
What is the significance of the bulls, the rams and the lambs of the Korban Musaf of Yom-Tov?


Rashi: The bulls correspond to Avraham, 1 the rams, to Yitzchak 2 and the lambs, to Ya'akov. 3


Rashi: As is written in Bereishis 18:7 "ve'El ha'Bakar Ratz Avraham."


In place of whom Avraham brought a ram on the Mizbe'ach.


As is written in Bereishis 30:40 "ve'ha'Kevasim Hifrid Ya'akov".


Why does the Torah mention "Temimim" regarding Shabbos and Yom Tov, but not regarding Rosh Chodesh and Chol ha'Mo'ed?


Hadar Zekenim: Because if the Korban is a Ba'al Mum, the Kohen is Mechalel Shabbos and Yom'Tov - by performing Melachah without a Heter, which is not applicble on Rosh Chodesh or on Chol ha'Mo'ed. 1


It seems that this follows the opinion that Melachah on Chol ha'Mo'ed is mi'de'Rabanan. (PF)

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