Must Gid HaNasheh be a Kezayis to be punished for eating it?
- Always.
- Never.
- Only when all of the parts are from one animal, and not when they are from different animals.
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers A and C.
What days must someone selling animals inform the buyer that the animal’s mother or child was also sold?
- Hoshana Rabbah and Erev Pesach.
- Erev Succos and Erev Yom Kippur.
- Erev Shavous and Erev Rosh Hashanah.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A and C.
Why is a specific Gezeiras Hakusov necessary to tell us that Yom Echad is evening to evening?
- Because there is always a question of whether day or night comes first, that must be discussed by every Mitzvah.
- Because Oso V’Es B’No is said next to Kodashim, and in Kodashim the night follows the day.
- The Gemara is asking a general question; how do we ever know whether day or night is considered to come first.
- Since the four special Shechitah days each year begin at daybreak, perhaps Oso V’Es B’No also begins at daybreak.
- This is the source from which we learn for the rest of the Torah.
Where doesn’t the Mitzvah of Kisui HaDam apply?
- Mukdashim.
- Chulin.
- Chayah.
- Ohf.
- Nowadays.
Which halachah in Kisui Hadam does Kol HaRoi LaBilah teach us?
- That one may not add on to the Mizbeyach, thus preempting Kisoi HaDam from being done there.
- That a Koi (Kvi) may not be slaughtered on Yom Tov.
- That Beheimah blood doesn’t create a Chatzitzah between the Chayah blood and the ground.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers B and C.