What type of animals are obligated in Reishis Hageiz?
- All animals that are shorn.
- All kosher animals.
- Only sheep and goats.
- Only sheep.
- Only goats.
Why aren’t Kodashei Mizbeyach Chayav in Reishis Hageiz?
- They may not be shorn.
- Tzoncha — V’lo Shel Hekdesh.
- We don’t look at the wool as “Geiz”; we look at it as “Kedushah.”
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A and C.
What do all agree are Potur from its Mitzvah?
- Reishis Hageiz from a sheep jointly owned by two Yisraelim.
- Reishis Hageiz from a sheep jointly owned by a Yisrael and an Nuchri.
- Terumah from produce jointly owned by a Yisrael and an Nuchri.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A and C.
What kind of field is obligated in Peah?
- An individually owned field.
- A field owned by Hekdesh.
- A field owned by partners.
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A and C.
Is a jointly owned building obligated in Mezuzah?
- Yes, it’s a Svora; each partner has his own room.
- No; Beischa, V’lo shel Shutfin.
- Yes; L’Maan Yirbu Yemeichem V’Mei B’Neichem; this applies to partners as well!
- Answers A and B.
- Answers A and C.