More Discussions for this daf
1. The Mishnah: interruptions during Shema 2. Standing in place when saying shema 3. Avram or Avraham
4. Hash-m keeps His laws; workers 5. Drashos of Rebbi and Chachamim 6. A Snake and A Lion
7. Sho'el Mipnei ha'Kavod 8. Tosofot raising questions on Rashi for Berachot perek rishon, 9. Argument of Bar Kapara and R' Shimon Berebbi
10. Interuptions - R' Meir v. R' Yehudah bottom of 13b 11. Interrupting the Shema 12. Kol Yemei Chayecha
13. Representations in the parable 14. Who Really Chooses the Child's Name? 15. Tosfos Sho'el

Shloimy asks:

Question on 13a-

(a) The Gemara asks why the name of Yakov is used after Hash-m remaned him Yirsael?

the Gemara answered that Hash-m Himself still calls him Yakov, therefore it

must be O.K..

Is Hash-m really bound to abide by the laws He gave to the Jews in the Torah ?

I remenber reading in a Tosafot someplace that Tosafot asks about a certain

isur de-orayta which Hash-m seems to transgress, and Tosafot answers that

Hash-m is not bound to the issurim he gave us. I can't remember where I saw it.

When I asked in Boro Park many talmidey chachamim if they recall such a Tosafot

they all responded negatively and even very suspiciously to the possibility

that a Rishon would make such a statement. Yet, I still think that I saw it in

Tosafot. Can you tell me if I am right and where is such a Toisafot ?

(b)Question on 16a-

The Gemara quotes a Braisa: Employees working at the place of their employer

read their bread. ..and pray ect, Then a similar Braisa appears

where the sequence is first Shema then praying then eat their bread.

Why is "eating bread" allowed before praying in the first Braisa?

Thank you for the fantastic undertaking you started on Daf Yomy. I read all

your material. I am glad that you are back on track after a week of silence.

Tizku Lemitsvot.

The Kollel replies:

It is indeed taught, in several places, that Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu keeps His Mitzvos, such as the Gemara in Sanhedrin (39a) and Tosfos there, DH b'Mai Tavil, where the Gemara discusses how Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu made Himself Tahor after burying Moshe Rabeinu..

The Midrash asks, "How can Ha'Kadosh Baruch Hu bring rain on

Shabbos [since watering the earth is an Isur d'Oraisa]?" The Medrash replies, "Answer a fool according to his foolishness!" (That is, it is taken for granted that Hash-m observes His own

commandments. However, it could be that the Midrash responds such because the question was a foolish one asked by a heretic, and not because Hash-m actually observes His commandments.)

See also Berachos 32a which states that Moshe Rabeinu annulled a

vow that Hash-m had made, implying that Hash-m is bound, as it were, to keep His vows.

16a Your point is a good one. The Dikdukei Sofrim indeed brings older manuscripts of the Gemara in which the text is different, and the order of the first Beraisa is the same as the second, placing "Ochlin" after "Mispalelin."