
Why does the Torah use the double expression "Isaron Isaron"?


Menachos, 87b: It teaches us that there had to be a measure of half an Isaron in the Beis-Hamikdash. 1


For the Chavitei Kohen Gadol, which was brought in halves, half in the morning and half in the afternoon (Torah Temimah)..


Why does the Torah add the (otherwise superfluous) words "le'Shiv'as ha'Kevasim"?


Ramban: To teach us that even when there are a lot of animals, 1 the specified Minchah pertains to each individual animal, and not to the entire group. 2


Ramban: How much more so when the group incorporates only one or two animals.


Ramban: And it is for the same reason that the Torah writes later (in 29:14) "li'Sheloshah-Asar Parim".

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