[67a - 41 lines; 67b - 41 lines]
***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos
[1] Rashi 67a DH Charitzin:
The words "Arukin u'Ketzarim" àøåëéï å÷öøéí
should read "Arukin u'Tzarim" àøåëéï åöøéí (see similar correction to Rashi to Shemos 25:31 DH Gevi'eha, based upon Rashi to Menachos 28b DH Aleksandarim)
[2] Rashi 67b DH mi'Temara l'Temara Mahu:
The words "mi'Zo Al Zo" îæå òì æå
should read "mi'Zo l'Zo" îæå ìæå (RASHASH, citing the RAN)
1)[line 4]ðåáòéíNOV'IN- water that springs from its own source
2)[line 10]àí ëï, "úàëìå" îàé àäðé ìéä?IM KEN, "TOCHLU" MAI AHANI LEI?- if so, what extra Halachah does the word "Tochlu" (Vayikra 11:9) teach [if not to permit water creatures that do not have fins and scales that grow in Boros, Shichin u'Me'aros]
3)[line 12]àéï æä ëìì åôøè, àìà øéáä åîéòèEIN ZEH KELAL U'FERAT, ELA RIBAH U'MI'ET (KELALEI U'FERATEI / RIBUYEI U'MI'UTEI)
(a)In order to extract the Halachah from the verses of the Torah, many Tana'im interpret the verses on the basis of Kelalim (generalizations) and Peratim (specifications) (see Background to Chulin 65:20c). Others interpret the verses on the basis of Ribuyim (inclusions, i.e. qualifications that enlarge the scope of the law) and Mi'utim (exclusions).
(b)According to the approach that learns Kelalei u'Feratei, when a Kelal is followed by a Prat, which is followed in turn by another Kelal, then everything belonging to the general category that is similar to the Perat is included. Anything that is not in the general category of the limiting Perat is not included. According to the approach that learns Ribuyei u'Mi'utei, the outcome mentioned previously (for Kelal u'Ferat u'Chelal) is already achieved when a Ribuy is followed only by a Mi'ut. When a Ribuy is followed by a Mi'ut and the Mi'ut is followed in turn by another Ribuy, then everything is included except for one item that is totally dissimilar to the limiting Mi'ut. (This means that the verse will include more instances than the first opinion assumes.)
4)[line 19]åàéôåê àðà?V'EIPUCH ANA?- Perhaps I should switch [these teachings] (such that the Klal works to include Boros, Shichin u'Me'aros in the prohibition to eat water creatures that do not have fins and scales and such that the Prat works to exclude Charitzin u'Ne'itzin from the prohibition)?
5)[line 23]òöåøéí ëëìéíATZURIM K'KEILIM- they have no source or outlet, like utensils
6)[line 24]äé ñúåí åäé îôåøù?HEI SASUM V'HEI MEFURASH?- Which verse is termed explicit and which is termed implicit? (see Background to Chulin 66:12)
7)[line 32]ìà ìùôé àéðù ùéëøà áöáééúà áàåøúàLO LISHFI INISH SHICHRA B'TZAVYASA B'URSA- a person should not pour date-beer over slivers of wood, thin twigs and straw, at night [in order to strain it]
8)[line 33]ãéìîà ôøéù ìòéì îöáééúà åäãø ðôéì ìëñàDILMA PARISH L'EIL MI'TZVYASAB'URSA V'HADAR NAFIL L'KASA- perhaps Sheratzim Temei'im will separate themselves from the Shichra and crawl a small amount upon the Tzvavyasa (giving them the Halachic status of "Shoretz Al ha'Aretz," --Vayikra 11:29) and afterwards fall into the cup
9)[line 36]ìãôðà ãîðàLEDAFNA DEMANA- to the inside wall of the utensil
10)[line 36]äúí, äééðå øáéúéäHASAM, HAINU REVISEI- there (in that case), it is its normal pattern of growth (to climb onto the inside wall of the utensil and fall back in; it is not considered "Shoretz Al ha'Aretz")
11)[line 40]éáçåùéïYAVCHUSHIN- Drosphilla, small flies, the larvae of which feed on fruit and decaying plants
12)[last line]ùñéððïSHE'SINENAN- that a person strains out (retaining the Yavchushin)
13)[last line]÷éùåúKISHUS- a cucumber
14)[line 1]áàáéäB'IBEHA- (lit. in its stalk form) while it its attached to the vine
15)[line 3]æéæéïZIZIN- (O.F. cocons) pea-beetles, small insects
16)[line 3]òãùéíADASHIM- lentils
17)[line 3]éúåùéíYITUSHIM- a type of insect (this is the modern-day word from mosquitoes, which are not known to infest legumes)
18)[line 4]ëìéñéíKELISIM- (O.F. cedres) chickpeas
19)[line 4]âøåâøåúGREROGROS- dried figs
20)[line 13]ââ úîøäGAG TEMARA- (lit. the roof of a date) the outside of a date
21)[line 15]÷å÷éàðéKUKEYANEI- the name of a particular parasite worm that infests (a) the liver and the lungs (RASHI); (b) fish (RABEINU TAM, cited by TOSFOS DH Kukeyanei)
22)[line 19]îéðéä âáìéMINEI GAVLEI- they grow from them (the cattle or fish) [and are not considered "Shoretz Al ha'Aretz"]
23)[line 22]îéðí ðééíMAINAM NAYIM- it (the cattle) sleeps
24)[line 22]áàåñééäB'USYEI- into its nose, nostrils
25)[line 23]úåìòéíTOLA'IM- parasite worms
26)[line 24]ãøðé ãáùøàDARNEI DEVISRA- (O.F garbeilles) larvae of the horse-fly
27)[line 31]âçåïGACHON- belly
28)[line 32]ùéìùåìSHILSHUL- earthworm
29)[line 34]çéôåùéúCHIPUSHIS- (O.F. escharbot) scarab, beetle
30)[line 35]ðãìNADAL- (O.F. cenpi?s) centipede
31)[line 37]"âÌÇàÂåÈä àÂôÄé÷Åé îÈâÄðÌÄéí, [ñÈâåÌø çåÉúÈí öÈø]""GA'AVAH AFIKEI MAGINIM, [SAGUR CHOSAM TZAR]"- "He has pride with the power of his scales (lit. shields), [that are joined together like a tight seal]" (Iyov 41:7).
32)[line 38]"úÌÇçÀúÌÈéå çÇãÌåÌãÅé çÈøÆùÒ, [éÄøÀôÌÇã çÈøåÌõ òÂìÅé èÄéè]""TACHTAV CHADUDEI CHARES, [YIRPAD CHARUTZ ALEI TIT]"- Underneath him [his fins] are [like] pointed pieces of clay; [he spreads out above the mud, those that are sharp]" (Iyov 41:22).