

úåñôåú ã"ä åäãø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why our Gemara's inclusion is necessary.)

åà"ú ãáô' ëì ùòä (ôñçéí ëã:) ôùéè îäê îùðä ãëì àéñåøéí ùáúåøä àéï ìå÷éï òìéäí àìà ëãøê äðàúï åäëà ÷àîø îùåí ãâîø ìä îáëåøéí


Question: In Pesachim (24b), the Gemara extrapolates from this Mishnah that one only receives lashes due to transgressing Torah prohibitions if he benefited from them in a normal fashion. Yet our Gemara derives this from Bikurim!

åé"ì ãøáåé ãäëà öøéëé ãìà ðéîà æéòä áòìîà äåà


Answer: Our Gemara's inclusion is required in order that one should not say that this is considered mere "sweat" (instead of being like the fruit itself).



úåñôåú ã"ä îøè÷à

(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue regarding the definition of Martika.)

ôé' ø"ç áùø îú åëï ðøàä ìø"ú


Explanation #1: Rabeinu Chananel explains this is referring to flesh of a dead person, as does Rabeinu Tam.

åìà ëôé' ä÷åðèøñ ùôé' âéãé äöåàø


Explanation #2: This is unlike Rashi who explains this refers to the sinews of the neck.

îãàîøéðï ôø÷ ëì äôñåìéí (æáçéí ãó ìä.) ôâì áàìì ðúôâìä îåøàä ôâì áîåøàä ìà ðúôâìä àìì åáòåó àéï âéãé öåàø ÷ùéï åîåøàä ìà ùééê àìà áòåó


Proof: This is apparent from the Gemara in Zevachim (35a) that says that if a person had a thought of Pigul regarding the Alal of a bird sacrifice, its gizzard also becomes Pigul. If he had a thought of Pigul regarding a gizzard, the Alal does not become Pigul. A bird does not have hard sinews in its neck, and a gizzard is only in a bird. (In the Tosfos ha'Rosh from Mossad ha'Rav Kook note 158 they explain the proof of Tosfos. If an Alal is a Martika and Martika is hard sinews, there must not be a Martika in a bird as there are no hard sinews in a bird. Accordingly, it is nonsensical to say that the statement, "An Alal does not cause Pigul and does not become Pigul" (see Zevachim 35b) is specifically regarding an animal and not a bird, as a bird does not even have an Alal! It therefore must be that Rashi's explanation is incorrect.)

åìîàï ãîôøù áùø ùôìèúå ñëéï ìà ÷ùä ìéä îäúí


Implied Question: There is no difficulty from the Gemara in Zevachim (ibid.) on the opinion who says that this refers to meat that was taken off with the skin during the skinning. (The Gemara there does not seem to be discussing such meat!)

ãäà àîøé' áñîåê ãìë"ò îøè÷à ðîé äåé àìì


Answer: This is as we say later that everyone agrees that Martika can also be the Alal.



úåñôåú ã"ä ø' éäåãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Rebbi Yehudah did not say simply that it is impure with the impurity of Neveilos.)

äà ãìà ÷àîø îèîà èåîàú ðáìåú


Implied Question: Rebbi Yehudah did not say that it is impure with the impurity of Neveilos. (Why not?)

ãìà úéîà îãøáðï ìäëé ÷àîø çééáéï òìéå


Answer: This is in order that one should not think he is saying this according to Rabbinic law. This is why he said, "one is liable for it."



úåñôåú ã"ä åäåà

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Rebbi Yehudah's statement in the Mishnah is only referring to impurity.)

úéîä îä ùééëà îçùáä ìàéñåø ãâáé èåîàä ùééê ìçì÷ ãàé îáèì ìéä òõ áòìîà äåà àáì îùåí ãáèìéä ìà îùúøé áàëéìä


Question: This is difficult. How does a thought cause prohibition? Regarding impurity it is possible to say that if he nullifies it, it is considered like wood. However, nullifying it will not cause it to be permitted for consumption!

ìëê ðøàä ãçééáéï òìéå ìà îééøé ìòðéï àëéìä ãìà öøéê ëðñå àìà ìòðéï àí ðëðñ ìî÷ãù ëîå ùôé' á÷åðèøñ áìùåï àçø


Answer: It therefore appears that when the Mishnah (117b) says that he is liable for it, it is not regarding eating it which would not require him to gather it together. Rather, it is regarding if he enters the Mikdash after becoming impure from it, as Rashi explains in his alternative text.

åäà ãìà ð÷è èîà


Implied Question: The Mishnah does not state "he is impure." (Why doesn't the Mishnah say this if this is the main point of the statement?)

ãìà úéîà îãøáðï ëãôé'


Answer: This is in order that one should not think he is impure according to Rabbinic law, as I explained.

åëï ðøàä ãàé ààëéìä äà ëéåï ãàëìå àéï ìê ëéðåñ âãåì îæä


Proof: This appears correct, as if it is referring to eating, once he eats it there is no greater gathering than this! (Accordingly, the Mishnah should not have to specify "gathering" if it is discussing eating, and must only be referring to impurity.)



úåñôåú ã"ä åøáé éåçðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the argument between Rebbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish.)

åìàå áëä"â ãäåé ùåîø


Explanation: This does not mean that it is a Shomer.

ãà"ë î"è ãø"ì òåø åòöí îöèøôéí îùåí ùåîø åöéøåó ùåîø î÷øàé ãøùéðï ìòéì (ãó ÷éç.)


Proof: If it did, what would be the reasoning of Reish Lakish? Skin and bone combines to be a Shomer, and the fact that things combine to become a Shomer is derived from the Pasuk as stated earlier (18a)!

