More Discussions for this daf
1. A Sukah built too high 2. Calling a Pesach "a Pesach" 3. Eruvin chart #1: THE FOUR DOMAINS OF SHABBOS
4. Lechi alternatives 5. What does tos. d"h d'csiv saying 6. Curtains (from Point by Point Outline of the Daf)
7. "Pesach Ohel Mo'ed" 8. Mechitzah ha'Mafsik or ha'Mukaf 9. The Tzuras ha'Pesach of the Heichal
10. A general question about modern Eruvin 11. Pesukim cited in the Gemara that do not exist 12. Techumim (the distance of walking out of town)
13. Heichal V.S. Ulam 14. אל פתח אולם הבית לפי רש"י 15. נר חנוכה למעלה מכ'

Yedidya Israel asked:

Shalom Rav.

I wonder why does the Gemara learn from the Pasuk "u'Shchato Petach Ohel Mo'ed" to determine what is called an entrance, and not from earlier Pesukim, like start of VaYikra - "El Petach Ohel Moed Yakriv Oto" ?

Thanks and Ishar Koach.


Yedidya Israel,

System Administrator.

The Kollel replies:

Yes, the phrase "Pesach Ohel Mo'ed" occurs at least two times before the verse that the Gemara quotes.

The reason the Gemara cites this verse and not one of the earlier ones is because the Rabanan and Rebbi Yehudah are proving their opinions of the height of a doorway from the doorways in the Mikdash . They therefore cite this verse, because from this verse it can be proven that the word Mishkan means Mikdash (and not just Mishkan) -- as is evident from the Beraisa that the Shelamim must be slaughtered when the doors of the Mikdash are open (as the Gemara later on this Daf points out.)

Be well,
