Which things are included in the prohibition of cooking Basar B’Chalav?
- Mei Chalav.
- Blood.
- Nosar.
- Answers A and B
- Answers B and C.
When does Reish Lakish hold that Mei Chalav is considered Chalav?
- That someone who eats it with meat is Chayav.
- That it is Machshir food to be Mekabel Tumah.
- That it may not be drunk within six hours of eating meat.
- Answers A and B
- Answers A and C.
Which Halachos are applicable to a Gedi and its mother?
- Basar B’Chalav.
- Harba’ah.
- Entering the Dir together to be Maasered.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A, B, and C.
In which type of milk may a Gedi be cooked in?
- None.
- Chalav Imo.
- Chalav Atzmo.
- Chalav Rachel.
- Answers C and D.
Which way of getting rid of a Neveilah has precedence?
- Throwing it to a dog.
- Selling it to a Nuchri.
- Selling it to a Ger Toshav.
- Giving it to a Ger Toshav.
- Any way you want to; there is no preference.