More Discussions for this daf
1. Seifa Itztricha Leih 2. Tashlumim for Hezek 3. Tosfos DH v'Chayav b'Achrayuso
4. Tosfos DH Lefichach 5. Nisya'esh Heimenah 6. Chazakah vs. Umdena
7. Pasuk from Bamidbar 8. Rashi on the first Mishnah 9. Hezek Re'iyah
10. First Tosfos 11. Basar b'Chalav 12. Where should the gatehouse be built?
13. Klai ha'Kerem 14. Hezek Re'iyah 15. כופין אותו לבנות בית שער ודלת

1. Barry Shain asked:


In, there is the following comment:

9) [line 1] HAREI ZEH KIDESH - he has made the produce prohibited as Kil'ayim (KIL'EI HA'KEREM)

(a) The word Kil'ayim means "forbidden mixture," which refers to two items, each of which is permitted, which the Torah prohibits to combine. Although the term "Kil'ayim" refers to many different types of forbidden mixtures (see Background to Kidushin 39:23a), only Kil'ei ha'Kerem is Asur b'Hana'ah.

Isn't the mixture of meat and milk, Baser v'Chalov,similarly prohibited for any benefit, (Asur b'Hana'ah)? I had thought the third mention of this prohibition in the Torah was the source for this.

Thank you,

Barry Shain

2. The Kollel replies:

I believe that you are thinking of the Gemara in Chulin 115b that learns from the fact that the Torah repeats the verse Lo Sevashel Gedi b'Chaleiv Imo in three places to teach us three laws. Firstly, one may not eat Basar b'Calav, secondly, one may not cook Basar b'Chalav, and thirdly, one may not benefit from Basar b'Chalav in any way.

Dov Freedman