CHULIN 48 (8 Shevat) - Dedicated in honor of the birthday of Gila Linzer.



úåñôåú ã"ä ùìôåçéú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the urinary bladder.)

äééðå áî÷åí ùäåìã îåðç, àáì ðé÷á ëéñ äùúï àå ðéèì, èøôä.


Clarification: This refers to the location where the baby lies; but if there is a hole in the urine tract, or if the urinary bladder has been removed, the animal is T'reifah.

åîä ùìà äåæëø ìà áîùðä åìà áâîøà ...


Implied Question: Why is this not mentioned anywhere in the Mishnah or the Gemara?

ùîà äåé áëìì 'ðé÷áå äã÷éï'.


Answer #1: Perhaps it is included in 'Nikvu ha'Dakin' (if the intestines are holed).

åéù îúéøéï åîôøùéï ãäééðå ùìôåçéú


Answer #2: Some commentaries however, permit it, claiming that it is synonymous with 'Shalchufis'.



úåñôåú ã"ä îééúéðï ñëéðà ãçìéù ôåîéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos confines the ruling to where the lung did not grow ulcers.)

äééðå ëùìà äòìúä öîçéí, àáì äòìúä öîçéí, àôéìå àéëà øéòåúà áãåôï, ìà úìéðï áãåôï.


Clarification: That is only if it did not grow ulcers; because if it did, then even if there is something wrong with the ribs, we do not ascribe the fault to the ribs.



úåñôåú ã"ä øá ðçîéä áøéä ãøá éåñó áãé÷ ìä áôùåøé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains when the test on the lungs is conducted and what the practice is today.)

à'àéëà øéòåúà áãåôï ÷àé, ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ.


Clarification: This pertains to the case where there is something wrong with the ribs, as Rashi explains.

åòúä ðåäâéï ìäèøéó ëì äñéøëåú, åàéï áåã÷éï àåúï ìà áãåôï åìà áôùåøé.


Halachah: The Minhag nowadays however, is to declare T'reifah all Sirchos (adhesions); and one examines them neither via the ribs nor with warm water.



úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øáéðà åäåà ãñáéê ááùøà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses 'Savich', and the opinions of Rav Nachman and Ravina.)

ôéøåù ðàçæ åîñåáê äéèá ááùø, ëîå 'öîø îñåáê'.


Clarification: This means that the lung is held and well attached to the flesh (between the ribs) - like we learned (above on Daf 30b 'Tzemer Mesubach' (matted wool).

åìäëé ð÷è 'ñáéê' åìà ð÷è 'ñøéê'.


Reason: ... and that explains why the Gemara uses the word 'Mesubach', rather than 'Sarich'.

åáúùåáú øá ùø ùìåí âàåï ëúá ãáéï ñøéê åñáéê åáéï ìà ñáéê åñøéê, ëùøä.


Ruling: Rav Sar Shalom Ga'on writes in his Teshuvos, that irrespective of whether the lung is Savich and Sarich or not, it is Kasher ...

åìéú äìëúà ëøáéðà àìà ëøá ðçîï ãàîø 'øéàä ùðé÷áä åãåôï ñåúîúä, ëùøä'.


Reason: ... because the Halachah is not like Ravina, but like Rav Nachman, who says that a lung that is holed and that is stopped up by the wall of the rib-cage is Kasher (period).

åîùîò îúåê ãáøéå ãøáéðà ìà áà ìôøù ãáøéå ùì øá ðçîï, àìà ñáøà ãðôùéä ÷àîø.


Inference: His statement implies that Ravina is not coming to explain the words of Rav Nachman, but that he is presenting his own S'vara.

åëï ðøàä - îãôøéê ìòéì òìä ã'äòìúä öîçéí çåùùéï ìä' - 'åîé àîø øá ðçîï äëé, åäàîø øá ðçîï "øéàä ùðé÷áä åãåôï ñåúîúä, ëùøä" ', åìà îùðé 'äà ãñáéê, äà ãìà ñáéê'.


Proof #1: ... and so it seems, since the Gemara earlier queried Rav Nachman's statement 'If it grows ulcers, we suspect that it is T'reifah' - But how can Rav Nachman say that? Did he not say that a lung that is holed and that is stopped up by the wall of the rib-cage is Kasher?' And the Gemara did not answer "One speaks where it is attached, and the other, where it is not!?"

