Rashi says on 2b that the pasuk says, "the Mishna used the word 'kidesh' to mean it becomes osur because it is using the expression of the pasuk 'pen tukdash'. The pasuk actually says 'pen tikdash'
Gedalya Engel, Brooklyn, NY USA
I must assume that your Rashi is punctuated. Mine is not, in which case, the word reads 'Tikdash', conforming with the word in the Torah, as you correctly point out.
However, the Gemara in Kidushin 56a, explains the word under discussion in acronym form - "Pen Tukad Eish" (lest, should the wheat and barley mix with the vines, they will need to burned in fire"). In that case, the vowels in your Gemara ("Tukdash") is perfectly correct, as it conforms with the above Derashah.
Wishing you a Kesivah va'Chasimah Tovah.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler