
Why does the Torah mention specifically a donkey, an ox and a lamb?


Seforno: Because poor people commonly look after them for pay.


Bava Metzi'a, 57b: To learn a K'lal u'Perat u'Kelal. Refer to 22:8:2:1.


Yerushalmi Shevu'os, 6:6: We learn via a K'lal u'Perat u"Kelal that whatever is subject to a. breakage, b. being taken captive, c. death, d. K'nas 1 and e. Ona'ah (overcharging) is included in the Din of Shomer Sachar; to preclude Karka'os - that are not subject to a., b., & c.; Avadim, that are not subject to d., 2 and Sh'taros that are not subject to e., for which a Shomer Sachar is not Chayav to pay if they are stolen or lost.


See Torah Temimah, note 123.


See Torah Temimah, note 124.


What are the implications of "Meis, Nishbar and Nishbah" respectivley?


Ramban: 'It dies naturally, falls off a cliff 1 or is captured by armed bandits'.


Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: 'It dies naturally, is killed by a wild beast or is captured'.


Mechilta: The Torah inserts the case of Meis (bi'Yedei Shamayim) to teach us that, Nishbar and Nishbah - like Meis, which the Shomer is helpless to prevent, he is only Patur if he could not possibly have prevented it, but Chayav if he could. 2


The Mechilta presents the case of "Nishbar" as 'where it is torn by a Chayah.


See Torah Temimah, note 128. who elaborates.


Why does the Torah not mention Geneivah and Aveidah?


Rashi: Because a Shomer Sachar is Chayav if the article is stolen or lost..


What are the connotatins of "Ein Ro'eh"?


Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: It means that there are no witnesses to testify (but if there are witnesses, he is obligated to bring them, and is not Patur with a Shevu'ah - Bava Metzi'a, 83a). 1


Refer ro 22:11:3:2 and see Torah Temimah, note 128.

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