åòåã, îãôøéê øá éåñó ìøáéðà åìà ìøá ðçîï, îùîò ãìøá ðçîï ìà áòé ìà ñáéê åìà ñøéê, åàéï ð÷á ôåñì ùí, ùãåôï ñåúîúå.


Proof #2: Moreover, the fact that Rav Yosef queries Ravina and not Rav Nachman indicates that Rav Nachman requires neither 'Savich' not Sarich', and that, since the wall stops it up, the hole does not render it Pasul.

åîéäå ìà éãòéðï îðà ìéä ùìà éäà äìëä ëøáéðà ùäåà áúøà?


Question: From where does Rabeinu Gershom take it however, that the Halachah is not like Ravina, in spite of the fact that he is the latter opinion?

åùîà àéï æä øáéðà ñúîà ùáëì äù"ñ, ùäéä çáéøå ùì øá àùé, ùðåìã áéåí ùîú øáà, îãáà øá éåñó ìäùéá òì ãáøéå.


Answer: Perhaps this is not the Ravina that is mentioned S'tam throughout Shas, who was the colleague of Rav Ashi, who in turn, was born on the day that Rava died; since Rav Yosef (who belonged to the generation before Rava) comes to query his words.

åáäìëåú èøôåú ùì øáéðå âøùåí ëúá ãøéàä äñîåëä ìãåôï àó áî÷åí øáéúééäå ãàåðé åñøåëä åñáåëä ááùø ùáéï äöìòåú àå áöìòåú òöîï, áã÷éðà ìäå áðôéçä òí äöìòåú, àå âåøøéï äáùø òí äñéøëà åîðôçéï ìä; àí òåìä áðôéçä ëùøä.


Halachah: It is written in the Halachos of Rabeinu Gershom that a lung that is next to the wall of the rib-cage even if it is in its natural location that the two meet, and it is held and attached to the flesh between two ribs or to the ribs themselves, we examine it by blowing it up together with the ribs, or by scraping away the Basar with the Sircha and blowing it up. If one succeeds in blowing it up, it is Kasher.

ãëéåï ùäñéøëà ÷ééîú åñåúîú ëì äð÷á, ìà éúôø÷ òåã, ëéåï ãáî÷åí øáéúééäå ÷ééîà.


Reason: This is because, seeing as the Sircha continues to stop up the hole, it will not come apart any more, since it is situated in its natural location.

åá÷åðèøñ ôéøù ã'ñáéê ááùøà' äééðå ãå÷à ááùø ùáéï äöìòåú, àáì áöìòåú òöîï ìà.


Rashi Disagrees: Rashi however, explains that 'Savich be'Bisra' refers to where it is attached to the Basar between the ribs, but not to where it is attached to the ribs themselves.



úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ìîòåèé ÷øåí ùòìä îçîú îëä áøéàä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives an alternative answer.)

ä"ð äåä îöé ìîéîø ìîòåèé ùìà áî÷åí øáéúééäå.


Alternative Answer: The Gemara could also have answered that it comes to preclude where it came up not in its location (where the lungs and the ribs grow together).



úåñôåú ã"ä äòìúä öîçéï îäå àîø ìéä ëùøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles this ruling with the Gemara earlier, which is more stringent.)

åäà ãàîø ìòéì ãçåùùéï ìä ...


Implied Question: And when the Gemara said earlier that we suspect that it is T'reifah ...

äééðå áñøåëä ìãåôï, ãîåëçà îéìúà ùäñéøëà îçîú ð÷á.


Answer: ... that speaks in a case where it is stuck to the ribs, where it is evident that the Sircha came on account of a hole.




úåñôåú ã"ä ùãøä ì÷îéä ãøáé éöç÷ ðôçà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains Rebbi Ami's reason and queries him from his own Kashya earlier.)

ìà îôðé ù÷áì ì÷åùéúí ëãôéøù á÷åðèøñ ...


Refuted Reason: Not because he accepted their Kashya, as Rashi explains ...

ãìòéì ùðéðå ãìà öøéëà àìà ìø"ù.


Refutation: ... seeing as above (in 47b), we answered that we only need it according to Rebbi Shimon (and we could answer the same here) ...

àìà îùåí ããìîà àé äåä øéàä ÷îï äåä îéð÷áä.


