When is a Chayah included within Beheimah?
- For Kisui HaDam.
- For Simanei Shechitah.
- For Korbanos.
- To not eat the Chailev.
- To breed it with a Behaimah.
Which birds require Kisui HaDam when slaughtered for comsumption?
- All of them.
- Every bird besides for Turim and B’nei Yonah.
- Only Torim and B’nei Yonah.
- Only ducks and chickens.
- Ducks, Torim, and chickens.
What is the source that a Beheimah doesn’t need Kisui HaDam?
- It is not Bechlal Chayah.
- Its Chailev is Mutar.
- The Torah compares its blood to water, which need not be covered when on the ground.
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers B and C.
What are good ways to lose money?
- Eat a lot of vegetables.
- Wear linen garments and use expensive glass dishes.
- Hire workers to work a field with oxen and don’t supervise them.
- Answers A and C.
- Answers B and C.
On what should a person spend more than he can afford?
- Vegetables.
- His food expenses.
- His own clothing expenses.
- Expenses to be Mechabeid his wife and children.
- Expensive glass dishes.