GROWTHS OF TERUMAH & OTHER TYPES (Yerushalmi Terumos Perek 9 Halachah 2 Daf 48b)
îùðä âéãåìé úøåîä úøåîä åâéãåìé âéãåìéï çåìéï àáì [ãó îè òîåã à] äèáì åîòùø øàùåï åñôéçé ùáéòéú åúøåîú çåöä ìàøõ åäîãåîò åäáéëåøéí âéãåìéäï çåìéï
(Mishnah): Growths from Terumah are Terumah, but their growths are Chulin. But Tevel, Maaser Rishon, Sefichin (that which grows by itself) of Sheviis, the Terumah of Chutz LaAretz, Meduma (a mixture of Chulin into which fell Terumah) and Bikurim - their growths are Chulin.
âéãåìé ä÷ãù åîò''ù çåìéï åôåãä àåúï áæîï æøòí.
The growths of Hekdesh and Maaser Sheni are Chulin and he should redeem them when he plants them.
îàä ìâéðä ùì úøåîä åàçú ùì çåìéï ëåìï îåúøéï áãáø ùæøòå ëìä àáì áãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä àôéìå îàä ùì çåìéï åàçú ùì úøåîä ëåìï àñåøéï.
If one hundred patches were planted with Terumah and one with Chulin (and it is unknown which is which), they are all permitted if they are a type of seeds that rots, but if not, even one hundred patches of Chulin and one bed of Terumah are all prohibited.
äèáì âéãåìéå îåúøéï áãáø ùæøòå ëìä [ãó ôç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] àáì áãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä âéãåìé âéãåìéï àñåøéï
Growths from Tevel are permitted if the seed rots (when it's planted), but if it does not, even the growths from the growths are prohibited.
àéæä ãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä ëâåï äìåó åäùåí åäáöìéí øáé éäåãä àåîø äùåí ëùòåøéï:
Which seeds do not rot? Luf, garlic and onions. R. Yehuda says that garlic is like barley (whose seeds rot).
âîøà åúðé òìä áã''à áãáø ùæøòå ëìä àáì áãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä âéãåìé âéãåìéï àñåøéí
(Gemara) (Baraisa): When is it that the growths of all of these (i.e. Tevel, Maaser Rishon etc.) are Chulin? When their seeds rot, but if their seeds do not rot (and remain), even the growths of their growths are prohibited.
àáì äèáì ùøåáå çåìéï åîòùø øàùåï ùøåáå çåìéï åñôéçé ùáéòéú ùàéï îöåééï åúøåîú ç''ì ùàéðä îöåééä åäîãåîò ùøåáå çåìéï åäáéëåøéí ùàéðï îöåééï
But Tevel is majority Chulin, Maaser Rishon is majority Chulin, Sefichin (that which grows by itself) of Sheviis is uncommon, the Terumah of Chutz LaAretz is uncommon, Meduma (a mixture of Chulin into which fell Terumah) is majority Chulin and Bikurim is uncommon.
åâéãåìé ä÷ãù åîò''ù çåìéï åôåãä àåúï áæîï æøòí
The Mishnah taught that growths of Hekdesh and Maaser Sheni are Chulin and he should redeem them when he plants them...
øáé àáäå áùí øáé éåçðï ôåãä àú ëì äàåöø áãîé àåúä ñàä
(R. Abahu citing R. Yochanan): This means that (when he has a crop of Maaser Sheni or Hekdesh) he should redeem the entire storehouse to the value of the Se'ah that he planted.
äôøéù ä÷ãù ìîò''ù îò''ù áéï ãáø ùæøòå ëìä åáéï ãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä ðôãä áùòø äæåì àìà [ãó îè òîåã á] ãáø ùæøòå ëìä ðôãä áùòø (ùäåà òåîã áå)[äøàùåï] ãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä ðôãä áùòø (äøàùåï)[ùäåà òåîã áå]
Despite the Mishnah comparing the two, Hekdesh and Maaser Sheni are different - Maaser Sheni, whether it's produce whose seeds rot or not, it is redeemed according to the lower market price. However for a species whose seeds rot, it's redeemed according to its original price before it rotted; for a species whose seeds don't rot, it is redeemed according to its current value.
ä÷ãù áéï ãáø ùæøòå ëìä áéï ãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä àéï ìå àìà î÷åîå åùòúå àáì ãáø ùæøòå ëìä ôåãä àú ëì äàåöø áãîé àåúä ñàä ùæøò åãáø ùàéï æøòå ëìä ôåãä àú ëì äàåöø.
Hekdesh - whether it's produce whose seeds rot or not, it is only redeemed according to its value here and now. However, if its seed rots, he redeems the entire storehouse for the value of the seeds that he planted. If its seeds don't rot, he redeems the entire storehouse (as it is all viewed as Hekdesh, since the original Hekdesh is still present).
[ãó ôè òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] àîø øáé éåñé æàú àåîøú äéå ìôðéå îàä ñàä äòåìåú îúåê îàä ñàä åàçú ùì çåìéï ðúçìôå ìå îåúøåú.
(R. Yosi): (The Mishnah taught (above (c)) that if one hundred patches were planted with Terumah and one with Chulin (and it is unknown which is which), they are all permitted if they are a type of seed that rots.) This teaches us that if one Se'ah of Terumah fell into 100 Se'ah of Chulin, it is annulled and on a Torah level, one is not required to remove a Se'ah that symbolically represents the Se'ah of Terumah, and give it to a Kohen. It is Rabbinically required, in order to prevent theft from the tribe of Levi. So when it's unknown which are Chulin and which is Terumah, it is a doubt in a Rabbinic law and one may be lenient to permit all of them.
úîï à''ø éåçðï ñàä úøåîä ùòìú îúåê îàä ñàä çåìéï ëì ùäï îáèìåú àåúä äëà ìé÷è ðôì ìúåëï çåìéï ëì ùäï îåúøéí
Similarly, R. Yochanan said earlier that if a Seah of Terumah fell into 100 Seah of Chulin and he removed a Seah from the mixture for the Kohen; if it fell into even a small quantity of Chulin, it is annulled. Here also, concerning growths of Terumah which are only Rabbinically prohibited; when there was one hundred patches of Terumah and one of Chulin, and he picked one of them and it fell into Chulin, it is annulled in the Chulin.
ëîå ãøáé (éåçðï)[éåñé] àîø úîï èåçï åîúéø àåó äëà ëï
(An earlier Mishnah in 5th Perek taught (see Chulin 86(b)) - If a Se'ah of Terumah fell into less than 100 Se'ah of Chulin and he ground it and the Chulin increased; just as the Chulin increased, so too the Terumah increased, and it remains prohibited. If it is known that the wheat of the Chulin is better than that of Terumah, it is permitted. A Baraisa there (Chulin 86(i)) taught that it's permitted to grind the wheat in order to annul the Terumah. The Gemara there commented that the Baraisa follows the opinion of R. Yosi (there who disagrees with the first opinion saying) that he may even pick them with intent to annul it.) Just as there, R. Yosi says that it's permitted to grind in order to annul the Terumah, so too here (the Kohen annuls them by picking them).
úîï îæä åîæä òìä áéãå áøí äëà ëì äèáì òìä áéãå áùì÷è îàçú àáì àí ì÷è îùúéäï îæå åîæå òìä áéãå.
Rebuttal: There, both types come into his hand; but here, if he picks only one patch, if he went to a patch of growths of Terumah, he will have only picked growths of Terumah.