The daughters of Tzelophchad waited until they were past 40 to marry, despite "the age of 40 will no longer bear!" Rashbam said that they were confident that the miracle of childbirth would be bestowed upon them based on their righteousness. How do we resolve this based on the well-known concept that we are not allowed to rely upon a miracle?
Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA
The Toras Chaim explains that they were not commanded on the Mitzva of Pirya v'Rivya, and therefore did not have to marry anyone whom they felt was not an appropriate suitor. This alone might be enough to explain the Rashbam, who might have meant that due to the fact that they did not have to get married anyway, they could afford to rely on a miracle that they would have children based on their righteousness. However, the question still exists somewhat: what appropriate man would marry them if he would have to assume that they could not have children? The Toras Chaim (arguing on the Rashbam because of the terminology used in the Gemara) states that it must be that they physically turned into Na'aros (young girls) again, a sure sign that they would be able to bear children. It is possible that this is also the intent of the Rashbam.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose