When must meat be rinsed before salting?
- Always.
- Never.
- When the butcher didn't rinse it.
- Machlokes between answers A and B.
- Machlokes between answers A and C.
Under which conditions may meat not be salted?
- Two pieces together.
- Two pieces together, on a perforated surface.
- Even one piece, on a perforated surface.
- On a non-perforated surface.
- Meat may be salted in any amount, under any conditions.
What do all agree is permitted to cook and permitted in benefit?
- Beheimah Temei’ah meat in Beheimah Tehorah milk.
- Chicken in milk.
- Chayah in milk.
- Answers A and B.
- Answer A, B, and C.
What does an unqualified “G’di” mean in Halachah?
- A goat-kid, specifically.
- Any young animal.
- A young goat or young chicken.
- A young cow.
- A young sheep.
Which milk is not Assur Mideoraisa?
- Chalav Zachar.
- Chalav Shechutah.
- Chalav Temei’ah.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A, B, and C.