More Discussions for this daf
1. The "Nakdan" (Tosfos DH Melech) 2. Tosfos' answer 3. Joseph and Boaz
4. Date of Rebbe Yosi's statement 5. Palti ben Layish and the Isur Yichud 6. Sheker ha'Chein
7. ולבסוף להברותו
1. Barry Epstein asked:

On 20a, why are they referred to as daughters, re Mishlei 31:29?

Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA

2. The Kollel replies:

"Daughters" is a catch-phrase for "Yir'ei Hash-m," G-d fearing people. As that same chapter in Mishlei ends, "a woman who is G-d-fearing, she should be praised." Yir'as Shamayim, G-d-fearingness, is a characteristic which is more instinctive to women than men. (This is related to the recurring theme in Chazal that Man is supposed to be outgoing while Woman is supposed to be modest.)

The manner in which these two Tzadikim checked their desires and held their evil inclinations in tow reflects Yir'as Shamayim, the characteristic of "daughters."

M. Kornfeld

3. Yitzchok Zirkind comments:

1) The header should include Palti Ben Layish as he too is referred as Bonos by the word "V'at".

2) See MaHaRShA Al Asar that the Gemara is referring to the wives so Bonos fit here.

3) bPashtus, while further in this Kopital it uses the term "Isha" for Yiras Hash-m, here it perfers "Bonos" to indicate the opposite of marriage (Al Derech begining of Parshas Matos Isha and Bas Veod). According to Rabi Yonoson since there was a marriage by Palti Ben Layish we use the Possuk of "Isha" Yiras Hash-m, (and would also add the Msiras Nefesh of his wife).

Kol Tuv,

Yitzchok Zirkind