separated into two parts. (See, however, TOSFOS to Nidah 24a DH Rebbi Chanina, who asserts that it is simply a malformed animal and not a new species of animal.)
41)[line 24]÷ðéâéKENIGI- a hunter
42)[line 24]áìéñèøéBELISTERI- (O.F. bersedor) archer
43)[line 28]àøåð÷éARUNKEI- distinguished ones
44)[line 30]ùòéåúåSHE'IVSU- that they corrupted
45)[line 30]ùàéååSHE'IVU- that they desired
46)[line 31]àåçæúå òåéúOCHAZTO AVIS- is seized with Avis (a sickness) [(O.F. cranpe) cramp]
47)[line 32]ãøé ùéðéDAREI SHINEI- rows of teeth
48)[line 35]ëôúåøéíKAFTORIM- Kaftorians, the people of a nation called Kaftor.
49)[line 44]ãìà ìé÷øå ìàçéå âìååúàD'LO LIKRU L'ECHAV GALVASA- so that they (the Egyptians) should not call Yosef's brothers refugees (people who were exiled)