àìà îééøé ëâåï ùéù áøàùå ëæéú áùø ãàò"â ãìà äåé ùåîø îöèøó ãøàåé äåà ùéàëì àâá áùø åøéù ì÷éù ñáø ãìà îöèøó ãàéï øàåé ìàëéìä ãòõ áòìîà äåà


Explanation: Rather, the case is where there is a Kzayis of meat at the head of it. Even though it is not a Shomer it combines, as it is fitting to be eaten together with the meat. Reish Lakish understands that it does not combine with the meat, as it itself is not fit to be eaten as it is like wood.



úåñôåú ã"ä ä"â

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that Rav Papa is explaining our Mishnah.)

åìà âøñéðï áä ÷øðéí


Text: We do not have the text, "horns" (in the Mishnah in Taharos).

å÷øðéí ãîôøù áä øá ôôà áñîåê


Implied Question: Rav Papa explains the word "horns" later. (Isn't this referring to the Mishnah in Taharos?)

àîúðé' ãäëà ÷àé


Answer: He is referring to our Mishnah.




úåñôåú ã"ä äåàéì

(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue regarding the context of Chizkiyah's statement.)

ô"ä ùéëåì ìçåúëä áçúéëåú ÷èðåú ôçåúåú îëæéú áòåãä îôøëñú


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that he can cut it into little pieces that are less than a Kzayis when it is in its death throes.

åìà äéä öøéê ìôøù ëï


Implied Question: He did not have to say this.

àìà àôéìå çúéëåú âãåìåú åáìáã ùìà éäéå àáøéí ãáùø îï äçé ìà îèîà ëãàîø ì÷îï áôø÷éï (ãó ÷ëç:) åòì äðáìä äåà ã÷àîø öøéê ùéùééø åéòîéã òì (èåîàä) ôçåú îëæéú


Explanation #2: Rather, he can even cut it into big pieces, as long as they should not be whole limbs. This is because meat from a live animal does not become impure, as stated later (128b). Chizkiyah is only stating regarding Neveilah that the piece has to be less than a Kzayis.



úåñôåú ã"ä åìäòîéãä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this piece of meat is not considered to eventually have a stringent form of impurity.)

åà"ú äùúà ðîé ñåôå ìèîà èåîàä çîåøä ëéåï ãàéìå îöèøó ìéä òí çöé æéú àçø îèîà ëãàîø ô' ãí ùçéèä (ëøéúåú ãó ëà.)


Question: This is something that can end up having a stringent form of impurity, as if it would combine with another half Kzayis it would be impure, as stated in Kerisus (21a)!

åé"ì ãäúí áðáìä ùîúä ìâîøé îäðé öéøåó àáì äëà äåàéì åñåôå ìèîà èåîàä çîåøä àçø ùúîåú ùéöøôðä ìëæéú ìà àîøé'


Answer: The Gemara in Kerisus (ibid.) is referring to a dead Neveilah, and in such a case combining would work. However, in our case we do not say that it will eventually be able to have a stringent form of impurity just because it can do so by combining with another half a Kzayis after it dies.



úåñôåú ã"ä åîé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Gemara prefers to ask that Chizkiyah is contradicting himself than ask a question from a Mishnah.)

ãçæ÷éä àçæ÷éä ðéçà ìéä ìà÷ùåéé àò"â ãäåé îöé ìà÷ùåéé áìàå äëé îîúðéúéï ã÷úðé àáì ìà èåîàú ðáéìåú àçæ÷éä ãàîø îúä äéà


Explanation: The Gemara would rather ask that Chizkiyah is contradicting himself than ask a question on his position that the animal is considered dead from the Mishnah that says, "However, not impurity of Neveilos."



úåñôåú ã"ä ðçøä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that the Halachah here is the same as in the case where he slaughtered one Siman.)

äééðå ðîé àéï îèîàä èåîàú àåëìéï ã÷úðé âáé ùçè áä ñéîï àçã


Explanation: This means that it does not even become impure as does food, just like the previous case where he slaughtered one Siman.

àìà îùåí ãìà òùä áä ãøê ùçéèä ð÷è äàé ìéùðà ëìåîø ðçøä åäúí ôùåè ãàéï áä èåîàä ëìì ëéåï ãìà òáã ëìì ãøê ùçéèä


Explanation (cont.): It only used this terminology, "that he tore it apart" because he did not do an action of slaughtering. In such a case it is obvious that it does not have any impurity, since he did not do anything is a manner of slaughtering.



úåñôåú ã"ä åòåáã ëåëáéí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why the Beraisa discussed a Nochri who "slaughters" for a Jew.)

øáåúà ð÷è ãàôé' ìéùøàì ãáùçéèä úìéà îéìúà àáø äôåøù îîðä ëôåøù îï äçé


Explanation: This is including that even for a Jew, where these Halachos depend on slaughtering animals, a limb that leaves the animal is like a limb that comes off of a live animal.



úåñôåú ã"ä àáéé

(SUMMARY: Rashi and Tosfos argue regarding Abaye's reasoning.)

åèòîà îùåí ãëé çéä äéà ìëì ãáøéä åìëê øåáòä çééá åî"î îèîà èåîàú àåëìéï ëéåï ãáú àëéìä äéà


Explanation #1: The reason is that it is generally considered alive, and therefore one who has relations with it is liable. However, it receives the impurity of food because it can be eaten.

åá÷åðè' ôéøù îùåí ãìçåîøà


Explanation #2: Rashi says Abaye is merely being stringent in each question.

åúéîä à /àé/ ñôé÷à äéà àîàé øåáòä çééá


Question: This is difficult, as if the Halachah is unclear, how can he say that someone who has relations with it is liable?