Right Reason: ... but because perhaps, had the lung been in front of them, it might have been found to have a hole.

åàò"ô ùøáé àîé ä÷ùä ìòéì ÷åùéà æå ìòåìà îîúðéúéï ã'äøéàä ùðé÷áä àå ùçñøä' ...


Implied Question: And even though Rebbi Ami himself asked Ula this Kashya from the Mishnah of 'A lung that has a hole or that is lacking' ...

÷éáì úéøåöå ùì òåìà.


Answer #1: ... he accepted Ula's answer.

åéù ñôøéí ãâøñé ìòéì 'àéúéáéä øáé àçà ìòåìà'.


Answer #2: Some Sefarim however, have the text there that it was Rebbi Acha who asked Ula the Kashya (and not Rebbi Ami).



úåñôåú ã"ä ãìîà àé äåä øéàä ÷îï äåä îð÷áä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the animal would be T'reifah if it was seen to have a hole in its lung.)

ìà îùåí ããøê äååùè îéð÷éá åàúàé ...


Refuted Reason: Not because the needle entered the lung by holing its way through the esophagus ...

ãà"ë àîàé îëùø áñîåê áçúéëä ãëáãà?


Refutation: ... because if so, why will the Gemara shortly declare it Kasher if the needle is found in a piece of liver?

àìà áòé ìîéîø ãøê äñîôåðåú éöà åðëðñ áøéàä îáçåõ.


Right Reason: The reason must therefore be because we are afraid that it entered the lung by way of the Simponos (the bronchi) and holed its way through the lung (see Maharam).



úåñôåú ã"ä àé ÷åôà ìâéå àé ÷åôà ìáø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that it must also be speaking where the needle is inside.)

àéï ìôøù ëùäîçè î÷öúä çåõ ìëáã åî÷öúä áúåëå, àáì ëåìå áúåê äëáã ëùøä áëì òðéï, ãñîôåðà ð÷éè åàúà ...


Refuted Explanation: We cannot explain that the needle is partly outside the liver and partly inside, but if it was completely inside, it would be Kasher ...

ãà"ë îàé ôøéê î'îçè ùðîöà áòåáé áéú äëåñåú' ...


Refutation (Part 1): ... because what would the Gemara then be asking from the case of a needle that is found in the Beis ha'Kosos (the reticulum) ...

ãòì ëøçê äúí ëùäåà áúåê áéú äëåñåú àééøé, ãàé áçìì äâåó - äéëé ÷àîø 'îöã àçã (ùìà ðé÷áä àìà òåø àçã), ëùøä' ...


Refutation (Part 2): ... which can only be speaking where the needle is inside the Beis ha'Kosos; ... because if it was in the cavity of the body, how can the Gemara say that on one side (where the needle only holed one of the skins) it is Kasher ...

äà åãàé ãøê äååùè ð÷éá åàúà?


Refutation (Part 3): ...seeing as it can only have arrived there by holing its way through the Veshet?

àìà 'àé ÷åôà ìâéå' - ìöã ñîôåï ùì ëáã ÷àîø, åàé ÷åôà ìáø ìöã çåõ, åàôéìå ëåìä áúåê äëáã.


Explanation: Therefore, when it says 'If the head of the needle is facing the inside' - it means toward the Simpon of the liver, whereas if the head is facing the outside, and even if the needle is completely inside the liver ... .

åðøàä ããå÷à âáé ëáã éù çéìå÷ áéï ÷åôà ìâéå ì÷åôà ìáø, àáì áøéàä ëùøä áëì òðéï ...


Ruling #1: It seems that specifically with regard to the liver that we differentiate between whether the head of the needle is facing inside or outside; but in the lung, it is Kasher either way ...

ã÷øåáä ì÷ðä, åñîôåðà ãøéàä éù ìä øéåç åçìì âãåì.


Reason: ... seeing as it is close to the trachea, and since the Simpon of the lung is spacious and has a large cavity.

åëï àí ðîöàú áúåê ä÷åø÷áï ëùø, ùãøê äååùè áà îçè òí äîàëì - ùä÷åø÷áï úìåé áååùè.


Ruling #2: Similarly, if a needle is found in the Kurk'van (the gizzard), the bird is Kasher - because the needle came together with the food - seeing as the Kurk'van is directly connected to the Veshet.